You could also have situations where you realized you screwed up and it'd be easier to go to the old save. Learned that the hard way with Wild Arms.Always rotate saves. I haven't had a file corrupt on me in like 9 years but I still do it for every game
Only weapons. But your appearance changes based on your chosen class.
Did it play the traditional, absolutely terrifying Dragon Quest "save has been deleted" jingle?"A corrupted adventure log has been deleted."
So because my system randomly crashed while I was saving my game I have ta start it all over from scratch? Losing over 6 hours of progress (according to my Activity Log)?
An people in a recent DQ thread were like "ya shouldn't be saving frequently or making a backup save in an extra slot!". An for once I listened to 'em. An now I gotta go through the intro all over again, plus of course the first two islands. -_-
Gonna be going through the slowwwwww game saving procedure twice as much now because I'm gonna be keeping 2 active saves. DQs long winded method of game saving sure is charming, isn't it?
I'ma take that part back cause I'm dumb an could've been misunderstanding what was being said. It'd be wrong for me ta mistakingly call peoples out. I think what was being said was that you're not meant to save frequently which is silly, but not specifically fussing about keeping backup saves! Howevers as for quick save, from that same thread:Hang on, who was saying that? At the very least, using the quick save slot (effectively a 4th save slot unless you die) is a good idea. Sorry to hear that, but you could have used all 4 slots just in case.
Thanks for reminding me that I really should use all 4....
Having to exit the game back to the 3DS menu then go back into the game adds another layer of crap over a bogged down saving system. The only time I'll use quick save is when I actually wanna turn off the game/system. Save & Continue is my way ta play, 'specially since sleep modes there ta use an abuse! Besides if the system screws up while quick saving I'd be in the same boat!Quick save is extremely weird in this game. When you quick save, it ends your game (you don't even get back to the title screen but to a black screen saying you should turn off your 3DS or go back to the Home Menu).
If ya rotate like that an the unfortunate happens you'll still have some lost progress. Well this is only the 2nd time the 3DS has borked out on me, an only the first time I'd lost save to it, so its not like I'm expecting or super wary of this kinda thing happening again. So I may just go the rotation route. May be alil paranoid about saving at that specific save point though >.>I don't know why anybody would tell you not to follow a standard practice that anybody playing video games should be following period. You don't have to save twice, just rotate which slot you save in. I go 1-2-3-1-2-3... I do that in literally any game that lets me pick save slots. The saving method doesn't really have anything to do with it.
After some looking around I think it was the system that messed up rather than the game. Which may be worse since it means it could happen to any 3DS game you're playing!I've never had that happen to me in 20+ years of Dragon Questing, so the game crashed while saving and corrupted your save file? If this happens to anyone else I might have to use the other save files too.
Nopenope. Just deafening silence and a momentary stopped heart upon starting the game up an getting that message!Did it play the traditional, absolutely terrifying Dragon Quest "save has been deleted" jingle?
I am really loving this localization. Maribel cracks me up all the time. Love her character.
Also the party chat is spectacular, so many great bits and reactions to NPCs, if you don't party chat regularly you miss out on so much.
Yep. Party chat is one of the most defining parts of the DQ experience for me. And it's completely up to me how much of it I want, and when. Really cool feature.
Yes, L/R is the camera control.The perspective changes when you enter an area from a different direction are really disorienting. The overworld map is also really annoying to traverse. Wish this thing had a camera. I promise, that's my last bitching session
Edit...err, maybe there is a camera control. L/R? Turned it off before trying that
Yes, L/R is the camera control.
Depends on your definition:Uh who are the permanent party members?
Pressing both at the same time recenters the camera to btw! Also worked the same in the DS Dragon Quests!Ok, that solves a huge headache. I was trying the nub and figured it didn't have one >_<
Depends on your definition:only Ruff will not leave the main character as I recall. But everyone you command BUT Kiefer will not be permanently gone.
Wha? When I was at that part I already had the needed item from him. Well places I'd think he could be is at his home in Estard, the bar there, or the hero's home in Pilchard.Hey, I'm lost in a likely dumb place. I was in the fire place (second island) and now I'm looking for a lay about with a bottle of something. I assumed it would be that pire guy but can't find him. Any direction? I may ask for help at times, this is my first DQ game so in learning as I go.
Hey, I'm lost in a likely dumb place. I was in the fire place (second island) and now I'm looking for a lay about with a bottle of something. I assumed it would be that pire guy but can't find him. Any direction? I may ask for help at times, this is my first DQ game so in learning as I go.
Pressing both at the same time recenters the camera to btw! Also worked the same in the DS Dragon Quests!
I can't tell if Emberdale is supposed to be a reference, the accent is Yorkshire so it fits, but it'd be such an obscure thing to reference.
This is a long shot but that might actauly be a swing at Tenchi Myou, one of the few anime to actfully air on our Toonami (before it went to shit) which pretty much went about hiding drinking in much the same way.They joke about it, they put it as "Tea" in qoutes.
aww just beat the first island. my theory was so cool
doesn't everyone grind till they can buy all the new equipment every time they get to a new shop? i thought that was standard. i even extra grind afterwards to make sure i have a nice little nest egg for the next round.
I bought Style Savvy: Fashion Forward over this.
I'm sorry.
The re-used character models is super iritating and boring, but doesn't bother me tooo much. in the Automaton-storyline, tho, there is one example where it's kinda ridiclious.
Don't like that at all...The fat Ambrose switching close with the soldier... WOOSH... what a thin man he is all of a sudden, huh?
The re-used character models is super iritating and boring, but doesn't bother me tooo much. in the Automaton-storyline, tho, there is one example where it's kinda ridiclious.
Don't like that at all...The fat Ambrose switching close with the soldier... WOOSH... what a thin man he is all of a sudden, huh?
I thought that was hilarious, especially since hisdoes mention that he's a sword instructior.son-in-law
Anyway, on for my obnoxious question: when CAN you use Quick Save? I've tried 4 times and the game just yells at me that Quick Save isn't an option!
Man this game is great. everything looks so vibrant
Anyone else playing with the d-pad?
The re-used character models is super iritating and boring, but doesn't bother me tooo much. in the Automaton-storyline, tho, there is one example where it's kinda ridiclious.
Don't like that at all...The fat Ambrose switching close with the soldier... WOOSH... what a thin man he is all of a sudden, huh?
I see this complaint about dying a lot and it seems to expose a lot of ignorance, because death in DQ games only results in losing half of your non-banked gold, not any of your progress. So not saving would not have been an issue at all at that point in the game.
You don't lose any progress (besides half of your gold on hand) when you die, so that's a very odd reason to give up the game...
Maybe he didn't die, but the power went out or the game crashed or something? I recall that being a concern of mine at times back in the PS1 version.
Huh. I'm curious now, gonna have to dust off my psx copy and test.
The town next to the first dungeon is named after a Scottish Childrens BBC Show (and uses Scots, though thankfully not that thick soup that was barely comprehensible to me, who is actually Scottish, they used in DQ 4) so I'd hedge my bets on it being an refrence.
Was the English localisation for this done by a UK team or something? The accents, especially the Emberdale one which screams Yorkshire are making me believe so. Only a UK team would be able to make an in-joke like that, if it's alluding to what I think it is.
Very subtle reference to Emmerdale really sells it for me.![]()
I got wiped for the first time against a tablet boss that one shotted everyone and I had to reset because the cost I had to pay to revive everyone wasn't worth it. You might not get a game over but right now dying is very punishing.
I wish there had been an easy way to know that I wasn't prepared to tackle that dungeon.
Ah, thank you! People were offhandedly dropping hypothetical situations about "If you Quick Save right before the boss...", leading me to believe it was possible to use it indoors.I've only been able to quicksave when in the map view, you can't use it in towns/dungeons
I got wiped for the first time against a tablet boss that one shotted everyone and I had to reset because the cost I had to pay to revive everyone wasn't worth it. You might not get a game over but right now dying is very punishing.
I wish there had been an easy way to know that I wasn't prepared to tackle that dungeon.
Yeah, reviving gets really expensive. Coupled with the fact that you lose half of your gold you might end up in a situation where you would have to grind solo just to afford getting your team back,running around with a tail of caskets in the meantime.
Put your money in the bank.
Ballymolloy is Irish though, the innkeeper even says "top o'the mornin"
Was the English localisation for this done by a UK team or something? The accents, especially the Emberdale one which screams Yorkshire are making me believe so. Only a UK team would be able to make an in-joke like that, if it's alluding to what I think it is.
Are there really no other banks in the game than the one in the castle, though? I never end up using the money I've got deposited there cause I can never be arsed to run all the way back to the bank from the fragment cities lol