Gold Member
Im streaming right now, www.twitch.tv/awesomesmack
What? Why? Did they give a reason?Well, Newegg just canceled my preorder which I placed last year when they had $10 off coupon, assholes. Placed an order with Amazon instead but at least I know for sure I'll get the art book now.
Well, Newegg just canceled my preorder which I placed last year when they had $10 off coupon, assholes. Placed an order with Amazon instead but at least I know for sure I'll get the art book now.
IGN says the game is virtually identical. Only minor difference is performance issues where the Vita struggles a bit when a lot is going on and a few online differences.Still not sure whether to go PS 3 or Vita...
Any sites / reviews / comparisons?
IGN says the game is virtually identical. Only minor difference is performance issues where the Vita struggles a bit when a lot is going on and a few online differences.
Just framerate issues, slowdowns.You know when they say struggles a bit when a lot is going on...anyone heard more clarification on that?
How often is that a lot is going on (enough for it to struggle). Every engagement?
Just framerate issues, slowdowns.
I preordered from Amazon on the 1st of this month and my scheduled delivery is on Tuesday.
We'll see...
Haha, I think you actually can, but don't quote me on that. While the parry window seems generous it's actually harder than it seems in actual combat. I usually use the parry i-frames to go for the 4-hit followed by brandish, which is delayable and has tonnes of i-frames.
Anyone have any idea why this game DOESN'T have cross-play?
Honest question. It's the same content, right? I'm thinking what is it that 2 ps3s playing online are doing that a vita and a ps3 can't do? Doesn't the game just have to synch character inputs, basically?
It looks like they put a lot of effort into the game and I'm wondering what was difficult in enabling cross-play.
Just beat it on normal with the Amazon solo. Steamrolled the last boss.
Amazon is really damn good with her crapload of i-frames. Also double evasion is godtier.
edit: There's only one part on normal that's impossible solo,. I had to use at least 1 hireling to get past that.the ship section with the kraken tentacles
Keep checking this thread and just wishing it was Tuesday already.
8-4 had a talk about it on their most recent podcast too.
That's fair. We all have our own values on time and money. Personally, I have quite a few people's "best games of all times!!!" on my list of games I'll wait to be $5 on a Steam sale, but DraCro is a day 1 title for me.Yes, and it looks great. I'm still going to get it, just not right away. There were also a couple other games that I wanted more right now and I just bought them.
I don't have it, so I can't say for sure, but it's been talked about from time to time in this thread and in the "Impressions and Elf" thread so my understanding is that, at higher levels of play, when you have like 15 characters on screen (incl. monsters) and the Wizard and Sorceress are blasting the hell out of everything with screen-wide special effects and everything's just flying all over the place-- that it can drop noticeably. I've heard people say is "it dips" or "it slows down," but I haven't heard anyone say "Odin Sphere all over again."I get that, but how often?
Only on bosses...every time 4 enemies are on the screen... does it become frustrating/ affects playability or are the drops very minor...
would appreciate if anyone has more info on that, not going to get it on ps3 but I won't bother with it at all if playing it is frustrating...they say when a lot is going on, but from watching the videos...a lot is going on in most engagements
hate these reviewers that can't really spot performance trouble so report it vaguely. I assume it isn't that frustrating due to how it's being reported but you never know, sometimes they just have no clue or don't want to hurt feelings
The thief, Rannie? He's a main character, always with you. I haven't heard anyone say he costs money, so I'd assume not.Is a hireling an AI main character? And do they cost money or something?
When was it 30? What version?Amazon honored my original $30 preorder so release say here I come.
The thief, Rannie? He's a main character, always with you. I haven't heard anyone say he costs money, so I'd assume not.
When was it 30? What version?
That's fair. We all have our own values on time and money. Personally, I have quite a few people's "best games of all times!!!" on my list of games I'll wait to be $5 on a Steam sale, but DraCro is a day 1 title for me.
I don't have it, so I can't say for sure, but it's been talked about from time to time in this thread and in the "Impressions and Elf" thread so my understanding is that, at higher levels of play, when you have like 15 characters on screen (incl. monsters) and the Wizard and Sorceress are blasting the hell out of everything with screen-wide special effects and everything's just flying all over the place-- that it can drop noticeably. I've heard people say is "it dips" or "it slows down," but I haven't heard anyone say "Odin Sphere all over again."
Problem is, it's subjective. It might be fine for you, or, if you burst a blood vessel when a game drops below 120fps, Vita might not be for you.
I'm guessing the different input methods between the PS3 and Vita for controlling Rannie caused problems.
I'm really hoping the slowdown on the Vita is not as bad as Code of Princess on the 3DS. That was really bad.
I just got the same cancellation e-mail. I wonder if they're only doing it with $10 off orders as I had that, too. :/Well, Newegg just canceled my preorder which I placed last year when they had $10 off coupon, assholes. Placed an order with Amazon instead but at least I know for sure I'll get the art book now.
What? Why? Did they give a reason?
I just got the same cancellation e-mail. I wonder if they're only doing it with $10 off orders as I had that, too. :/
It's NOTHING like that. That slowdown was awful. But when you get 4 characters on the screen with 5+ enemies, especially when magic is being cast, there is some slowdown.
Having played ~20 hours on the Vita version and ~4 hours on the PS3 version, I prefer the Vita version due to the touchscreen for opening doors/chests and rune combinations. PS3 version is good though.
In the "if it were up to me" school of game design, I'd have PS3 + Vita crossplayable with characters tied to accounts (similar to how on LBP2 you need to log in each character locally) with the ideal play being 3 PS3 local + 1 character on the same couch on Vita to manage runes and Rannie. Maybe they'll make DraCro2 and go that route.
In the "for people who already have the game" discussion, how does the Sorceress's necromancy work? Can you only animate skeletons whenever you find bones that could be resurrected, or are there other opportunities?
When you're choosing NPCs to bring along, is it only the characters you've unlocked through resurrection and multiplayer, or can you bring your secondary characters as AI-controlled? That is, if I play through Normal as a Fighter, then I decide to play again as a Dwarf, can I have my Fighter be controlled by the AI?
Amazon Prime release day delivery set for the 6th and yet they haven't shipped it out yet. Pre ordered on th 31st. Weird.
In the "for people who already have the game" discussion, how does the Sorceress's necromancy work? Can you only animate skeletons whenever you find bones that could be resurrected, or are there other opportunities?
Theyll ship out Monday with overnight delivery.
That and GameStop hates any portable game that's not Pokemon.Called my Gamestop to see if they were doing a midnight release for this and Xillia. Nope. Not enough pre-orders. All anyone wants to play anymore are shooters.![]()
Called my Gamestop to see if they were doing a midnight release for this and Xillia. Nope. Not enough pre-orders. All anyone wants to play anymore are shooters.![]()
Called my Gamestop to see if they were doing a midnight release for this and Xillia. Nope. Not enough pre-orders. All anyone wants to play anymore are shooters.![]()
Has anyone on here seen the Polygon review of this yet? 6.5? It wasn't put up in the list of reviews in the first OT post. I'm curious if this warrants a separate thread.
Has anyone on here seen the Polygon review of this yet? 6.5? It wasn't put up in the list of reviews in the first OT post. I'm curious if this warrants a separate thread.
DraCro is a day 1 title for me.
Has anyone on here seen the Polygon review of this yet? 6.5? It wasn't put up in the list of reviews in the first OT post. I'm curious if this warrants a separate thread.