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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Traded some extra crap in and picked up Destiny for $5. Forgot to get live though lol because I didn't realize the extent of the need for it.

Played at my buddies this past week and got him to level 20 and my lady is only a lonely 7 after about 5 hours of play. ಥ_ಥ
does anyone else think that this game started out as a halo game?

I know its coincidental but i never thought that the thing at the end of the halo 3 secret ending was a planet.

It being the traveler or the original idea for the traveler makes sense. Allows the master chief to go to a place completely foreign and millions of years separated from the original halo trilogy. The Destiny design probably originated from there.

I think microsoft wanted something safer and less different so they let them go to work on destiny.

It's just a crackpot theory but it's interesting to think about. I think the story so far has a lot of halo parallels as well. But that's probably just coincidence.
I'm starting to understand what people say feels "off" about crucible. Destiny's meta game revolves around countering your opponents abilities and gear with your own. The problem right now is that the best way to counter everything is the following strategy:

1) Boost your health/prolong your death as much as possible, whether it's with gear or with a subclass
2) Pick the weapon with the fastest kill time possible. That means ARs and Shotguns
3) Stay in close quarters, which happens to be the majority of the maps

The abundance of chokepoints, line of sight blockers and lack of verticality is doing the game a disservice by artificially dictating the meta game and narrowing the breadth of encounters. As Bungie would say, "there are logical choices". It has passed the point of "a strategy" and has become "the strategy". Popular loadouts are par for the course with class based shooters, but I think a game so inherently unbalanced like Destiny would best shy away from this. It's becoming a rock-paper-scissors shooter where encounters are already decided before they begin.

I'm not sure how to go about solving this issue. Frankly, the PvP was more balanced when you couldn't run into a room with twice as much health, drop from radar or pull out a OHK grenade or melee from your back pocket.
Traded some extra crap in and picked up Destiny for $5. Forgot to get live though lol because I didn't realize the extent of the need for it.

I honestly would not pick up the game right now. Wait to see if Bungie fixes anything first. It's not worth the time right now.
does anyone else think that this game started out as a halo game?

I know its coincidental but i never thought that the thing at the end of the halo 3 secret ending was a planet.

It being the traveler or the original idea for the traveler makes sense. Allows the master chief to go to a place completely foreign and millions of years separated from the original halo trilogy. The Destiny design probably originated from there.

I think microsoft wanted something safer and less different so they let them go to work on destiny.

It's just a crackpot theory but it's interesting to think about. I think the story so far has a lot of halo parallels as well. But that's probably just coincidence.

It actually started out as a Fantasy kinda game.


I don't know if it's because I hit level 16 and didn't notice, but did anybody else know that the Vanguard is up and running?
I've had Vanguard up since launch. The gear is garbage green and can't even be broken down for weapon parts, only glimmer. Once again the high-end Vanguard Quartermaster stuff is all that matters.


Woo I'm back after my ban lol (oopsy)

Destiny went through 2 OT while I was gone D: anyway picked a hunter on my play wished I picked a warlock but I'll get around to playing as one eventually. The hunters bladedancer special is really awesome looking but I can't really use it lol

Also is the items you get in the crucible just randomly given and not based on anything?


Fiiinally got a Legendary item from a Legendary engram. And finally at level 24! Ended up getting better boots too so once my Legendary and my boots are upgraded it could even put me to 25. Reaaaally hoping I can make it to 26 before the raid opens up. I'd love to try and tackle it on day 1.
It might be. Earlier I was doing a match and it kept saying 'Contacting Destiny servers..' Even though I was clearly in game. Dominating.

I was in a strike earlier when the game suddenly went to the "THE DARKNESS CONSUMED YOU" game over screen. All three of us had been alive.

Set us so far back that the two other guys quit when we respawned.
I don't know if it's because I hit level 16 and didn't notice, but did anybody else know that the Vanguard is up and running?

Yup, unlocks at 16. It's another good way to boost levels fast if you're looking to set up for the raid and the amount of drops you get can kit you out to lv24 pretty quick once you can take the higher level challenges.


Along the same lines as the PvP rewards being OVERLY random, finishing a daily mission or strike and getting nothing as a reward is annoying.

If I do the daily/weekly mission, at least something should be guaranteed.

If we put drops on a 0 to 100 continuum, 0 being nothing and 100 being the most rare item possible, reward drops for daily/weekly missions should be 1 to 100. Zero should not be a possibility.

Also, F the randomness of engrams.


Legendary engram got me a legendary scout rifle. Nice. This is after 4 matches (of no drops) of pvp. And hours of PvE grinding without a single purple engram. I've only played those 4 matches of pvp total

Starting to understand the love of pvp
Traded some extra crap in and picked up Destiny for $5. Forgot to get live though lol because I didn't realize the extent of the need for it.

on xbox one can you still play some stuff with other people without gold? I know playstation plus isn't required for all online modes in destiny.


does anyone else think that this game started out as a halo game?

I know its coincidental but i never thought that the thing at the end of the halo 3 secret ending was a planet.

It being the traveler or the original idea for the traveler makes sense. Allows the master chief to go to a place completely foreign and millions of years separated from the original halo trilogy. The Destiny design probably originated from there.

I think microsoft wanted something safer and less different so they let them go to work on destiny.

It's just a crackpot theory but it's interesting to think about. I think the story so far has a lot of halo parallels as well. But that's probably just coincidence.

Mind blown.


Keep the faith. That happened to me too then I got two legendaries in a row. A good way to get engrams is doing a public event each day. You get free engrams in the mail.

thanks :)
yeah, i've been doing the public events, leveling up the cryptarch, all that stuff.
finished the night doing a lot of patrols to level up my faction (FWC) so I can at least buy legendaries at some point.


How is he wrong? What he said is very, very common. See my post elsewhere on the page. 5 legendaries this weekend and I got ZERO actual legendary items. A bunch of worthless greens and blues and a couple of materials. Loot is broken. I played a fair bit of crucible and did ok to good and got crap blues.

He said you can only buy 1 item every 1.5 weeks. You can buy two items a week for feet, hands and chest. You can buy a weapon and a head piece every 1.5 weeks. It means rng isn't that bad bc your first week you can buy two pieces 1 using pvp marks and 1 using pve marks. Next week you buy the head piece and the remaining cheaper piece. That's assuming you never get a legendary any other way and it's two weeks for lvl 26+. That's not that bad.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
This game is really weird to me. It's so disappointing but yet it's fun and I enjoy it. It's the Bungie gameplay that keeps me going, but the content in the game is ultimately lacking and the content that is there is, for the most part, poorly designed.

With that said, I just got the Triple Play achievement in Crucible! Apparently it has to pretty much be a triple kill with those kills being each of the three classes to unlock it.


Along the same lines as the PvP rewards being OVERLY random, finishing a daily mission or strike and getting nothing as a reward is annoying.

If I do the daily/weekly mission, at least something should be guaranteed.

If we put drops on a 0 to 100 continuum, 0 being nothing and 100 being the most rare item possible, reward drops for daily/weekly missions should be 1 to 100. Zero should not be a possibility.

Also, F the randomness of engrams.

Considering the work that goes into completing strikes, it feels like that should be the primary source of legendary stuff for sure. I did so many strikes on harder modes for bonuses and a quick 10 minute pvp got me a legendary

I also notice I got the legendary engram DURING the match. Saw the message pop up on the screen a few minutes in the match. Is it possible that there are certain things that you do in a match that forces the dice roll?
Man, I definitely planned the worst timed business trip in ages (Sept. 8 - Sept 29), by the time I get into the game everyone's going to be bored of it!

Anyways, I don't really want to hang around the OT for too long till i can get my hands on the game, but I have a question for you guys: can I redeem the free PS4 upgrade from the PSN webstore? Knowing I wouldn't be able to play the game on release I held off on the digital preorder, but after seeing the free digital upgrade offer it's seems a waste not to take advantage of it.

I'm going to be away from my PS4 till the end of the month, and I don't want to be stuck with only the PS3 version if they end the free upgrade promotion before then - the Destiny website says you have to "log on to PSN from your PS4" to redeem the PS4 version, but I'm sure that's just them spelling out things too much for the benefit of some users. So GAF, anyone redeemed from the webstore?

EDIT: I'm sure this has been discussed before, but a quick search yielded nothing and like I said, don't really want to be reading through this thread too much, what with spoilers and stuff.. .
I'm starting to understand what people say feels "off" about crucible. Destiny's meta game revolves around countering your opponents abilities and gear with your own. The problem right now is that the best way to counter everything is the following strategy:

1) Boost your health/prolong your death as much as possible, whether it's with gear or with a subclass
2) Pick the weapon with the fastest kill time possible. That means ARs and Shotguns
3) Stay in close quarters, which happens to be the majority of the maps

The abundance of chokepoints, line of sight blockers and lack of verticality is doing the game a disservice by artificially dictating the meta game and narrowing the breadth of encounters. As Bungie would say, "there are logical choices". It has passed the point of "a strategy" and has become "the strategy". Popular loadouts are par for the course with class based shooters, but I think a game so inherently unbalanced like Destiny would best shy away from this. It's becoming a rock-paper-scissors shooter where encounters are already decided before they begin.

I'm not sure how to go about solving this issue. Frankly, the PvP was more balanced when you couldn't run into a room with twice as much health, drop from radar or pull out a OHK grenade or melee from your back pocket.

Yep. I stay in close quarters all the time with my shotty, switch to AR's if the enemy is far away. It simply is that simple. And shotties it entirely depends on who has advantage of reaction, which since I usually crouch I can catch people off guard.


This game is beyond buggy...While my friends and I were playing salvage, the other team popped their drone on the relic. We cleared them all out and when to disarm it. It literally wouldn't let us. No message, pressing and holding square did nothing.

So than we capped a relic spot and it frigging allowed us to disarm our own drone! I did it for shits and giggles to see what would happen, it gave the other team points, the message popped up saying I disarmed it in red and the announcer said the other team disarmed our drone. The fuck bungie.

Than there is the notorious double melee delayed kill, where if you melee an enemy his health bar will disappear but than there is a solid second or two where he can still react before he dies. So than he melees you and you both die another second later.

Everyone and their mothers are using shotguns, auto rifles and fusion rifles cause how stupid strong they are, to the point where your handicapping yourself if you use anything else. The maps are littered with choke points and the vehicles feel so out of place.

The more I play this game the more I get disappointed. The amount of free content they need to put in this game is beyond what I imagine they will give us. No way I am picking up any paid dlc without a good amount of changes and fixes.

/rant over =\


The weekly heroic strike is fucking insane hahaha. Me and DJ88 just did it but it had to have taken an hour and a half, maybe more. Sepiks Prime is such a damn bullet sponge.


The weekly heroic strike is fucking insane hahaha. Me and DJ88 just did it but it had to have taken an hour and a half, maybe more. Sepiks Prime is such a damn bullet sponge.
And yet he does less damage than the Fallen mobs that appear. Pro Tip: get everyone to take in Arc weapons.


I'm starting to understand what people say feels "off" about crucible. Destiny's meta game revolves around countering your opponents abilities and gear with your own. The problem right now is that the best way to counter everything is the following strategy:

1) Boost your health/prolong your death as much as possible, whether it's with gear or with a subclass
2) Pick the weapon with the fastest kill time possible. That means ARs and Shotguns
3) Stay in close quarters, which happens to be the majority of the maps

The abundance of chokepoints, line of sight blockers and lack of verticality is doing the game a disservice by artificially dictating the meta game and narrowing the breadth of encounters. As Bungie would say, "there are logical choices". It has passed the point of "a strategy" and has become "the strategy". Popular loadouts are par for the course with class based shooters, but I think a game so inherently unbalanced like Destiny would best shy away from this. It's becoming a rock-paper-scissors shooter where encounters are already decided before they begin.

I'm not sure how to go about solving this issue. Frankly, the PvP was more balanced when you couldn't run into a room with twice as much health, drop from radar or pull out a OHK grenade or melee from your back pocket.

Health gets boosted with gear in the crucible?


I'm starting to understand what people say feels "off" about crucible. Destiny's meta game revolves around countering your opponents abilities and gear with your own. The problem right now is that the best way to counter everything is the following strategy:

1) Boost your health/prolong your death as much as possible, whether it's with gear or with a subclass
2) Pick the weapon with the fastest kill time possible. That means ARs and Shotguns
3) Stay in close quarters, which happens to be the majority of the maps

The abundance of chokepoints, line of sight blockers and lack of verticality is doing the game a disservice by artificially dictating the meta game and narrowing the breadth of encounters. As Bungie would say, "there are logical choices". It has passed the point of "a strategy" and has become "the strategy". Popular loadouts are par for the course with class based shooters, but I think a game so inherently unbalanced like Destiny would best shy away from this. It's becoming a rock-paper-scissors shooter where encounters are already decided before they begin.

I'm not sure how to go about solving this issue. Frankly, the PvP was more balanced when you couldn't run into a room with twice as much health, drop from radar or pull out a OHK grenade or melee from your back pocket.

I'm actually having a lot of fun with the pvp, and I've got to say you've nailed the problem. The amount of abilities in the beta were balancable, but now it's just ridiculous.

E92 M3

I'm getting so jealous/frustrated that everyone is getting exotics and legendaries while I'm still fed rares nonstop =/


I'd be in the dick
Best in the round and I get nothing. Another guy is the 3rd worst and he gets a rare AND a legendary engram...... I'm done

I honestly have no issue with the random drops in Crucible, I honestly think that the payout is too good from PvP overall. The added randomness of engrams giving gear for other classes and lower quality than the engram combined with the lack of payouts in PvE.
Probably the most fun Iv had during this game. A.I. was amazing to fighting. Teamwork! *drools*




Not sure if this has been posted yet, but this perfectly describes what's wrong with the loot system in this game. It's very frustrating that level 24 strikes essentially provide you with nothing useful once you are level 24. Most weapons and armor are already the same or worse than what you have.

And I am convinced that it impossible to get a legendary engram or exotic reward from strikes. I have not seen one in many hours of play. I have already maxed out on Vanguard marks for the week and haven't seen a single legendary engram.

Yep. I stay in close quarters all the time with my shotty, switch to AR's if the enemy is far away. It simply is that simple. And shotties it entirely depends on who has advantage of reaction, which since I usually crouch I can catch people off guard.

It's just reached a point where there is no ebb and flow in combat. People just drop instantly.


How are orbs of light generated and what do they do? I keep seeing random notifications that they've been generated during strikes
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