Wow. That's pretty funny. Anyone up for the nightfall strike plus the heroics?
If you're on Xbox One, I'll show you in person how the trick works.
Wow. That's pretty funny. Anyone up for the nightfall strike plus the heroics?
Anyone take the plunge on the exotic engram from Xur?
So weird thing.
I farm chests a lot in the Divide. Farmed them while waiting for Devil Walkers because farming the treasure cave is a fool's game. I (think) I know where all the chests are. One I was missing until recently was on top of one of the buildings and I got it and opened it.....
I had been farming the place for like an hour or two and dominated it, but always missed this chest. It had a ship blueprint, green item, and ten spinmetal.
I've never gotten more than two spinmetal out of a chest.
/crackpot theory
Chest rewards get bigger the longer they sit?!
If you stay behind that wall, the Shrieker cannot hurt you AND he disappears in like 10 seconds.
Got a clip ready of doing it on LV26 Strike just in case someone wants to claim higher difficulties ruins it.
I actually think a Fusion Rifle would be best to bring there, since you will hardly ever get crits, so Sniper does almost the same damage as the Hand Cannon anyway.
Exotic bounty finally finished. What a clutch ending.
Thorn packs a hell of a punch and the Devourer perk could prove to be invaluable but fuck, is it slow to reload.
Could be tricky since you are 5 levels below the suggested strike level. Add me though, we can run other strikes later if you want.
Anyone take the plunge on the exotic engram from Xur?
At this point I've decrypted 18 legendary/exotic engrams. I've gotten 1 legendary handgun out of that. The rest were all blues/materials/stuff I can't use. I'm sick of it.
Where the hell is Xur?
Is nightfall beatable at 25 solo? I am stuck at 25 and just want to partake in new challenges.
It seems like the random loot chests on Mars tend to give better items than other places. Anyone know if this is actually true?
My shoulder tackles get eaten alive by shotguns. I did have an amazing Tiger Knee on a dude last night, though. He chased me around a corner. I jumped, as did he. I 180'd and TIGER KNEEEEEE.
Easily the thing that pissed me off the most in Halo 4 was how poor the Covies reacted. Was so used to earlier games.
Anyone take the plunge on the exotic engram from Xur?
|OT4| Replace the Cryptarch with Amaz
Yay hearthstone jokes
At level 20, I just got a level 1 chest from a blue engram which was obtained from the level 20 strike playlist.
I need to see this video... I have to do the lv 26 strike since I need coins.
I've decrypted 25-30+ legendary engrams. I've received 0 usable legendaries.
I have two Warlock exotics, a Hunter exotic, and two legendaries for both of them though!
(I'm only somewhat upset about this however, because of marks+faction rank rewards+exotic bounties, I'm still perfectly loaded up on legendary/exotic gear... just not from drops, ever.)
Haha, whoever programmed the drops is a dick XDI'm now in possession of two legendary and one exotic chest pieces for a hunter. I'm a warlock. Wow. Just wow.
Fuck you Rahool. Fuck you up the ass with a cactus. ARGH.
I'm now in possession of two legendary and one exotic chest pieces for a hunter. I'm a warlock. Wow. Just wow.
Fuck you Rahool. Fuck you up the ass with a cactus. ARGH.
Well I guess I am keeping my motes of light...
Seriously whats the point of having Exotic Gear if you can only wear one piece?
I know this complaint is not new, but holy crap the shitty drops in Crucible are killing me. Slow bro gets a legendary for going 2 and 16, but I'm sitting at the of the pile with this sick ass new green gun.
I like that they're random, I just wish they weren't so random. Does that make any sense?
Like, it's great that all players have a chance for great loot. Just, increase that chance for the folks who kill stuff better.
I'm now in possession of two legendary and one exotic chest pieces for a hunter. I'm a warlock. Wow. Just wow.
Fuck you Rahool. Fuck you up the ass with a cactus. ARGH.
Bungie has always has good AI.
Fridays & Saturdays! Two full days of Exotic goodness.
He's in the Tower from Friday morning to Sunday morning.
Haha, whoever programmed the drops is a dick XD
Holy shit I got my first Legendary Weapon, called FINAL BOSS -- lovely Sniper
Dude. I don't want to try this... But I want to try this.
3 LVs higher is a lot in this game though. Will probably do about 70 damage on the boss lol
I always imagine a guy from bungie is watching the drops happening in a dark room just laughing mechanically
It's frustrating but if they changed the odds based on how you did people would inevitably find a way to cheat the system and make PVP awful.
Poor thing will be in for a surprise when he realizes I'm just a gay dude who always chooses female characters for whatever reason.
So, what is Xur doing in the Tower today, I thought he only showed on saturdays?
Great! will he offer different items each day?
I'm finally at level 20! I still have relatively little idea what is going on, especially with regard to how I'll be leveling up from now on, but things are slowly coming together.
Side note: I made a random friend on Destiny who likes to join me and message me if I'm playing. I thought it was just some friendly person...until I realized that the fact that my Guardian is female and my PSN avatar is Fat Princess, he *might* think I'm a woman HAHA. Poor thing will be in for a surprise when he realizes I'm just a gay dude who always chooses female characters for whatever reason.