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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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BL2 had a lot if loot, but the majority was trash just like Destiny, I don't get the complaints.

Yeah I'd rather have Destiny's loot rate than Borderlands 2, there was like 5 drops per minute, fuck that. Half of the gameplay is comparing stats.

The actual gun variety was better in BL2 though, no contest.


I have a 230 double-upgraded Auto Rifle. I just got a 213 auto rifle but I can't remember if I upgraded a 213 twice to get it....

My question is, would double ugrading the new 213 auto rifle bring it higher than my double upgraded 230 weapon?
BL2 had a lot if loot, but the majority was trash just like Destiny, I don't get the complaints.

The loot was a lot wackier than this game and you got a steady stream of items from quest rewards which were basically legendaries. Some best in slot.

More ammo is a boring as hell affix for an item.
People would be unhappy if all the marketing for LotR said "This is a full book! It's part of a series!" and then when they purchased it, it was just a single chapter instead of the full however many chapters LotR has

the story is lackluster and incomplete. period.

What are you even talking about.

THEY SAID THIS WAS A 10 YEAR FRANCHISE. They said that god knows how many months ago.

What did you take that as they would remake the game over and over for 10 years?

I don't even ...


We all know this feeling, yeah?

Ascendant Shards are used for upgrading Legendary and Exotic gear, so don't discount them.


Hunter... Male or female model ? ;p

Male. I made female and regret it. Make pose on character screen is so boss

I don't regret female at all. I made a really cute one and it makes me feel unique when I land into a crucible match and everybody is like "I'm male 'cuz I'm male" or something. lol. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I just like playing female characters for some reason. Though I really don't like my dance. But not really something I do much anyway.
Were people unhappy when book 1 of 3 released for lord of the rings?

That doesn't make sense. We knew going on this was book 1 of 3 or whatever.

Personally I get the feeling that the story is going to be expanded upon quite a bit in the game anyway without even counting expansion packs or sequels. I could be wrong, but I get the feeling that what we have played is only the start of the story. I know a lot of people might see that as a bad thing but for me it's the perfect set up. I play a games story and then throw it aside unless the MP is good which keeps me hooked briefly. If a game had good MP and a constantly evolving story that rolls out over time then I may just keep playing up until the sequel is released.


Doesn't seem any different. You get more Vanguard marks though. If you're level 24+ might as well

From what I can tell it adjusts the actual item level of drops. Most everything in the 24 playlist seems to be at least 19s and mostly 20s; the 22 will often reward you with 18s and occasionally 17s. Appears to extend to the engrams as well as rewards.

On a side note, that .gif is funny but kind of encapsulates the problem with engrams being the primary source of random loot during gameplay itself. There is actually a pretty big problem in the psychology of rewards when you associate the purple color of the drop itself to a negative result like this. It is a pretty severe problem in my opinion that they did not disassociate these random table style rewards from the core rarity color system.


Oh boy...just got my first Legendary engram from Nexus farming. Not going to go try it out now but I'm scared what it'll be. The only other Legendary engram I've gotten turned into some kind of blue material thing. Ascendant Shard I think? Fuck that.

Still don't have any other Legendary equips except a Machine Gun which I don't use ever.


Why does the Tower take several minutes to load..gawd dahm.

So you have time to make a sandwich!

People would be unhappy if all the marketing for LotR said "This is a full book! It's part of a series!" and then when they purchased it, it was just a single chapter instead of the full however many chapters LotR has

the story is lackluster and incomplete. period.



Man, that heroic strike is no joke, they deal a ton of damage and all have yellow bars. Huge step up from the regular ones.
So, how on earth do you get Exotics/Legendaries, Gaf? I'm at Level 22, by the way.

Should I farm engrams?

Shouls I align with a Crucible faction?

Should I do Strikes (not really keen on doing super difficult ones)?

I'm lost. Any help would be much appreciated.
Exactly. That's why I don't get all the complaints about the loot and needing light to level up past twenty. Just play, have fun! You'll get there eventually.

Yup. I'm glad I hit 21 in the time I did since really the whole game is open to me now, even if I'm not high enough to, say, hit a Raid, I can still look at my map and see all the options everyone else has. Everything on the left side is something I can not only experience, but gain significantly from.

Also, I'm pretty confident that by the time I do get to a point (24,25) where literally the only thing I can do is hope for an Exotic to push me over the edge, a lot of these problems (wrong class, RNG, etc) will be a long way towards getting fixed.

I think that Bungie really looked at the first weeks of the game as a testing ground and a lot of things will be smoothed out and, most significantly, they were definitely not expecting people to get where they've gotten so quickly.

Which, again, is a testament to the game they built.

That said, the story could probably be better. But the time I spend in it is either balanced by or even eclipsed by the time I spend doing other things in the game.


What are you even talking about.

THEY SAID THIS WAS A 10 YEAR FRANCHISE. They said that god knows how many months ago.

What did you take that as they would remake the game over and over for 10 years?

I don't even ...

He's saying that what we have now wouldn't even be a chapter's worth of LotR. That's an exaggeration I'd say we have.... 3 chapters worth of LotR. So still in that part where nothing happens and it feels like everything is still being set up.


Oh wow I got a Legendary Engram in Nexus for the first time. I wonder which rare cape that'll give me.

lol. I love looking for new capes as a Hunter. I got one of the Future War Clan capes and it looks sort of like the Pepsi logo. I like it. =p But some of the ones the speaker is selling look great.


Were people unhappy when book 1 of 3 released for lord of the rings?

That doesn't make sense. We knew going on this was book 1 of 3 or whatever.

The Lord of the rings trilogy was supposed to be one volume (the second volume after the similarion).The publisher spilt it in three because it was cheaper to do so.

So it was always meant to be one story. I guess if you want to make this analogous, destiny is being published this way to make it economically viable. One thing we should ask ourselves, has bungie actually finished the story and thought it through like Tolkien did (it took him 14 years to write)?


Exactly. That's why I don't get all the complaints about the loot and needing light to level up past twenty. Just play, have fun! You'll get there eventually.

Some of us like endgame? When the first raid opens on Tuesday and it's a level 26 raid we need that gear.


Yeah I'd rather have Destiny's loot rate than Borderlands 2, there was like 5 drops per minute, fuck that. Half of the gameplay is comparing stats.

The actual gun variety was better in BL2 though, no contest.

All Torgue guns fired explosives.

All Hyperion guns got more accurate the more you shot it

All Tediore guns were thrown like a grenade when reloaded

All Dahl guns fired in bursts when ADS'ed.

Variety my ass.
The Lord of the rings trilogy was supposed to be one volume (the second volume after the similarion).The publisher spilt it in three because it was cheaper to do so.

So it was always meant to be one story. I guess if you want to make this analogous, destiny is being published this way to make it economically viable. One thing we should ask ourselves, has bungie actually finished the story and thought it through like Tolkien did (it took him 14 years to write)?

Honestly, I would hope not, because after this game they need to go back and revise all their future story plans for the next few games.


aka II VerTigo II
I have no clue what just happened. A random group of people beside me are doing the mars chest farming. All of a sudden vex keep spawning over and over, hobgoblins, harpies, and then centurions are coming too. I mean a LOT of mobs and they were getting higher level. It finally stopped after about 5 minutes of constant spawning.

That just happened to me just now. Lol

I was farming solo too.


I have a 230 double-upgraded Auto Rifle. I just got a 213 auto rifle but I can't remember if I upgraded a 213 twice to get it....

My question is, would double ugrading the new 213 auto rifle bring it higher than my double upgraded 230 weapon?

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