Wow, now that you're done with your tangent...I only said it was following the basic MMO structure in that additional content will continuously be added, and will never truly be "over".
No, Destiny is not an MMO so of course if you expected it to be one you were going to walk away disappointed. From what I played in the beta I saw it as a traditional shooter (campaign, multiplayer, co-op) except all woven together seamlessly, and that's exactly what the final game is: A traditional shooter with a dash of MMO elements, and the longevity of one.
I do agree with several of your complaints though.
While I don't think Destiny really is or even needs to be an MMO, I do think Bungie presented, described, and hyped this game, prior to release, as being something more sprawling, persistent, and ambitious in scope than what it ultimately is. They may not have outright described it as an MMORPG, but they certainly made it out to be something that it's really not.
And no matter how it wants to classify itself, I still think my complaints are valid. I mean, really, you can't name your characters, talk to people, or trade with people? Really? That is the most elemental shit right there. You want to feel a connection to your character, like you're building something, that should begin with *naming* the character.
There are a lot of underbaked features and inexplicable absences that make no sense for a game that was so well resourced. I don't mean to be insulting to any of the very, very talented people who worked on this game, but I almost can't figure out what they've been doing over the past few years. This game simply has so little shit in it.
Let's be clear that for as hard as I am on this game in my posts -- For the repeated drubbings I give it -- I do this because I do care. I see such real possibility here, and the possibility stems from the incredibly strong fundamentals at play. The controls, the animation, the collision, all of that "x-factor" stuff at the very bottom of the bucket of nuts and bolts is absolutely nailed. It just has no follow through. I am rooting for Destiny -- Skeptical at this point -- but rooting and paying attention.
I hope the mixed reception puffs Bungie up and makes them want to prove something and they really deliver the goods with future updates.