Good site to check on public events made by a user on reddit.
Whenever that happens to me I just reboot my router/modem and it clears up the disconnects for a good whileStarted getting a lot of centipede errors the past few days.. Xbox set on the DMZ, NAT open.. I have no idea what's wrong.![]()
Uhh guys... where's Xur?
I've already done the weekly and gotten strange coins, haven't done the heroic story though. FUCK, I really want to be able to complete Nightfall
Yeah it's a nice helm for sure, but I play a defender titan so it's pretty much useless for me.
/crackpot theory
Chest rewards get bigger the longer they sit?!
Splitscreen would be impossible
Too much stuff going on at once
Good site to check on public events made by a user on reddit.
The stuff the exotic guy is selling today is lame. Anyone have any luck buying exotic engrams from him? I don't trust the RNG.
I did. Got this for my Hunter.
Weird. Was using an AR and was doing pretty badly at pvp. K/d of 1-2 at best.
Switched to scout rifle and I'm going between 2-5. Incredible difference for me. I'm outrunning AR users far more consistently than I was using my Shingen.
Go figure.
I suppose that's true... though, I'm sure there's a way to fall somewhere in the middle on this.
Does anyone have the mask of the third man and mind telling me the stats for int, str, light and disp?
Legendary can drop from blue spheres yeh.. I only ever see blue and green, just want to make sure I'm not missing some exotic one, I have yet to get any legendary gear doing strikes, patrols or pvp , lots of blues but no legends just yet.
Blue spheres? I have only seen green one's so far. Is there something I am missing?
Do people in fireteams enter Rumble and ignore each other.
Blue engrams I mean
I will when I get a good one. My current pulse rifle has "radar persists on ads" and my scout makes people explode when I headshot kill them (not unlocked that perk yet, but I'm getting enough HS kills to know it will cause a lot of rage when I do). Both guns are really good for pvp, not found a HC that trumps them yet.
Definitely not.
Think about it: If you did this the players who you get to stomp on would play less and people would quit more halfway.
Also the rich would just get richer, and the power gap would widen.
Rewarding everyone with equal chance keeps things much more fair.
There are no teams in Rumble.
Blue spheres? I have only seen green one's so far. Is there something I am missing?
I will when I get a good one. My current pulse rifle has "radar persists on ads" and my scout makes people explode when I headshot kill them (not unlocked that perk yet, but I'm getting enough HS kills to know it will cause a lot of rage when I do). Both guns are really good for pvp, not found a HC that trumps them yet.
Definitely not.
Think about it: If you did this the players who you get to stomp on would play less and people would quit more halfway.
Also the rich would just get richer, and the power gap would widen.
Rewarding everyone with equal chance keeps things much more fair.
You will never miss them because Purple and Blue engrams go to you post offices in the town even if you miss it on the planets.Legendary can drop from blue spheres yeh.. I only ever see blue and green, just want to make sure I'm not missing some exotic one, I have yet to get any legendary gear doing strikes, patrols or pvp , lots of blues but no legends just yet.
Lol, I figured this out on my very first fight with him. Sometimes he won't even move as you shoot him. Better yet, the adds just sit there like if you're invisible. You don't even have to bother with them. It's hilarious.
You guys want to do this tonight? 11ish EST? I'm at 24.
Good site to check on public events made by a user on reddit.
I did. Got this for my Hunter.
You will never miss them because Purple and Blue engrams go to you post offices in the town even if you miss it on the planets.
The game itself saves all drops to you even if you don't see or take it.
I did. Got this for my Hunter.
I know this complaint is not new, but holy crap the shitty drops in Crucible are killing me. Slow bro gets a legendary for going 2 and 16, but I'm sitting at the of the pile with this sick ass new green gun.
I like that they're random, I just wish they weren't so random. Does that make any sense?
Like, it's great that all players have a chance for great loot. Just, increase that chance for the folks who kill stuff better.
Anyone know what the benefit of doing a straight up level 20 story mission is? They show no rewards. The daily story and strike playlist and such show vanguard rewards, but story missions seem to offer no guaranteed benefit like that. Can anyone think of a good reason to do do those higher level story missions?
Good site to check on public events made by a user on reddit.
XP and the hope of a decent drop I guess.
Wow I did not know that, I must be really unlucky, no purples yet, though I don't put in the insane hours others have in here, but stillmanaged to scrape myself to level 21
I had two Purple only but I have fear to decrypt themWow I did not know that, I must be really unlucky, no purples yet, though I don't put in the insane hours others have in here, but stillmanaged to scrape myself to level 21