Weltall Zero
In any case, level 33 is more than plenty to beat the Ancient Dragon. This game is an arcade; you're not supposed to beat every boss on your first try (although it's often the case). Keep trying and learn its attack patterns.
Should I start the LoC in hard or wait for higher difficulties ?
Should I start the LoC in hard or wait for higher difficulties ?
Anyway I started another character as a wizard and I already like it better than my dwarf (which is still fun to play). I like how different classes actually play.
What's the point of the first reward of LoC ? +30% damage taken ? -30% damage dealt ?
You also get +30% gold and score, which to my knowledge always goes with that penalty. Gold ends up being irrelevant but I can see +30% score being hugely beneficial in the endgame; granted, by that point the item itself will be useless, but I believe there's a level 99 version in later levels of the labyrinth.
Something I'm unsure about though: I returned to town after beating him since I had no lives left, but when I returned, floor 10 was unlocked. Normally each floor has 3 sections, e.g. 8-1, 8-2, 8-3. I did floor 10 and it was the same. Is floor 9 different in that it only has 9-1 with that special boss, or does it have a 9-2 and 9-3 that I should revisit?
So I uh finally tried floor 9, and got my ass kicked by the. Unlike the Ancient Dragon I could just keep spending money for more continues, which I did, and killed him with a nasty deficit but I still have tons of gold so it's not a big deal. I felt kinda cheap though, but damn, he's ridiculous or what?big-ass demon
Something I'm unsure about though: I returned to town after beating him since I had no lives left, but when I returned, floor 10 was unlocked. Normally each floor has 3 sections, e.g. 8-1, 8-2, 8-3. I did floor 10 and it was the same. Is floor 9 different in that it only has 9-1 with that special boss, or does it have a 9-2 and 9-3 that I should revisit?
It's kind of annoying how I get lvl 99 S loot that's way crappier than my current gear though.![]()
I see, thanks. So there's 99 floors? Yikes, do they all get harder? I'm already level 97 and kinda struggling, I can only do one floor before running out of lives and needing to go back to town (using a solo Amazon).Nope, floor 9 (and 18, 27 etc) have only one section, always with the special boss at the end.
Each floor increases the difficulty.I see, thanks. So there's 99 floors? Yikes, do they all get harder? I'm already level 97 and kinda struggling, I can only do one floor before running out of lives and needing to go back to town (using a solo Amazon).
Well the stats on the 99S gear are random just like any other, except for any special yellow properties (floors 10-18 drop the gear from floors 1-8 but in Level 99 versions), so the idea is you want to farm that gear until you get the random stats on it that are good for you. I myself just beat Normal w/ my Wizard last night so I've finally finished the basic game w/ all classes.
Now I plan to hit up Floor 10 of LoC w/ my Amazon and see how far I can go. Don't forget to equip your Seal of the Conqueror.
It boosts your stats the farther you descend into LoC.Oh yeah, I got one of those too, but obviously just for one bag. And yeah I'm not sure what it really does...
What does the seal do specifically anyway?
Started playing this again. Completely forgot about it because I got it the same week as Pokemon.
I'm at level 25 with Amazon and I was wondering, are there plentiful skill points that it doesn't matter if I wasted a few early on? I got the first level in everything from the Amazon skills. I've been focusing on Parry, Berserk, Brandish and that 4 hit combo one
Well deserved. I hope they're happy over there at vanillaware.http://indexweb.jp/news/2013/10707.html
800k units sold over PS3/Vita (includes downloaded versions). Congrats Kamitani and Vanillaware.
Well deserved. I hope they're happy over there at vanillaware.
PS3 & PSVita for software we launched in 7/25 for the "Dragon's Crown"
of operational stability under certain circumstances and as improving the system
we started today, the delivery of the fifth edition update.
Update the contents of this time is as follows.
[Bug Fix]
I has been improved operating stability of the circumstances of the specific-.
[Feature] Add
Clearing ninth hierarchy in the labyrinth of chaos,
a new degree of difficulty to "Urutimeito"
It is now available for selection in the temple.
New difficulty in "Urutimeito"
in "Phantom of Tenro" automatic generation of a new mechanism dungeon
I came to be able to adventure.
New difficulty in "Urutimeito"
upper limit of the level is now LV255 from the LV99.
The arrow keys ↑ capital and the L button item shortcuts
I can now be selectively used.
-I came to be able to display a total system damage numbers.
· To improve the visibility, I can now view the silhouette in the foreground.
-Save data in the cleared, a new character creation
can now be started from Talisman collected by skipping early.
· You can now skip the next time a request that you capture once.
[Functional improvement]
we adjust the behavior and skill-effect of each class.
- We adjust the behavior of the NPC.
- We adjust the effect rules of equipment items and skills in the arena.
And other, we made ​​an improvement in the system around such a comfort and features improved operability.
In addition, this update Womochimashite
update, which had been scheduled pleased to announce that it has completed.
Had you purchase the "Dragons Crown",
with Thank you very much to our users
thank you sincerely look forward to your continued patronage will increase the life of any means.
[Bug Fix]
Improved operational stability under certain circumstances.
[Added Features]
If you clear the ninth level of the Labyrinth of Chaos you can now select the “ultimate” level of difficulty at the temple.
When you’re playing on “ultimate” you can access the new automatically generated dungeon “Sky Road of Dreams.”
On “ultimate” difficulty the level cap has been raised from level 99 to level 255.
Both the up arrows and the L button can now be individually used as item shortcuts.
Damage can now be displayed as a total number.
Silhouettes can now be displayed on the foreground to improve visibility.
On a save game with a cleared game it’s possible to skip the initial phase of the story with new characters and start with the search for the talismans.
It’s possible to skip quests that have already been completed once.
[Operational Improvements]
Adjusted skill effects and actions for each class.
Adjusted behavior of NPCs.
Adjusted effects and rules of equipment and items in the Arena.
Made all round improvements to the system in order to enhance operability and ease of use.
Save shared between vita and ps3?
Another randomly generated dungeon, like the game wasn't god tier for on-the-go short sessions. It's really never going to leave my Vita.
I wonder if levels above 99 will give you skill points at all...
edit: someone said at gfaqs that the patch is live worldwide, can someone check it?
Damn, google translation for this one is messy, but I guess clearing LoC 9 will enable a new difficulty, which would allow all enemies to go up to lvl 255 (out of the LoC)?
We neeed JapaneseSpeakingGAF.
edit: dualshockers to the rescue:
On ultimate difficulty the level cap has been raised from level 99 to level 255.
are the new levels new locales or just the same ol' stages ?
!!! Does this mean the loot level will follow too?
Holy shit if so... wow, such support for a small low-budget title. Amazing.
also, does the xp you accrued since level 99 continue to level you up after the patch ?
I popped into the new Tower, and the level rewards were all Level 99 (for the first 9 levels that I could see). My Amazon is only Level 92 though.
Speaking of Amazon, I got this in the mail a few days ago: