Exactly. That's why I don't get all the complaints about the loot and needing light to level up past twenty. Just play, have fun! You'll get there eventually.
Yup. I'm glad I hit 21 in the time I did since really the whole game is open to me now, even if I'm not high enough to, say, hit a Raid, I can still look at my map and see all the options everyone else has. Everything on the left side is something I can not only experience, but gain significantly from.
Also, I'm pretty confident that by the time I do get to a point (24,25) where literally the only thing I can do is hope for an Exotic to push me over the edge, a lot of these problems (wrong class, RNG, etc) will be a long way towards getting fixed.
I think that Bungie really looked at the first weeks of the game as a testing ground and a lot of things will be smoothed out and, most significantly, they were definitely not expecting people to get where they've gotten so quickly.
Which, again, is a testament to the game they built.
That said, the story could probably be better. But the time I spend in it is either balanced by or even eclipsed by the time I spend doing other things in the game.