Honestly, I would hope not, because after this game they need to go back and revise all their future story plans for the next few games.
That just happened to me just now. Lol
I was farming solo too.
The story, if you take the time to actually follow it, has a lot going for it.
Thanks for the response! Is there a certain level of rarity that is required of the item for it to have it? Rare, legendary, etc?
Seems anything blue and up. Green and white will not have any light.
All Torgue guns fired explosives.
All Hyperion guns got more accurate the more you shot it
All Tediore guns were thrown like a grenade when reloaded
All Dahl guns fired in bursts when ADS'ed.
Variety my ass.
Still have yet to get a Legendary Engram... Level 22... ffs.![]()
That Heroic shit needs to have match making.
Oh it's so hard you need your friends.
Well if you can't find friends you can't play at all.
don't worry you'll get one soon! And when you do it'll unencrypt into a Rare that's lower than whatwver you have equipped.23 and same.
Not all blue have Light though, sad to say.
Amen to that. One of my earliest disappointments. Still played it for like 80 hours tho.
I need to farm public events for ascendant stuff, any tips?!
I'm really hoping when they make the next big part of the game that they aren't afraid to make some changes and add some new mechanics and weapons.
Also I'm guessing we're gonna get at least one new subclass for each class since there's two slots and one of them is empty?
Does taking the time to follow it mean to actually stop playing the game and seeking out lore online?
3 blues and 2 legendaries so far doing Nexus. Today is a good day till I see the Cryptarch!
There's really not enough outrage about this occurring.
Need a solution, Bungie.
Public events seem to be on a timer. I'd suggest you stay in one area of a planet - for example the starting area on Mars - until the public event appears for that section. Once it pops, move to one of the next bigger areas connected to that, and stay there until that event spawns. Note the time separation; if it's more than 15 minutes, there should be another zone that will have an event spawn between those two. You can essentially rotate between sections of a planet and do an event at least every 15 minutes.
Public events seem to be on a timer. I'd suggest you stay in one area of a planet - for example the starting area on Mars - until the public event appears for that section. Once it pops, move to one of the next bigger areas connected to that, and stay there until that event spawns. Note the time separation; if it's more than 15 minutes, there should be another zone that will have an event spawn between those two. You can essentially rotate between sections of a planet and do an event at least every 15 minutes.
How long did you farm for?
Does taking the time to follow it mean to actually stop playing the game and seeking out lore online?
Well I know, I guess I should've been more clear. It has to at least be blue to contain light at all. I mean I didn't even find anything with light until I hit 20.
I'm basically just gonna be trying to get strange coins and working on the Future War reputation so I can get decked out in that. +18 light on each piece.
Let be honest here most of the maps suck.
Nice! Thx : )
Works 100%?
I read somewhere that you can only get one per day from public events? I hope it was wrong because that would help me get ready for the raid on Tuesday.
23 and same.
Yeah that is pretty dumb. They could of put books to read or something.
Heck I had a thought that they could of done something where you could add the cards like an inventory item and then load them into your ghost who would then project it on screen to read like a hologram in game. * shrug * maybe Bungie just got lazy.
Yeah. I don't befriend randoms really, so my list isn't very big. So for players like me, it can be a problem if my friends aren't on. Might have to add some GAF friends sometime.
I imagine they took the reviews and mixed reactions to heart and will turn the next game into something awesome.
I can't help but feel this game was forced out a year too early. It would be really interesting to hear a tell-all post-mortem . There's no way a team as talented as Bungie shipped this out confident that it was the product they originally wanted to make.
Me and my two friends passed the Nightfall-Strike last night.
Took us two hours and a LOT of patience.
I got the Exotic-hand cannon "Hawkmoon", friend received the Exotic Rocket Launcher "Truth" and third guy got some legendary auto rifle. Good times.
I don't know. Wouldn't you not be playing the game either way? At least this way I can do it on the bus.
They need to take Bastion out of the Clash playlist. It's so bad for TDM.
Only being able to attain 100 marks per week on the crucible is really dumb.
My friends list is full of GAFers and everyone is always happy to at least run a mission or two before going off to do their own thing.
You should do it.
the need to learn from the mistake early diablo 3 made with the drop rates...you can't make people play your game more by making the drops so bad they get burnt out...
Anyone looking for another for Nexus? I'm willing to give it another go. Damnit I want a legendary so bad.
the need to learn from the mistake early diablo 3 made with the drop rates...you can't make people play your game more by making the drops so bad they get burnt out...