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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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So, i have this game, on XB1, is there a thread somewhere where we've designated to share share gamertags and such? I could really use a group to get weeklies/dailies/anything done with :)

Loving this game so far but i seem to have a really bad idea of how to play it. Might be a case of dipping my toes in the water versus jumping right in but i'm level 20, not quite done with my defender tree and i've got like 7 light in all my gear combined. Have a few blue items, no purples and only had like 3 coins when the grifter dude was in town, nothing over level 18 either.


Believe me... It does.

I've played 40 hours now (holy shit) according to bungie.net and still haven't gotten a single legendary drop my hunter can use.

I don't regret purchasing Destiny day 1 as I had a ton of fun going 1-20 the first time, playing crucible, and doing all the hard level strikes the first couple of times. But now I log on and my guardian doesn't improve atall and any legendary engrams I get are just wasted. I feel like when Ido finally get a legendary itwill be a feeling of relief rather than excitement. I don't want to quit the game entirely because I do love the core gunplay, but I already feel burnt out on this lack of progression.

That sucks bro. If I could mail you a legendary I would. Just save up those marks and buy it. Sooner or later rng will swing your way.


Anyone on PS4 that's level 26+ want to do the weekly nightfall strike? Need 2.


Shoot me a PM on here and let me know who you are so I know who to accept.

(On a sidenote, when do the weeklies reset??)
Everytime I start to really warm up to this game something happens that just kills it for me.

Level 14, probably around 10 hours gameplay(yes I am slow), finally find my first public event. But because your "shared world" is limited to 15 or 16 players(forget which) there is literally no one on Venus with me and I can't solo it. What a waste.
Got an exotic weapons bounty, did all the other shit on it, now I need 10 fucking rare fusion rifles to breakdown to give the twatty gunsmith.


Keep checking the vendor in town. He will sell rare ones every so often.

Yeah, if you're low level Sword of Crota might be a good one to do.

The moon strike gets you more then half of the hive major/ultra kills a run I think as well if you are lower level.

Are green drops automatically decoded?

Think I got a bunch of green engrams while leveling, but none whatsoever at cap. Could be remembering wrong though.
Is the Raid unlocked? I see it on Venus but im not 26 yet so it says requirements not met.

No idea, but someone has gotten the trophy for it already so it seems.

Also wtf was Bungie thinking with how loot drops? I mean come on, I understand the point of loot games but it isn't fun if all the freaking legendaries you get isn't even for your freaking class!
Also, it sucks that you can only get 100 credits per week, it will take you at least 4 weeks to get a whole set of legendary pieces from a fraction since all pieces total about 315 credits.
I'd agree that Bungie should definitely change the way legendary engrams work. If one drops, it should be a legendary automatically. Can't understand why they made it the way it is now.

Chances are they made it this way because they wanted people to struggle to get to high level. Which was already hard enough with the drop rate of the legendary engrams. Fucking a. They should've made it where once you reach a certain level, legendary engrams are like what blue engrams used to be and blues become green.
I opened 5 legendary engrams and about 20 rares today. Zero legendaries. Can't complain too much, since I've gotten to lvl 27 and got an exotic weapon bounty.


I swear I will not devote my entire evening to this game today....

And yeah, shoulder and knee charge are awesome as fuck. I love it! It is so good for traversal!


That's a really good point. I tend to hit strikes for the drops but honestly... its not worth it over all. I'll pick a planet with materials that I'm low on and just patrol until something changes.

And I got a Strange Coin and a few blue engrams / other nice stuff from chests / random mobs while farming, too. So it worked out. I just can't believe they fucked up that badly with the Vanguard Strikelist.

I think you can actually get to level 25 without any legendary armors. I'm siting right on the ledge of 24 without any... haven't even fully upgraded some of the stuff either

I'm a hair from 24 with nothing but rare gear. I got my head kicked in at 22 for the heroic weekly, though, my group got shattered at the mesh part. Stupid arc damage.

Shoulder Charge.
Shoulder charge is amazing, but it gets me killed a lot. Want to shoulder charge TOO much.


It's only been less than a week this game has been out, and people got to 20 within the first day or two. But now it's taking forever to get the light necessary for leveling.

I think the rate at which leveling is happening is fine. People shouldn't be hitting the max cap of 30 in a week.

That being said, the engram bullshit is dumb. Fix that.

Also, there has to be some increased loot modifier on for killing bosses and doing really good in crucible.


game getting increasingly frustrating with the legendary engram = rare lame drop. and the lack of content is starting to wear me down, having to do the same strikes over and over for like 6 marks when most of the stuff costs like 100 marks. ranking up on reputation is tiresome too.


Just got my first Legendary Engram in The Crucible.

Got a blue helmet that wasn't even better than what I already had. Fuck that shit pisses me off. What the fuck, Bungie?

The EXACT same thing happened to me yesterday. I was pretty bummed...
Bungie definitely has to change how these things work.
Anyways, did the Lv 18 Vanguard Strike playlist thing with a friend and we ended up having to do the Venus strike. I've never really complained about the bosses being bullet sponges but god damn is that final boss a bullet sponge!
We beat him on our second try but that was a painful waste of time.
I ended the Strike with 250ish kills while my friend and the random Hunter got 50-70 each... At least I pulled my weight? -_-
I'm sure it would have been easier if I had a competent team with me. ^^

Also did the Mars Strike this weekend. I think this was by far the most fun Strike so far. The final boss was a bullet sponge, too but I didn't mind.

I'm currently farming fwc rep by doing bounties. Is there any faster way to do it? Fortunately I only have to get to rank 1 to buy armor and it only costs Crucible marks.

The Vanguard Quatermaster is a little more costly. It's Lv 2 rep (aready at 1) but I think he takes Vanguard marks (150 for the Auto Rifle I want) which are a little harder to come by... Do you only get them by doing the Vanguard Strike Playlist?


isn't it obvious? it's so you get that feeling of "FINALLY!!!" and then are let down. It basically makes you either give up or become an addict.

The whole point of this game is tricking you into loot addiction, they are doing it wrong thou.


game getting increasingly frustrating with the legendary engram = rare lame drop. and the lack of content is starting to wear me down, having to do the same strikes over and over for like 6 marks when most of the stuff costs like 100 marks. ranking up on reputation is tiresome too.

Legendaries won't fix your issue. The only way you can level them up is with mats that are rare as hell. Worse than legendary drops rare.


game getting increasingly frustrating with the legendary engram = rare lame drop. and the lack of content is starting to wear me down, having to do the same strikes over and over for like 6 marks when most of the stuff costs like 100 marks. ranking up on reputation is tiresome too.

You'd rather play the game for 1 week and be in full purples and level 30? Have you ever played an RPG before?
It's only been less than a week this game has been out, and people got to 20 within the first day or two. But now it's taking forever to get the light necessary for leveling.

I think the rate at which leveling is happening is fine. People shouldn't be hitting the max cap of 30 in a week.

That being said, the engram bullshit is dumb. Fix that.

Also, there has to be some increased loot modifier on for killing bosses and doing really good in crucible.

yeah genuinely I'm losing interest of engrams. I feel like Bungie is reading the feedback but whether there are solutions being made or not is another thing. Point made, AR's and shotgun are still wrecking shop in PvP.


You'd rather play the game for 1 week and be in full purples and level 30? Have you ever played an RPG before?

Sorry I'm not hardcore enough for Bungie, maybe if there was content instead of artificially hinder my progress with a lame loot system... things would be diferent.


Today, I got two Exotic weapons from Legendary Engrams.

Did Bungie fix the chances or did I get piss lucky?

Also, Exotic weapons take forever to level up.


Got that asshole cryptarch to level 10, 5 more legendary engrams and 5 more blues! Been lucky with those shitty engrams today, they really should change the color of them to shit brown. You know...cuz they're shit.


Sorry I'm not hardcore enough for Bungie, maybe if there was content instead of artificially hinder your progress with a lame loot system... things would be diferent.

Then you'd already be done and playing the game as a multiplayer normal shooter.


Incredibly lucky. You should buy a lotto ticket while you still have the luck, you'll probably win millions.

Haha. I'll take pictures tomorrow. Both are godly. The handcannon is "The Last Word" and that's my go-to PvE gun that does nice damage and has great hip-fire accuracy.

The second one I got is called Hard Light and its an Auto Rifle that has no stability but bullets penetrate and ricochet off walls, also the second half of the magazine gets boosted damage. It has nice Stability increasing mods that I'm aiming to unlock for PvP.
This has reached a point where everytime I see a post about one of you with legendary engrams that worked, or with exotic weapons, I want you to get hurt lol. Almost feels like rubbing it in with this loot system

So fucking jelly


You'd rather play the game for 1 week and be in full purples and level 30? Have you ever played an RPG before?

save me this type of reply, its juvenile. I've played this for nearly 3 days straight and had countless legendary engrams all turning into rare items, now the amount of time i invested in such a short period of time may be unhealthy and that is my damage, it however doesn't take from the fact the game needs sorting out on the engram attribution/success conversion rate.

and i don't mind grinding, it gets tiring when the strike playlist gets you to do the same strike twice in a row though.

also needs map voting in the crucible, same map twice is another gripe.


love on your sleeve
game getting increasingly frustrating with the legendary engram = rare lame drop. and the lack of content is starting to wear me down, having to do the same strikes over and over for like 6 marks when most of the stuff costs like 100 marks. ranking up on reputation is tiresome too.

And even 6 marks is a shit reward given how long it takes to whittle down the health of these bullet sponge bosses. I'm not sure if it isn't better to just quickly run through the Level 20 Viper strikes versus wasting time with the Tiger playlist.


And even 6 marks is a shit reward given how long it takes to whittle down the health of these bullet sponge bosses. I'm not sure if it isn't better to just quickly run through the Level 20 Viper strikes versus wasting time with the Tiger playlist.

exactly. but you voice your problems with the game and you're met with "have you ever played an rpg before?" smh
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