Can I buy weapons from the Companion App?
But he didn't say "mmo people"You can't be serious.
"If we were to say that this is an MMO, people who are used to pure MMO's, y'know the purest sense of the word might come to Destiny and say...this is not an MMO"..."We want to make sure that we're not selling someone an experience that we can't live up to"
Or the Cabal and the Vex, when farming on Mars :3Three-way battles between the Fallen, the Vex, and you <3 <3
Got my cryptarch to lvl 9, get legendary helm engram. IT'S FUCKING NOTHING. lol, this game man.
I am having a ton of fun with this game so far, but like others have said, I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on in the story. Like literally no idea.
All I know is that I pick a destination and I shoot some stuff. The shooting feels great, but even when there is a cutscene (which are few and far between) I still can't follow what the hell is going on.
Does this get better as the game goes on? Right now Im on on Mars doing level 11 story.
Hey me too, it gave me 2 legendary engrams for hitting 9. Gave me lvl 19 boots and a lvl 16 helm. This is just fucking stupid. This has to be some of the worst designed loot systems I have ever played. It feels like vanilla Diablo 3, you may as well not even be excited for a legendary because it's gonna be complete shit and to be completely honest it's even worse here! At least in Diablo you could have salvaged the fucking legendary to get a brimstone out of it, you get jack shit from the blue.
do you think they'll add match making for heroics/nightfall/raids?
So what day does the weekly strike, rep and such update every week?
I'm awaiting the first time I get a legendary that is actually a legendary but for another class.
I don't know if it is my OCD or not but I noticed that my Hunter had a "sprint effect" (like a small contrail) before and now it is gone. I tried changing my gear, abilities and subclass but its gone. Have you experienced anything like this?
Got my cryptarch to lvl 9, get legendary helm engram. IT'S FUCKING NOTHING. lol, this game man.
I'm awaiting the first time I get a legendary that is actually a legendary but for another class.
All of this - well except for the public events thing - I've run into quite a few of them lately, and its all but guaranteed I'll run into one if I do two or three patrol missions. That seems often enough to me.I had a few ideas for what I think would make the game play a bit better:
- Proximity chat needs to be added. Make it a toggle.
- PvP teams need chat. Make it a toggle
- Inviting to a fireteam needs to be simple. Maybe R3 -> D-pad up to invite, with D-pad up to accept and D-pad down to decline.
- Engrams should never ever ever drop items below their advertised rarity. Greens turning to blues and blues turning to purples is fun. Purples turning to blues is not.
- Public events need to occur more often.
- Players per world needs to be increased.
- Let me open the Directory without going to Orbit.
- Add another level of defense upgrade to level 20-24 gear, so we can boost the light on gear higher. Right now I'm stuck at 24 until I grind out rep (which is so goddamn slow. Jesus), or get lucky and find legendaries. That really sucks when the supposed crown jewel, The Vault of Glass, requires 25 to even enter, and suggests 26 for completion.
Don't bother. Just look at the dudes post history regarding Destiny.
Spent like 2 hours doing the nexus run. Got fucking noting. Guess I will just play pvp for now.
is part of the bladedancer class, called "fleet footed".
btw, you can sort of chain slides/sprints with this and clear ground quite quickly. takes some getting used to but it's part of the bladedancer class, called "fleet footed".
exotics, they are like uniques, they have all kinds of neat stuff on them. you can only equip one weapon and one armor piece for your build.Ok level 20 now, and just got this 'Exotic' badboy as a reward in Crucible! I believe it's one of the exclusive weapons only found in the PS4 version. In any case, stats are amazing, neatly 260dmg and tonnes of unlock potential.
Which are rarer, Exotic items or Legendary ones?
Yeah that's pretty dumb. Doing some stuff should be a guaranteed legendary or exotic item. I mean how many people are going to get the Cryptarch to level 9? Not many. Doing something extraordinary like that should reward you accordingly. There should be no chance not to get something special.
It is why I hate that Bungie has decided to go a pure RNG route. The only cool item you get throughout the campaign is a pulse rifle at the end of the game.
Also, the way the Light system is built you HAVE to get legendary or exotic items to be able to get strong enough to finish high level missions or strikes or get enough Light to be lv. 26 for the Raids. So for them to lock it down to such a low percentage RNG is a little weird
Ok level 20 now, and just got this 'Exotic' badboy as a reward in Crucible! I believe it's one of the exclusive weapons only found in the PS4 version. In any case, stats are amazing, neatly 260dmg and tonnes of unlock potential.
Which are rarer, Exotic items or Legendary ones?
I'd also like to see 20+ minimum level patrol areas on each world. Give top level players multiple spaces to go to blow shit up besides relying upon strikes.
Ok level 20 now, and just got this 'Exotic' badboy as a reward in Crucible! I believe it's one of the exclusive weapons only found in the PS4 version. In any case, stats are amazing, neatly 260dmg and tonnes of unlock potential.
Which are rarer, Exotic items or Legendary ones?
This had to happen after I fully upgraded the Silvered Hushwind. -__-Rare shingen-e being sold at gunsmith
is part of the bladedancer class, called "fleet footed".
Ok I'm level 20 now, and just got this 'Exotic' badboy as a reward in Crucible! I believe it's one of the exclusive weapons only found in the PS4 version. In any case, stats are amazing, nearly 260dmg (vanilla) and tonnes of unlock potential. Only issue is upgrades for it are insanely slow.[img]
Which are rarer, Exotic items or Legendary ones?[/QUOTE]
It doesn't really upgrade slow, mines on my last upgrade before maxing it out.
Should be a RULE that if you come in here and post some crazy shit you found, you should post:
Your level when you got it
Your cryptarch level when you got it
Faction/vanguard level (if applicable)
How/where you got it (chest, boss loot, etc... or which strike, PVP playlist)
Color of engram (if it was from an engram)
Rare shingen-e being sold at gunsmith
I got it and I'm a gun part of the bladedancer class, called "fleet footed".
I assume then it upgrades faster the higher level the enemies you're killing with it, the harder the mission or stuff like that?It doesn't really upgrade slow, mines on my last upgrade before maxing it out.