do you have to be in a high lvl strike for the nexus farm to drop good loot
No, you can get a legendary drop from the level 3 mobs on Earth if the RNG Gods decide it's your time. This is why I find the grinding schemes largely worthless.
do you have to be in a high lvl strike for the nexus farm to drop good loot
I am on Venus now..and it reminds me of Riddick.
Do people recommend buying everything he has available just to raise his level?
I find myself agreeing. If I had to pick my number 1 complaint with the game it's that. I think Bungie needs to look at the loot game. It doesn't hurt to look at other games. Set loot to drop off certain bosses, set it so that certain engrams actually giving you an item of that engrams quality. Give us a larger variety of gear. I find most gear looking so much the same. These are things that do need to be fixed. They are the parts that make you actually question going on.
Take me the last couple days. I have gotten tons of blue engrams. Probably a good 60 percent of those have given me Axiom Coven gear. The rest have been things that are a good 4 or so levels below my gear and no where near an upgrade. I'm talking I'm a level 25 now almost 26 and I regularly see level 20 gear. Legendary wise I'm batting about 50/50 in usefulness.
Now that said again. I love the game. It's my GOTY so far. That's how much I'm loving it. However no game is perfect. This isn't going to be the first.
Should I just make it so I lose in PvP? I'm convinced the worse you do, the higher chance of rewards.
do you have to be in a high lvl strike for the nexus farm to drop good loot
Can only one person pick up a legendary engram?
Friends and I were joking about this at the end of a game. I got stomped the very next game and got a legendary engram while they got nothing. I dunno anymore man.
He said you can only buy 1 item every 1.5 weeks. You can buy two items a week for feet, hands and chest. You can buy a weapon and a head piece every 1.5 weeks. It means rng isn't that bad bc your first week you can buy two pieces 1 using pvp marks and 1 using pve marks. Next week you buy the head piece and the remaining cheaper piece. That's assuming you never get a legendary any other way and it's two weeks for lvl 26+. That's not that bad.
Drops are different for everyone. If you see it, it's yours.
... Yeah, you make a good point. Fuck, how would they even fix these problems at this point?
I got my legendary when we lost, but I was top of the board. It's just freakin random.
... Yeah, you make a good point. Fuck, how would they even fix these problems at this point?
gotcha, i thought you might be saying he's wrong about legendary engrams dropping blues and greens or something.
my biggest issues is the second part of what he mentions, getting a legendary engram should be exciting, not completely deflating. i like Destiny a lot but it definitely needs some tweaking.
PVP is like bad but you always want more lolNote to self, don't play PvP on an empty stomach.
But gahd I can't stop! My K/D keeps getting lower and lower.
It's just the worst when the afk guy gets the Leg engram. Everyone feels the heat of rage at that point. I find it's way too random, like vanilla D3 random.
When you go to orbit without finishing a strike, do you retain the engrams you picked up?
The moon is gorgeous.
I joined a public event there, started firing on enemies.
I don't think I helped that much. :\
I'll trade you my three legendaries for your 1 exotic. You can buy legendaries easy. Exotics are much tougher imho.
Maybe it's jealousy from seeing others win the random lottery
Going to play some PVP tonight - if anyone wants one more for a party or wants to join add me
psn: bearsohmy
oh god forest oak shader makes you look like the MC, so badass, does every titan get that @20 or is it random
Oddly enough I'm closer to being able buy an exotic from Xur next week than I am to getting Vanguard Rank 2.
I feel like they should make the weekly cap 150, not 100.
I think legendary stuff might be close to shiny Pokemon levels of hard to find.
Finally got a legendary engram guys!
I'll update you with the result :/
Finally got a legendary engram guys!
I'll update you with the result :/
Ok I'm ready for Forza Horizon 2
Whens the first expansion again?
I got 2 rares... When I went 27 and 11.
Guy went 10 and 10. Got a Strange coin... I just... Don't know anymore.
Getting discouraged from doing good.
they should make it at the very least 120. Or lower the price of the helmet. It's ridiculously priced.