Two quick thoughts on difficulty.
There needs to be something between Normal and Hard. The former is a cake walk, the latter has enemies buffed with health to absurd degrees. I spent three nights trying to beat the first Vex encounter on Hard (solo), and got to the last few enemies last night when a network error booted me to orbit. I played it on normal this morning and basically walked around destroying guys without any danger.
This opened up the patrol, but we can't pick a difficulty there, just normal. Why? I want to free roam on hard mode. :\
The Difficulty settings aren't "Normal" and "Hard" really. The difficulty settings are based on level. The "Normal" & "Hard" are descriptors. For example, I'm level 26, I have three hard options available: 22, 24 and 26.
It is disappointing that Patrols don't have higher tiers, but they do scale your weapons & enemy HP to be somewhat reasonable. My 242 attack hand-cannon crits for 400 damage on a level 2 dreg & 1000 damage on a level 24 dreg. They both give the same about of XP. It hasn't bothered me as much as I feared it would.
"I don't have time to explain why I don't' have time to explain."
What happened to your storytelling, Bungie? What happened?
I think Bungie's highest priority was a social "open world" game.
So campaign missions went from 1 hour down to 15-20 minutes. Cutscenes were kept to a minimum. The story wasn't about one man saving the universe, but a random dead guy amongst thousands of others. Flying vehicles were axed. Vehicle stages were axed. Instead of environments crafted to a single level's needs, you get open world areas that will be run through multiple times.
That one decision changed *everything*.