Today, I got two Exotic weapons from Legendary Engrams.
Did Bungie fix the chances or did I get piss lucky?
Also, Exotic weapons take forever to level up.
Which weapons?
Today, I got two Exotic weapons from Legendary Engrams.
Did Bungie fix the chances or did I get piss lucky?
Also, Exotic weapons take forever to level up.
This has reached a point where everytime I see a post about one of you with legendary engrams that worked, or with exotic weapons, I want you to get hurt lol. Almost feels like rubbing it in with this loot system
So fucking jelly
yikes, people complaining about a RNG game when it hasn't been 1 week yet, you guys are going to get burnt out
Today, I got two Exotic weapons from Legendary Engrams.
Did Bungie fix the chances or did I get piss lucky?
Also, Exotic weapons take forever to level up.
yikes, people complaining about a RNG game when it hasn't been 1 week yet, you guys are going to get burnt out
At this rate there is no way I'll be 26 for the Strike. Hopefully there'll some good weekend groups going.
At this rate there is no way I'll be 26 for the Strike. Hopefully there'll some good weekend groups going.
And even 6 marks is a shit reward given how long it takes to whittle down the health of these bullet sponge bosses. I'm not sure if it isn't better to just quickly run through the Level 20 Viper strikes versus wasting time with the Tiger playlist.
Do you need to be 26?
I'm 25 and can launch the level 28 nightfall strike. Seems odd.
Dude I feel you.
The funny thing was I got both by not farming :/. I've been trying to get the reputation up for the Vanguards and Crucible. Hell, I got The Last Word off a drop from that Mars strike against that Mohawk dude, and I got Hard Light from bullshitting around in the Rocketyards in a chest while waiting for a AFK fireteam member while doing the Earth strike.
I gave up farming and bam.
I'm not sure I have the Strike playlist. I'm level 21. Do I have to beat all of the story missions first?
Do you need to be 26?
I'm 25 and can launch the level 28 nightfall strike. Seems odd.
This has reached a point where everytime I see a post about one of you with legendary engrams that worked, or with exotic weapons, I want you to get hurt lol. Almost feels like rubbing it in with this loot system
So fucking jelly
Grimoire Card said:Extra materials drop from material nodes in this destination.
Who are you and why?
I'm a guardian from earth, also an awoken like you lol
Well I don't like it!
I want to kill the black garden or whatever
Why would you do that, I guess we told you to or? I'm not sure
Ya I think that's it
Well I'm going to be a dick about it, OK?
So The Queen, my sister, wanted to tell me, my sister's brother, to tell you, that since she told you to blow up the black garden I guess, you should get a robot head first so we can help you.
lol that's stupid.
well, you'll die getting the robot head.
do it or else, but you'll die probably. On Venus.
Oh, yes. And only 400 kills from rank 3. Wonder what rank 3 gives me?
Who are you and why?
I'm a guardian from earth, also an awoken like you lol
Well I don't like it!
I want to kill the black garden or whatever
Why would you do that, I guess we told you to or? I'm not sure
Ya I think that's it
Well I'm going to be a dick about it, OK?
So The Queen, my sister, wanted to tell me, my sister's brother, to tell you, that since she told you to blow up the black garden I guess, you should get a robot head first so we can help you.
lol that's stupid.
well, you'll die getting the robot head.
do it or else, but you'll die probably. On Venus.
So far I have had 2 level 20 characters and a level ten. Never seen a legendary for ANY of them. Haven't seen a legendary at all.
Just got this after a random drop.
The ability to go to rank 4.
Who are you and why?
I'm a guardian from earth, also an awoken like you lol
Well I don't like it!
I want to kill the black garden or whatever
Why would you do that, I guess we told you to or? I'm not sure
Ya I think that's it
Well I'm going to be a dick about it, OK?
So The Queen, my sister, wanted to tell me, my sister's brother, to tell you, that since she told you to blow up the black garden I guess, you should get a robot head first so we can help you.
lol that's stupid.
well, you'll die getting the robot head.
do it or else, but you'll die probably. On Venus.
When does the nightfall strike reset? Tonight or Tuesday?
Both are wastes. Do patrol missions near Public Events you can solo while farming mats. 49 Vanguard marks to 89 Vanguard marks today due to that.
Plus one heroic daily mission.
The Cabal are like giant teddy bears!
Am I the only one that finds it really odd that the queen ignores the fact that I am awoken?
My entire team quits like 30 seconds into a Control match. I mess around and play the next five minutes by myself. My team fills up 30 seconds before the match ends and two of my teammates get legendary engrams. WTF
Am I the only one that finds it really odd that the queen ignores the fact that I am awoken?
You'd rather play the game for 1 week and be in full purples and level 30? Have you ever played an RPG before?
That's not even worth putting in spoiler tags. But yeah, believe it or not, that's the high point of the story.
So i just had something weird happen to me. I had two blue encrypts which I took to the crypto, and they both came out purples. Thats awesome, but not weird. The first turned out to be an epic class item for a warlock; i'm a titan and planning on using FWC, so i can't use it. BUT the item in question was one of the faction items for the New Monarchy that you wear to increase reputation. Thats a little weird, as i didn't know those could be drops.
And the second item turned out to be one of the Rank 3 faction guns, the crusader. That was really weird, as I'm almost certainly, logically at least, that those shouldn't be drops.
Considering that both drops were from the same faction, i'm wondering if there was a bug, Maybe it accidentally pulled items from the wrong loot table. Has anyone heard about any of the faction items dropping?
yikes, people complaining about a RNG game when it hasn't been 1 week yet, you guys are going to get burnt out
I'm pretty sure it's going to be on Venus.Also does anyone think the raid will take place onMercury? Because if so, do you think we'll end up going to a new planet in the near future? I noticed in Rumble, we play on a Mercury map. It's also mentioned in the story how the Vex took it over and turned it into a planet-sized machine.