Would you guys recommend this for someone who liked DQV (was never able to get a copy of VI)? My only DQ have been V,IV and IX.
aww just beat the first island. my theory was so cool
doesn't everyone grind till they can buy all the new equipment every time they get to a new shop? i thought that was standard. i even extra grind afterwards to make sure i have a nice little nest egg for the next round.
Aaaaand the accents are still terrible. Why must they translate these games this way?
This time I am avoiding grinding, just buying what I can afford and hoping for the best.
Would you guys recommend this for someone who liked DQV (was never able to get a copy of VI)? My only DQ have been V,IV and IX.
Yeah, they're awful.
I've noticed that the remake is a bit easier than the original game so I'm trying to avoid most battles so I can keep my party at a low level. The game is a lot more fun this way.
Aaaaand the accents are still terrible. Why must they translate these games this way?
It's amazing how much using CFW to force the New 3DS's extra CPU power helps the menu slowdowns. I wonder why it slows down to begin with, the Japanese version was so much snappier.
Just bought it but my daughter took it from my hands damn... Oh Well![]()
I think what they did to Dialac/Regansten was worse than what they did to the temple... jeez. Way to gut one of the franchises high points.
Using Luma, it's a setting you just turn on in the CFW itself. The settings menu is accessed by holding select when it boots. I set it to use the CPU and the extra L2 cache and it works great with the game.
I think what they did to Dialac/Regansten was worse than what they did to the temple... jeez. Way to gut one of the franchises high points.
Holy shit there was a healing spot in the dungeon....
Would have saved me 10 years...
And Zaffir, the beginning of the game is slow on purpose. It keeps getting better and better.
I think what they did to Dialac/Regansten was worse than what they did to the temple... jeez. Way to gut one of the franchises high points.
What did they do? I absolutely loved Dialac in the original.
1st boss question
I used the wooden doll and didn't get any exp. Was that supposed to be like that?
How/where? In every dungeon?
Woah you could do that ?
I did it the normal way and got exp. nice touch.
The second dungeon. Haven't seen a healing spot again but I also found the frist one randomly.
Pardon my ignorance:
Does DQVII or VIII (not out in US yet), run in 3D on 3DS?
Or is 3D functionality disabled?
VII definitely has 3D, and it's pretty impressive IMO. No clue about VIII.
Pardon my ignorance:
Does DQVII or VIII (not out in US yet), run in 3D on 3DS?
Or is 3D functionality disabled?
That's the level I was when I left that dungeon and I've not had any problems following it.Kinda regret using that. I'm still level 7 lol.
Second dungeon is the tower?
VII definitely has 3D, and it's pretty impressive IMO. No clue about VIII.
No, I remember one of the DQ games having a Brazilian town, and some of the people living in there would speak words in Portuguese, lol.Is it bad I found the stoned village more enjoyable due to the German language?
I agree with him, I'm playing in 3D all the time, some rough edges here and there, but the game looks a lot brighter and sharper in 3D, the effect is on point too.I'm glad to hear this
My copy should be here Monday.
I've never completed the original PS1 version but I don't recall it using a class system.
Dialac was my favorite part of the original game. I was assuming since I didn't hear anyone saying anything about it that they did gut it and it's nowhere near as good.
Asking again, any way to remove party members ? Like if I want a two characters team ?
@Arched Make sure the Amazon code is for the region of your eshop account. Nintendo can be garbage when it comes to region.
Don't worry about chests, they're independent.14 hours on the game clock and at the mech island. First time playing this one in the mainline games and it's been a blast so far, talking with everyone with the party chat. I haven't yet had to grind nor have I yet been short of gold to buy armor and weapon upgrades as needed since the encounter rate on the dungeons so far has been surprisingly high that I don't remember it being the case in any other DQ game.
Someday I'll try getting my hands on the PS1 game and seeing what the intro content was about since in this game what was left felt incomplete.
One question though, sincemechanic is the main thing in this game, are there anything like I should leave certain treasure chests untouched for later, or should I feel free to ransack everything all the time?time travel
I'm actually not minding them in this game. Now, keep in mind I have only been as far as Embervale, but they aren't as ridiculous to the point of being distracting like they were in DQIV DS.
I haven't been a fan of the localizations style, but VII has been pretty good.
I think what they did to Dialac/Regansten was worse than what they did to the temple... jeez. Way to gut one of the franchises high points.
Just got back from the first visit to the Shrine of Mysteries. Wow, the music in the field outside Estard is soooooo good, I can't stop listening to it, MIDI complaints are so overblown. Also find it really funny that the king actually does look like Donald Sutherland, lol
Yeah, I've read about this before and it bums me out to see others confirm it. What did they change exactly?
Guess someday I'll need to go back to the original regardless to experience some sections as intended. Maybe after I'm done with the whole franchise (so basically VI and IX after I beat this one)
Cool, thanks!Don't worry about chests, they're independent.
Yeah, the NPC dialogue in this game great. It makes me sad when I accidentally trigger an event scene and I realize that there was someone else I wanted to talk to but now missed my chance to get that piece of dialogue, and my last save is too far back.Some of the dialogue in the game is so funny.
Soldier: "I need to get home, why wife just had a baby....or was it two?"
After the first Slime battle Maribel complains about monsters, Kiefer: "Those are monsters?" Haha
Have Meave in my party, am loving being able to pick and choose my battles in the field, game is really hitting its stride now.
The remake's localization isn't that great.
They changed a lot of names to be based off of popular culture or puns in the remake. For the original game, Enix opted for a direct translation when they brought it over to the west. I prefer the original English translation because it was very close to the Japanese game.
I was hoping that they would have changed their localization style this time around, but they didn't.
As a major critic of the names used in previous DQ localizations, they're not that bad at all in this one. Some have been left the same, and very few are of the style that really bugs me where they pick the name based on the event that's going on there at the time.
The mayor of the town that holds the Festival of Flames is called Gaffer...