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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm level 23 and haven't gotten a single legendary, not even an engram.

At this rate how am I supposed to get to raid level?

I think you can actually get to level 25 without any legendary armors. I'm siting right on the ledge of 24 without any... haven't even fully upgraded some of the stuff either
I'm having a hard time coming up with a play style with my Titan. I'm 20 and just did Assult Rifle pretty much the whole way to 20 but now I have not got a new Assult rifle in 2 days now and I've been getting a bunch or rare other weapons.

I also have been experimenting with Armor, Recovery, and Agility. I figure recovery was not helping me much so I went with adding more Agility with already high armor. That way if the situation called for it, I can get in there and melee without bein a sitting duck.

Right before I turned the game off, I tried a rare hand cannon with a rare sniper and did pretty well. I've tried Pulse and Scout rifles and while they are good in PvE, they do not excel in PvP.

What are other Titans doing?
Probably answered, but where do you get the PS exclusive gear?

I was on 360 at my mate's all week (PS4 LE still hasn't arrived from Amazon : ( ), but I don't think there's a concrete way of getting them. From what I gather they kind of drop when they drop like everything else in the game.
I'm level 23 and haven't gotten a single legendary, not even an engram.

At this rate how am I supposed to get to raid level?

your best bet is to play PvP and hope for a legendary, either actual item or engram. If not that, you could always get your current faction/vanguard to rank 2 via rep, and then grind for marks so you can start buying legendary items from them
Exactly what I'm experiencing

i feel like i bring it upon myself though. i love sniping in this game, so that's what's in my secondary slot. everyone else has a shotgun or a fusion rifle. i also play as gunslinger, which in the grand scheme of things is the weakest class. or rather, it's the only class that's balanced, since it doesn't have OHK melees, health modifiers, an undetectable super, etc. It never bothers me being golden gunned. Most of the time I can hear it across the map and wait 10 seconds before poking my head out or dodge the shot and kill the hunter.

the other supers though? yeeesh. blade dancer especially is a hot mess. you should be penalized for sticking your head out in the open with a melee super. you already have ridiculous lunge, so you don't need added bullet resistance on top of that.

the pvp is just lacking consistency. direct rocket launcher hits and sniper headshots should always lead to kills. every other class throws that balance off.


Probably answered, but where do you get the PS exclusive gear?

For the armor, I've gotten all mine from level 24 vanguard playlist. They're just blues though so meh...

For the weapons, they seem to be available via any method that can provide those weapon types. For example, engrams and crucible rewards. Since they're exotic, they're really rare though.


Anyone else agree that Asylum is by far the most beautiful Crucible map? It's just... Awesome. Makes me feel like TLOU mixed with Mass Effect.


Gotta say I was pretty choked after just finding my first Legendary Engram only to have it be Rare.

I can't even imagine having that repeat over and over. Hmmmm.


Just got my first Legendary Engram in The Crucible.

Got a blue helmet that wasn't even better than what I already had. Fuck that shit pisses me off. What the fuck, Bungie?

Just got this after a random drop.


Anybody want to run the Weekly Strike on Xbox One? No headset for me though since it's a little later here GT: Gamefreak2590


What do the Hive Major and Ultras look like? Got a bounty where I need to kill 10 of them.

Majors are yellows, Ultras are yellows with Shields.

The easiest way to do it is go to Cosmodrome, right in front of you there is an access stairway to the subway - go down into the dark and turn off to the right. There is a room that spawns 3 hive majors. Kill them, go back up to the surface - kill the fallen at the top and run back down.

Do that 4 times and you'll have 12 kills.


Loving the game, but man... the amount of weapons and missions just feels so incredibly low. All the assault rifles feel pretty much the same and there's almost no customization, which for an "RPG" FPS like this just feels weird.

I will keep supporting this game because, honestly, I like Bungie. And because the visuals (not technically perhaps, but artistically at least) are just amazing. Can't wait to reach Mars and get some higher level stuff so I can do everything.

My biggest gripe though is with the multiplayer PvP. Playing as anything other than a level 25+ means you will get your ass kicked on 1vs1 unless you can catch someone from behind, and even then good luck. I just wanna play only PvE with my friends. Give me more different missions and quests, please!!
Oh, and another thing that I believe pretty much everybody else already said, is how stupid is having the Grimoire stuff only on the web or app. Seriously, let me check all that stuff in-game with some awesome 3D models or illustrations to go with it, please!!


Just got my first Legendary Engram in The Crucible.

Got a blue helmet that wasn't even better than what I already had. Fuck that shit pisses me off. What the fuck, Bungie?

I'd agree that Bungie should definitely change the way legendary engrams work. If one drops, it should be a legendary automatically. Can't understand why they made it the way it is now.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Majors are yellows, Ultras are yellows with Shields.

The easiest way to do it is go to Cosmodrome, right in front of you there is an access stairway to the subway - go down into the dark and turn off to the right. There is a room that spawns 3 hive majors. Kill them, go back up to the surface - kill the fallen at the top and run back down.

Do that 4 times and you'll have 12 kills.

that's nice if you're level 18 or so but suicide for anyone just starting out lol


I'd agree that Bungie should definitely change the way legendary engrams work. If one drops, it should be a legendary automatically. Can't understand why they made it the way it is now.

What do you think the odds are? 80% rare and 20% legendary? With a 75% chance of your legendary being for another class


I'm having a hard time coming up with a play style with my Titan. I'm 20 and just did Assult Rifle pretty much the whole way to 20 but now I have not got a new Assult rifle in 2 days now and I've been getting a bunch or rare other weapons.

I also have been experimenting with Armor, Recovery, and Agility. I figure recovery was not helping me much so I went with adding more Agility with already high armor. That way if the situation called for it, I can get in there and melee without bein a sitting duck.

Right before I turned the game off, I tried a rare hand cannon with a rare sniper and did pretty well. I've tried Pulse and Scout rifles and while they are good in PvE, they do not excel in PvP.

What are other Titans doing?

For pvp I use a fushion gun (green ammo) and utilize the shoulder dash 1 hit kill melee. Watch your radar and try to always keep shoulder dash ready. Purple weapon I use the rocket launcher. Only time I pull out the normal weapon is for enemies that are far away.

PvE I have a snipe and AR. Scout rifle is great too for pve. I use the defender skill set for pve. Defender is also great for team kill pvp contests provided people play as a team.
My entire team quits like 30 seconds into a Control match. I mess around and play the next five minutes by myself. My team fills up 30 seconds before the match ends and two of my teammates get legendary engrams. WTF

That was probably frustrating, but I'm laughing my ass off. Sorry, bro.
Majors are yellows, Ultras are yellows with Shields.

The easiest way to do it is go to Cosmodrome, right in front of you there is an access stairway to the subway - go down into the dark and turn off to the right. There is a room that spawns 3 hive majors. Kill them, go back up to the surface - kill the fallen at the top and run back down.

Do that 4 times and you'll have 12 kills.

it took me close to 2 hours in the beta to kill those guys.

now it takes 2 seconds.
Just played a control match with one of my friends, we both did extremely well. The other team got slaughtered. Like 20,000 to 9,000. Someone on the other team got an exotic sniper rifle....idunno


Gotta say I was pretty choked after just finding my first Legendary Engram only to have it be Rare.

I can't even imagine having that repeat over and over. Hmmmm.

Believe me... It does.

I've played 40 hours now (holy shit) according to bungie.net and still haven't gotten a single legendary drop my hunter can use.

I don't regret purchasing Destiny day 1 as I had a ton of fun going 1-20 the first time, playing crucible, and doing all the hard level strikes the first couple of times. But now I log on and my guardian doesn't improve atall and any legendary engrams I get are just wasted. I feel like when Ido finally get a legendary itwill be a feeling of relief rather than excitement. I don't want to quit the game entirely because I do love the core gunplay, but I already feel burnt out on this lack of progression.


I'd agree that Bungie should definitely change the way legendary engrams work. If one drops, it should be a legendary automatically. Can't understand why they made it the way it is now.

isn't it obvious? it's so you get that feeling of "FINALLY!!!" and then are let down. It basically makes you either give up or become an addict.


What do you think the odds are? 80% rare and 20% legendary? With a 75% chance of your legendary being for another class

I've only gotten 1 so can't say for sure, but I'd say something like that. Maybe even a little less than 20%. And seeing how rare the engrams are in the first place, it's kinda silly.


What do you think the odds are? 80% rare and 20% legendary? With a 75% chance of your legendary being for another class

I've gotten about 15 legendary engrams.

8 of them have been green, 4 blue, 2 purple, and 1 exotic.

One of the purples and the exotic were for Warlock and Titan (I'm a hunter). And several of the blues were for Warlock.

So yeah, for some people the odds are total bullshit.

It should be a guaranteed purple, ascendant resources, strange coinS, or moteS of light.

They drop so infrequently, for you to get greens or low level blue shit is unreasonable.

My cryptarch is level 11. That'll be an indicator of how many blues I've found. (I don't dump glimmer into cryptarch because it's a waste).
Is there a non-exotic hunter helmet that doesn't look like poop? I've yet to see one at least.

The Ghost angel one at least looks decent in an odd way. I do think hunters have the worst looking armor overall, and it only gets mitigated a little by having the cloak. Like all of it looks like more weird functional stuff with tubes and canisters all over them while the other classes have fantasy and soft sci fi looking gear.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds PvP completly fucking frustrating as hell? No fun at all. Bullshit kills left and right.

I don't really enjoy it that much, but I'm bad. Probably one of the people that others on here have bitched about having to carry. I die way too fast and even when I'm doing good I don't really feel like it was out of skill. Only kills I can constantly get are melee, and any kill I get anyway I end up like one hit from death. Not to mention a shotgun user just completely shuts that down with one hit kills. None of this surprises me though since I really don't like ADS games or low TTK pvp games, so I try not to complain too much. The more I play though the more I realize that the things I really like doing in the game, going fast and using all the movement/jumping skills, just ends up getting you noticed/killed faster. At least in Tribes even if I was doing bad I could still go fast as fuck with a flag and help the team that way.
Majors are yellows, Ultras are yellows with Shields.

The easiest way to do it is go to Cosmodrome, right in front of you there is an access stairway to the subway - go down into the dark and turn off to the right. There is a room that spawns 3 hive majors. Kill them, go back up to the surface - kill the fallen at the top and run back down.

Do that 4 times and you'll have 12 kills.
Thanks. Just completed it.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Got an exotic weapons bounty, did all the other shit on it, now I need 10 fucking rare fusion rifles to breakdown to give the twatty gunsmith.

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