Kawaii desuThe best art from Vanillaware twitter coutndown
Kawaii desuThe best art from Vanillaware twitter coutndown
Where the hell is my credit card!?The best art from Vanillaware twitter coutndown
Not so cute when you can see it better:
Neither her nor the Wizard looks very happy. Hah.
I'm almost positive I know who I'm playing as first...
Why is there no news for when this releases in Europe?
The squirrel/chipmunk has a vita. XDI have no idea if this is what he's talking about but it's awesome
The squirrel/chipmunk has a vita. XD
Played about an hour of this, Vita version.
Production values are off the scale - the music is excellent and voice casting for the narrator (English) deserves praise. Dialogue is well written.
The game seems tough as hell for me, although I'd say I'm not good at this type of game and it's my first Vanillaware venture. I've already died once or twice, even on regular enemies.
I've seen very minor slowdown when there's around 15 characters on screen but it's not too distracting.
Hellz yeah!The squirrel/chipmunk has a vita. XD
Digital games don't get a discount, it'll be 40/50 for Vita/PS3.
Is this going to be full price on PS3? Sorry for ignorance, haven't been following much to do with this game.
$50, so $10 less than normal.Is this going to be full price on PS3? Sorry for ignorance, haven't been following much to do with this game.
Far as I'm concerned, digital should be cheaper than retail since the cost of disc is excluded.
...but that don't stop EA, Ubi, etc. from rocketing them up to $60 and the like.
Like how Deadpool is $50 on US PSN, whereas it's $40 on Steam.
As soon as I stepped online, I realized why you need to earn the right to do so with each character. Multiplayer is madness in comparison to single player. Instead of shepherding your AI around and hoping they do the right thing, you’re working on keeping up with the rest of the team.To be an asset you need to know your character back to front. All of a sudden, I was very grateful to have had 15 hours of experience under my belt as the Fighter. I’d gradually developed him into a killing machine. I could defeat most standard enemies off of a single wall bounce (which handily, I could start by running up to an enemy and shoulder-ramming them), stay in the air for obscene amounts of time by abusing aerial launchers and air tackles, and I had some basic strategies for surviving each boss… but everyone else knew their characters just as well (if not better) than I knew mine.
A single skirmish online might have Sorceresses flying through the air and reanimating skeleton knights, wizards bringing down the game’s frame rate (at least on Vita) with screen-covering tornadoes and blizzards while teleporting all over the place, and Dwarves tossing enemies all over the screen like professional wrestlers. Even with the additional bit of slowdown online, everything seems faster and more chaotic. I didn’t even notice that the damage numbers that popped out of enemies were color coded until I started trying to keep track of where exactly I was in the explosions of particles and numbers. It was frantic, but also joyous. Everyone was playing the game as it was meant to be played.
Well since my review thread was locked, Siliconcera impressions!
A bit about the 'unlocking multiplayer':
Wow, really? I understand they probably want you to be prepared before you jump online, but still, it's so strange to hear more & more restrictions on the multiplayer when the game's main focus is playing with others. First it's locked, then local co-op has to be unlocked on Vita (does that restriction apply for Vita's local co-op, where you can only play with characters you unlocked it with?), and now you can only unlock online one character at a time.I needed to earn my online play for each character, and at first I was a bit disappointed by that.
The best art from Vanillaware twitter coutndown
The best art from Vanillaware twitter coutndown
Any estimate as to how long it takes to unlock online for one character?
I've heard anywhere from 5-7 hours. It depends on how quickly you complete all the main areas of the game once (a.k.a. all A routes).
Dark Elf is best Elf !
Which would be double for me considering my anal ass will be completing each stages B routes as well as they open up.
I think they put George Takei's oh my~ voice in this game... Did you guys hear it?
Is it true that each character has a 20 hour story mode?
Tell us more.Which would be double for me considering my anal ass will be completing each stages B routes as well as they open up.
Is their a link to that album that someone made with all the fanart? I saw it before from someone's post but I kinda lost it.