My word, that is a sexy long coat.Purchased the exotic body engram from Xur and also the item needed for the exotic bounty. Cryptarch did me right! I have the sunbreakers too, but can't equip the both, oh well.
My word, that is a sexy long coat.Purchased the exotic body engram from Xur and also the item needed for the exotic bounty. Cryptarch did me right! I have the sunbreakers too, but can't equip the both, oh well.
Guys I don't think Xur is selling coins anymore via mat exchange... I checked with my level 3 hunter and I had just bought a single coin from him in the morning. Now nothing. My friend just came online and he didn't get option from either of his characters to buy a strange coin either... Can someone corroborate with me?
If they don't you'll be done before December.
Hey congrats, I got that too!Because the Titan helmet that Xur sells is best suited for the Striker subclass (I'm using the Defender subclass), I gambled and purchased the exotic engram. I was lucky, very lucky.![]()
Guys I don't think Xur is selling coins anymore via mat exchange... I checked with my level 3 hunter and I had just bought a single coin from him in the morning. Now nothing. My friend just came online and he didn't get option from either of his characters to buy a strange coin either... Can someone corroborate with me?
Guys I don't think Xur is selling coins anymore via mat exchange... I checked with my level 3 hunter and I had just bought a single coin from him in the morning. Now nothing. My friend just came online and he didn't get option from either of his characters to buy a strange coin either... Can someone corroborate with me?
Guys I don't think Xur is selling coins anymore via mat exchange... I checked with my level 3 hunter and I had just bought a single coin from him in the morning. Now nothing. My friend just came online and he didn't get option from either of his characters to buy a strange coin either... Can someone corroborate with me?
Ok cool. I wont be on til 6PM EST, but Ill be on probably til 4 or 5AM.
No sleep for Drewbins.
Bastion is an absolute mess with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. One of the reasons I play Rumble, I don't have to see that shit.
Still the fact he came with the same shit twice is kind of bullshit. He already has limited supplies. I guess I might as well get the 2-3 motes of light I need this weekend and buy the chest engram
People abused it, so Bungie hot-fixed it.
Guess this means I can't buy a strange coin.People abused it, so Bungie hot-fixed it.
E: As in, no more ability to buy a coin with glimmer.
How do? I might get a few to get me to where I can buy 2 pieces.Infinite coins post
Any Female Titan's purchase today's helm from Xur and can take a screenshot?
Curious to see how it looks on the female model.
|OT4| Better gameplay than Uncharted 2 and The Last of Us combined
Right, Dax? =D
Heroic Strike for 3 coins.I would but they disabled coin buying and I'm two coins short :<
So any other way I can get 3 strange coins outside of the lvl 22 weekly heroic? I'm sad, I won't get my gauntlet
I don't get Bastion hate, seems widespread.
Want to fight cqc? Go fight near B or A, or sneak through the tunnel to C.
Want to snipe or fight long range or use vehicles? Stay outside.
Some of my fireteam was complaining about 'taking a long time to get anywhere' (use your sparrow?) or dying to vehicles (don't go outside?).
Both the A and the C spawn can get to a safe entry to B in seconds on a sparrow, and unless you're really unlucky you won't run into a vehicle or a sniper near your spawn since it usually spawns you as far from enemies as it can.
If I don't want to gamble my modes of light on engrams with Xur is there a reason not to buy legendary class items from the Speaker?
Heroic Strike for 3 coins.
me and you both!
I am sitting at work ignoring emails thinking of Destiny.
You could do some farming, I got a Legendary engram and it turned into 3 Strange Coins. I think Rare engrams can give 1 coin as well.
Fuck fuck fuck. Just bought the same Legendary gear twice by mistake. Used up my marks. God fucking damnit. No way to get my marks back. Discarded and got some shards back. God fucking damn.
Precisely. If you raise rep, you're investing in the long term for a vendor that will sell you Legendaries without question.
This is the last time I'll broadcast this (i'm also about to go away for the weekend- save some Raiding for next week please!)....
For the duration of Xur's visit, if you have not used your third character slot, you can obtain infinite Strange Coins. It is confirmed working.
I do not endorse this kind of thing. The process is also boring as hell. However, I have been told that some people actually like it and/or will put themselves through anything to gear up as quickly as possible. You can also be extra prepared for his next visit.
If you haven't figured out how to do it, reply to this post. Just keep in mind that this was not intended, and while I doubt there'd be bannings (it's rather innocuous given that there's no trade economy), I do expect it to be patched somehow.
Any Female Titan's purchase today's helm from Xur and can take a screenshot?
Curious to see how it looks on the female model.
Also, are you guys appreciating the constantly changing time of day? I think it's really cool.
Any Female Titan's purchase today's helm from Xur and can take a screenshot?
Curious to see how it looks on the female model.
Am I only one who thinks that it's bullshit how one weapon [Fusion Rifle] is hard counter to every primary weapon, to other special weapons than FR's and to LMG's? Maybe to RPG's too, but depends how good RPG user is and if can take shot from far away.
"Shoot to head!" -argument can be made and is true to certain extent, but if FR has short charge time and user can track you then you are dead before you know what happened.
Guess this means I can't buy a strange coin.
*sigh* Way to go, gamers.
So what are the strange coins used for? Also have a 'Mote of Light' as well...
So what are the strange coins used for? Also have a 'Mote of Light' as well...
So what are the strange coins used for? Also have a 'Mote of Light' as well...
So what are the strange coins used for? Also have a 'Mote of Light' as well...
Hopefully we'll get some from the strikes tonight. But I'm not buying anything from Xur this week since the chest doesn't interest me.
Purchased the exotic body engram from Xur and also the item needed for the exotic bounty. Cryptarch did me right! I have the sunbreakers too, but can't equip the both, oh well.
So what are the strange coins used for? Also have a 'Mote of Light' as well...
Looking to take down Xyor the Unwed tonight around 7pm Central time if anyone wants a piece of that S.O.B.