And Parasoul in Skullgirls.I didn't realize the VA of the Sorceress is also new Chie!
Is this a real problem?How come second player never gets any weapons? Currently playing the co-op with gf and she's getting all the weapons.
DPad or stick for movement? I'm rolling with the pad.
DPad or stick for movement? I'm rolling with the pad.
Yeah, they're not using L2 at all are they? I guess that's another Vita concession. The analog stick stuff is the one sticking point with the controls in the game, they could've done without the pointer altogether.Oh you gotta rock the d-pad.
Can't imagine doing this with the stick. Only thing I dislike is the analog stick for swapping the items.
I feel like holding L2 and hitting a direction would have been a better option for using hotkey consumables.
DPad or stick for movement? I'm rolling with the pad.
How do you move Vita shots to your PC?
How do you move Vita shots to your PC?
I've been doing every sidequest as they come, and I've just hit a roadblock that's driving me crazy. It's one of the most obtuse and infuriating sidequests I've ever done.
Henritta's Magic Doll. Not only is there no obvious magic device/barrier in the lab (and the room before it with the two shields has a Mind's Eye symbol on the wall, but nothing happens due to the casters dying in less than ten seconds), but I've read that you're supposed to pick up one of the shields off the wall and reflect spells that the casters shoot at you. Problem is your allies kill the room before you can do that. If you try to go solo, Samuel sends random NPCS to "help" you (aka kill all of the casters before you can do anything with them).
How exactly is this quest finished?
Loving this game. So unbelievably pretty. The music is perfect and beautiful. Can't stop playing. Just one more quest. Just one more.
I decided to go Sorceress the first time through and I'm having a blast. Not too hard. Get that food spell and get the skills that buff MP regen. Skelly seems weak at first.
Oh, and datart. (early quest reward)Dark Elf Beastmaster
#doubledipper #teamlife
Have you tried going into the Inn and setting the partner slots to Do Not Join? Join In is default so even if you don't bring anyone along they can pop in like an online player dropping in, but turning it off should fix that.
Install the Content Manager
Connect, copy and enjoy.
Super easy, open up the album in the livescreen of the photo app, choose photos, click copy, and it moves them to your pc, possible over wifi.
You have content manager assistant installed and set up right?
I do, didnt know you could go via wi-fi though.
Is anyone else having trouble withthe mushroom gathering mission? My AI partners always destroy the nest before I can gather the 10 shrooms I need.
OMG thank you.I believe there are undestroyable mushrooms around. They're the tall looking ones, you just have to go near and touch them and do it for a bit. They drop 2-3 mushrooms sometimes.
Might need to register the device in the settings for CMA (just shows a 4 digit code and you put it on the vita, with content manager open or something, should be instructions on the computer program).
This might be a dumb question. But does anyone know how to equip items on other members in the group? I don't know why, but I'm not able to equip items for my allies. When I click Armory or Item, it defaults to my character. It's probably really obvious.
There's only one quest that gives guaranteed S rank items, and that wasn't it.Did I get lucky, or do you always get two S rank items when you finish the quest to recover Lucain's bones?
Good lord this game is fucking gorgeous. Screens and gameplay vids don't do it justice. The puritanical fools who passed on this because boobs are evil sure are missing out.
Couple quick questions that have probably been answered a dozen times already.
What does score do? Why would I want an ability that boosts my score?
And when do the greeting/resurrection messages get displayed?
Score is XP.
You definitely want a higher score.
You're not supposed to. They don't level up as well.
There's only one quest that gives guaranteed S rank items, and that wasn't it.
You can sell it off if you don't intend on playing any of the other characters.Ah okay. So anytime I get loot (weapon's that can't be used by my class) - I should just sell it off? I was keeping a bunch of stuff thinking that I could equip my allies with these items. Thanks for the heads up.
Character slots are just different characters that you have. Their campaign progress is separate from each other. Money, equipment and the hirelings that you've acquired through bone resurrection is shared amongst all your characters.Can anyone explain to me how character slots work in this game? Is money shared across characters, or am I missing something?
edit: and what about equipment?
edit 2: and can anyone link me to that class advice post? I can't seem to find it.
You need to equip the spell in your inventory as an item.How do you conjure food as sorceress? Is it automatic? I bought the skill and have it at lvl 1.
You're not supposed to. They don't level up as well.
There's only one quest that gives guaranteed S rank items, and that wasn't it.