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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Just starting after bring away for a week. Level 3 at the moment.

Fellow destiny gaf- pls consider my fire team when i reach out. Trying to level up to catch up to y'all.
One of the worst choices Bungie made. It pisses off your player pool. An engram should never be lower quality than the colour, its basic shit.

Yeah this infuriates me to no end. Opening a purple engram should be one of the more exciting aspects of the game. As it is right now, it's more annoying than anything else.
it really seems like they have some long, long term goals in mind for some of the progress in the late game.

The question is how many people will really want to play the same few strikes over and over again for so many hours?

They should have done something to make the content more varied. If they want people to really have to farm out the best stuff then it needs to be at least somewhat fresh. The bosses are super lazily designed.

I am having a ton of fun with the game but it really baffles me how you can't pick up enemy weapons. Even if it was just a one use no reload type situation it would help break up the pace. Kind of like covenant weapons in halo 1 that couldn't be reloaded.

I have to say that the explosions and missile effects in this game are spectacular. I did a strike on mars against a big warhammer looking dude and the drunken missles attacked looked and sounded absolutely amazing. I love the fire and smoke that comes out of the explosions and how flashy it is.


The Cryptarch's Bane
That Heroic shit needs to have match making.

Oh it's so hard you need your friends.
Well if you can't find friends you can't play at all.
There's really not enough outrage about this occurring.

Need a solution, Bungie.
for now try Destinylfg.net

Hawkian and stargateheaven are fantastic strike buddies. Just sayin.
That was fun stuff, good farming too. I bet we can do the earth strike in half the time of I manage my ammo better.


OMG! How?!

It was all about patience, really. Hardest part was the three wave-thing at the beginning. Devil Walker was nothing and Sepiks was really simple as well.

We had good arc-weapons for various tasks, and we assigned roles to each other. I was the scout and reviver, one was main damage and third a bit of both.

Then we just decided where we would hold out in each encounter. Sepiks was the easiest, we just took shelter in the room with the stairs on the left side and took shots at the bastard when he showed his face.
Just read this on reddit and it completely echoes my feelings on the endgame

Let me just preface this by saying that I love the game so far, which is why I'm taking the time to write this post in the first place. I'm not here to bash the game needlessly, just point out some things that I think Destiny could improve upon.

Loot grind games like Destiny gain the majority of their long term longevity by encouraging players to continually farm for upgrades. Typically the ultimate goal is obtaining more pieces of the rarest armor tiers (Legendary/Exotic in Destiny). However, Destiny makes this process a lot more frustrating to the player than it really needs to be. There are two main problems in particular that I'll outline below.

Firstly, the game is very bad about giving players clear or enjoyable ways of earning legendaries. Most games dole out legendary rewards most frequently for doing the most challenging content. Diablo 3 has increased legendary drop rates on higher difficulty settings, and Borderlands has legendaries drop primarily from challenging bosses. The same is not true in Destiny. Strikes don't seem to offer any increased legendary drop rate, nor does doing well in the crucible. Most damningly, level 24+ enemies have no more chance of dropping legendaries than level 1 enemies. This means the most effective way of earning legendaries right now is to go to zones that you hilariously outlevel and just farm the essentially harmless enemies while grabbing chests. It's possibly the least challenging and most mind numbing part of the game, and yet it presents the highest reward in terms of loot. Vanguard/Crucible marks are clearly meant to be the main path to earning legendaries, but they'll give you a legendary every ~1.5 weeks even if you completely max out your marks, which is laughable compared to a legendary every few hours from chest farming.

Secondly, with the engram system as it is right now, getting a legendary engram as a reward is typically more frustrating than exciting. Legendary engrams have a better chance of being completely useless (ie: a blue or usable only by another class) than they do of being an upgrade, which is completely backwards. In fact, because of bad engram RNG I now have twice as many hunter specific legendaries than I do warlock legendaries, despite the fact that I don't even have a hunter character and have no intention of playing one. Because there's no trade system, I can't even attempt to trade these for items I would find useful. Decrypting legendary engrams should be the most exciting part of the game. It should be the payoff that rewards time invested and justifies investing more time again. Right now, though, it's just plain stressful and frustrating.

The bright side is that both of these are pretty easy fixes. Engram drop rates should be increased for higher level enemies, strikes, and bosses. Doing better in the crucible should have a better chance to reward you with an engram, as opposed to the 'everyone gets something random' situation we have now. And legendary engrams should either have a higher chance of being for your current class or they should never have the chance of being blues. Any single one of these changes would make gearing up in Destiny a much more satisfying experience than it is currently.

TL;DR: Destiny's endgame is based around getting legendary gear to increase your 'light level', but they need to provide better avenues for players to do it and make the process less frustrating.

edit: I just decrypted the three legendary engrams I've earned through the crucible the past few days. All three were blues. I've never had a videogame try harder to convince me to stop playing it.


This game seems way harder when you play solo. I tried playing with a random and it went way smoother.

Wish I had friends who played games...
it really seems like they have some long, long term goals in mind for some of the progress in the late game.

The question is how many people will really want to play the same few strikes over and over again for so many hours?

They should have done something to make the content more varied. If they want people to really have to farm out the best stuff then it needs to be at least somewhat fresh. The bosses are super lazily designed.

I am having a ton of fun with the game but it really baffles me how you can't pick up enemy weapons. Even if it was just a one use no reload type situation it would help break up the pace. Kind of like covenant weapons in halo 1 that couldn't be reloaded.

I have to say that the explosions and missile effects in this game are spectacular. I did a strike on mars against a big warhammer looking dude and the drunken missles attacked looked and sounded absolutely amazing. I love the fire and smoke that comes out of the explosions and how flashy it is.

I wonder they'd expected people to be playing this many strikes before new ones were available.


Saint Nic
for now try Destinylfg.net

That was fun stuff, good farming too. I bet we can do the earth strike in half the time of I manage my ammo better.

Yeah, once I have more glimmer than I know what to do with, I'll start packing ammo packs myself. That tank took SO much damage from snipers ha.


Yeah this infuriates me to no end. Opening a purple engram should be one of the more exciting aspects of the game. As it is right now, it's more annoying than anything else.

And thinking about it more and more, it probably boils down to them not having that many level 20 legendary and exotic pieces. If they were guaranteed legendaries each time we would go through them fast, and that is why they added the bullshit loot system we have.

Waiting for crucible matches, I see the "Evaluating Guardian" load thing and just think to myself "that's the biggest lie this game is giving out" and sure enough, I get into a salvage match with 2 level 5's as my partners.


the need to learn from the mistake early diablo 3 made with the drop rates...you can't make people play your game more by making the drops so bad they get burnt out...
Completely agree. I've been a level 20 for over 10 hours and have not seen one legendary or exotic.


Waiting for crucible matches, I see the "Evaluating Guardian" load thing and just think to myself "that's the biggest lie this game is giving out" and sure enough, I get into a salvage match with 2 level 5's as my partners.

You are probably so good, you need them to balance the game


So I did the Mars strike today for the bounty and it glitched and didn't give me credit :/ Probably because the game almost disconnected a couple times in the middle of the strike? Really annoying


Any of the tower stores carry rare Fusion rifles?

Also, the strike roulette things gives out tons of blues for those looking for strange coins. Getting ready for Xur early this time. I noticed almost know one had mask of the third in crucible on sat. Now everyone has it haha.
Any of the tower stores carry rare Fusion rifles?

Also, the strike roulette things gives out tons of blues for those looking for strange coins. Getting ready for Xur early this time. I noticed almost know one had mask of the third in crucible on sat. Now everyone has it haha.

Strange coins are super rare what are you talking about? I've put in 20+ hours and I've gotten 16 total.
I imagine they took the reviews and mixed reactions to heart and will turn the next game into something awesome.

I can't help but feel this game was forced out a year too early. It would be really interesting to hear a tell-all post-mortem . There's no way a team as talented as Bungie shipped this out confident that it was the product they originally wanted to make.

I actually think it was out a year too late. It should have really been a grand finale for the last generation and a nice slightly enhanced next gen version.

Then they could have been well underway a sequel. Right now it feels like a game that started development back in 2010 and took too long to cook.
I wonder they'd expected people to be playing this many strikes before new ones were available.

I'm not there yet but what I understand is that getting rare items there's two ways - the strike matchmaking and the pvp.

Both are not great. The pvp is more subjective I guess, but repeating the same few strikes on matchmaking would be awful.


Completely agree. I've been a level 20 for over 10 hours and have not seen one legendary or exotic.

I've seen two legendary engrams and have been playing a ton since day one, hour one. Both turned blue. I'm a level 22+ on rare gear I've grinded from the Crucible.
I'll end up buying my purples from a faction this week. :/
I've seen two legendaryengrrams and have been playing a ton since day one, hour one. Both turned blue. I'm a level 22+ on rare gear I've grinded from the Crucible.

I'll end up buying my purples from a faction this week. :/

Chin up! If you pick FWC that's a WipEout Win-Win™!


Why's that.

Because if I want to play to earn gear I am hamstrung by some arbitrary bullshit. I shouldn't be limited to earning marks at all. It isn't my problem they did not expect people to want to play their game to earn gear, limiting it is literally impeding me from getting gear that I want. Why should I be punished for their short sightedness?


I'm really enjoying this game, however, I believe it is going to require a fair bit of work from Bungie to get it to a state where people are going to be playing it long term (Content, balance, design - basically what people have been saying in the last few threads)

What concerns me though is that I don't see anything coming free. I don't believe Bungie will go out of there way to address a lot of the issues.

My main issue is that the game desperately needs more content and there is no way we will be receiving any of it for free. I would have expected the game to have at least three raids and probably double the number of strikes it has at release.

Diablo 3 got to where it is by Blizzard constantly tuning the game (whilst admittedly not adding new content). I just done see Bungie doing the same.

EDIT: brain dump from phone.



A guy who went 4 and 13 in my game got a shader and a strange coin...

I went 18 and 10 and got nothing... Seriously, fuck RNG.
Disconnected from the match then disconnected from the game all together and booted me back to the title screen. :/ I somehow got lucky all weekend but now it decides Sunday is too much? Been getting a lot of them tonight and I wouldn't care much typically but damn, that's loot out the window. Only been able to finish about half of the games I've been in tonight and my progress is really slowing down.


I'd be in the dick
Level 22 now and am starting to feel the useful loot slowing down substantially. No way I'll be able to hit 26 for the Raid on Tuesday.


Just watched a guy who was AFK the entire game get a Legendary Engram.

Simply marvelous Bungie, simply marvelous.

Thats awful. It should at least go to players making an effort.

(I sort of like how it is now since I'm not great at PvP but still want a chance at good loot).
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