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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Starting to level up my blade dancer. Feels weird running around pvp with no main skill lol.

Also, that Mars farming vid someone posted today wasn't bad. Chests respawn at a nice clip. Only problem is that I got two rare ships.

Yep, ships. They can fly my imaginary Titan around, who, if he existed, would have my only two pieces of Legendary loot.

;; I'm so bitter.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Played the Moon strike for the first time, really seemed lackluster compared to Russia's. Are the Venus and Mars ones better?
Fuckin finally got to level 24. ALSO FINALLY LEGENDARY ARMOUR THANK GOD
(I think the helmet looks ugly)

How are orbs of light generated and what do they do? I keep seeing random notifications that they've been generated during strikes

They are generated from your supers. Collecting charges your super bar. They could be clearer about this in the game, as it confused me for a while during the beta.
I'm actually having a lot of fun with the pvp, and I've got to say you've nailed the problem. The amount of abilities in the beta were balancable, but now it's just ridiculous.

I have fun too until I'm being killed constantly by OHK grenades and melees and running into people with overshields.

Health gets boosted with gear in the crucible?

If they have one of the exotics that give you shield boosts, then yes. Other than that, every class has some sort of added resistance or overshield.

Except Gunslinger.
It's just reached a point where there is no ebb and flow in combat. People just drop instantly.

Halo definitely has the advantage there. Kills take so long you can actually counter and still win. The only reason I've won from being double/triple teamed by the opposing team is when they don't even realize I'm there and I shotgun punch all of them before they even realize they're being picked off. This 2 second kill is ridiculous. And I doubt Iron Banner is going to change the whole game. Though it may actually, assuming level advantage is on shotguns shouldn't be a one hit kill.


Not sure if this has been posted yet, but this perfectly describes what's wrong with the loot system in this game. It's very frustrating that level 24 strikes essentially provide you with nothing useful once you are level 24. Most weapons and armor are already the same or worse than what you have.

And I am convinced that it impossible to get a legendary engram or exotic reward from strikes. I have not seen one in many hours of play. I have already maxed out on Vanguard marks for the week and haven't seen a single legendary engram.


There are plenty of avenues to get loot. You can PvP in a variety of gamemodes and on PvE side you have strike playlists, dailies, weekliess and patrols.
I honestly have no issue with the random drops in Crucible, I honestly think that the payout is too good from PvP overall. The added randomness of engrams giving gear for other classes and lower quality than the engram combined with the lack of payouts in PvE.

I don't mind it being slightly random but to get possible legendary gear for basically just showing up to a round is bullshit. As someone else said in here, you could just idle the round and still have a chance of getting great loot if you don't get reported or anything


I'm actually having a lot of fun with the pvp, and I've got to say you've nailed the problem. The amount of abilities in the beta were balancable, but now it's just ridiculous.

Part of the problem is I can't tell classes. So I'll be fighting someone then boom Titan ground pound when

Had no idea he was a Titan
Had no idea he had his super

I wish there was some elegant way to display this info. On his name have an icon or color difference. Something so I can strategize
Halo definitely has the advantage there. Kills take so long you can actually counter and still win. The only reason I've won from being double/triple teamed by the opposing team is when they don't even realize I'm there and I shotgun punch all of them before they even realize they're being picked off. This 2 second kill is ridiculous. And I doubt Iron Banner is going to change the whole game. Though it may actually, assuming level advantage is on shotguns shouldn't be a one hit kill.

2 seconds is being generous. Scout Rifle combat in Destiny is perfect. AR combat is approaching CoD kill times.

I'm not going anywhere near Iron Banner. The one saving grave for me is that my Sniper still kills in two body shots. Unless they have an overshield.


Sorry if this is a really NOOB question but how is it that some guardians have a shield bar above their health bar in PVP. Is is something you aquire?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
special ability. could be a titan defender buff or sunslinger... its not that strong of a shield imo anyways.
There are plenty of avenues to get loot. You can PvP in a variety of gamemodes and on PvE side you have strike playlists, dailies, weekliess and patrols.

people could just 'buy' a legendary

but no. that would mean that they couldn't be gods in the first 5 days after launch


love on your sleeve
I'm getting so jealous/frustrated that everyone is getting exotics and legendaries while I'm still fed rares nonstop =/

I got a legendary heavy weapon from a rare engram but beyond that, nothing. Spent all day in a fireteam with my friends and they each picked up 3 legendary engrams. Hell, I did a public event solo and didn't get the usual engram drop at the postmaster.

This game is maddening when it comes to loot drops.


Part of the problem is I can't tell classes. So I'll be fighting someone then boom Titan ground pound when

Had no idea he was a Titan
Had no idea he had his super

I wish there was some elegant way to display this info. On his name have an icon or color difference. Something so I can strategize

Agreed on that, though you can tell by armor who is what. Cloaks=hunter Master chief armor= Titan Trench coat= warlock. A no supers playlist would be nice.


I'd be in the dick
Sorry if this is a really NOOB question but how is it that some guardians have a shield bar above their health bar in PVP. Is is something you aquire?

Everyone has shields all the time. When your health bar goes down 2/3 of the way and turns red, that's when your shields are down and you start taking health damage.


people could just 'buy' a legendary

but no. that would mean that they couldn't be gods in the first 5 days after launch

I think people aren't counting the shops as reasonable sources for loot. It's kinda ridiculous. All the randoms stuff is ... Random. Shop legendaries for guaranteed loot with guaranteed xp from strikes and everything. Maybe it's jealousy from seeing others win the random lottery

Although I do agree the time investment in strikes needs some better xp gain or something. Hard to justify versus pvp


Everyone has shields all the time. When your health bar goes down 2/3 of the way and turns red, that's when your shields are down and you start taking health damage.

Nah he's talking about the overshield that all classes can get through abilities.


special ability. could be a titan defender buff or sunslinger... its not that strong of a shield imo anyways.

people could just 'buy' a legendary

but no. that would mean that they couldn't be gods in the first 5 days after launch

Yep, while you're doing all that stuff you should also be gaining rep so you can just buy legendaries. People don't want to put in any effort. Loot tables are fine.
A no supers playlist would be nice.

Not really. Supers are trump cards. Take them out and people still have heat seeking grenades, OHK melees, and other buffs.

If you want to take out class differences entirely, perhaps, but then that kinda defeats the point of Crucible...


man, after 1000 kills in the crucible im averaging a 2.5 KD and its pretty disappointing

i know that if i queued with other people i knowl or focused more on 3v3 gametypes i could easily be over 3.0, but i dunno none of my buds are really taking the game too seriously so im left to lone wolf it, and the 3v3 game modes require more communication


Just read this on reddit and it completely echoes my feelings on the endgame

I find myself agreeing. If I had to pick my number 1 complaint with the game it's that. I think Bungie needs to look at the loot game. It doesn't hurt to look at other games. Set loot to drop off certain bosses, set it so that certain engrams actually giving you an item of that engrams quality. Give us a larger variety of gear. I find most gear looking so much the same. These are things that do need to be fixed. They are the parts that make you actually question going on.

Take me the last couple days. I have gotten tons of blue engrams. Probably a good 60 percent of those have given me Axiom Coven gear. The rest have been things that are a good 4 or so levels below my gear and no where near an upgrade. I'm talking I'm a level 25 now almost 26 and I regularly see level 20 gear. Legendary wise I'm batting about 50/50 in usefulness.

Now that said again. I love the game. It's my GOTY so far. That's how much I'm loving it. However no game is perfect. This isn't going to be the first.


Agreed on that, though you can tell by armor who is what. Cloaks=hunter Master chief armor= Titan Trench coat= warlock. A no supers playlist would be nice.

Yeah you can a bit but what is prominent is their name and health bar. Hard to see armor details at all for some reason since there is a bright outline around players in general it seems or somethin. Especially at distance
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but this perfectly describes what's wrong with the loot system in this game. It's very frustrating that level 24 strikes essentially provide you with nothing useful once you are level 24. Most weapons and armor are already the same or worse than what you have.

And I am convinced that it impossible to get a legendary engram or exotic reward from strikes. I have not seen one in many hours of play. I have already maxed out on Vanguard marks for the week and haven't seen a single legendary engram.


While I completely agree with everything in that post, take a look at it from the other angle though. Imagine the loot was easier to get. What would everyone in this thread be doing if they were already level 26 before the raid even dropped?

There's not enough content to justify giving everyone loot at a decent pace. So instead they've turned their endgame into a grind, and the raid is only going to make it worse.


I got a legendary heavy weapon from a rare engram but beyond that, nothing. Spent all day in a fireteam with my friends and they each picked up 3 legendary engrams. Hell, I did a public event solo and didn't get the usual engram drop at the postmaster.

This game is maddening when it comes to loot drops.

I'll trade you my three legendaries for your 1 exotic. You can buy legendaries easy. Exotics are much tougher imho.


Not really. Supers are trump cards. Take them out and people still have heat seeking grenades, OHK melees, and other buffs.

If you want to take out class differences entirely, perhaps, but then that kinda defeats the point of Crucible...

... Yeah, you make a good point. Fuck, how would they even fix these problems at this point?


Thanks for the replies, its been bugging me :) I find the matchmaking awful 3v3 was me another 16 and a 22 versus 3 24's. Our 22 left leaving us battered, that coupled with me being next to useless in the crucible didn't help!!
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