Dug into this game proper last night. Played a little of the knight, amazon, and sorc, and then played a lot of the wizard. Overall, I absolutely love the game. I'm definitely going into it grind heavy though, until i am S class across the board for gear (which is probably stupid since you seem to outlevel equipment really fast). I feel they really loaded up the square button for no good reason, and hate the "hold square to dash" thing, but otherwise the controls feel great. Not sure how i feel about additional spells coming as items in an already limited inventory. Really stinks not being able to change equipment mid-level too. I'd love to be able to switch between fire/ice/lightning rods on the fly. .
you can double tap the direction for dash. I'm using dpad for movement. As for equipment change, I believe you can. Put multiple weapons on but only equip 1. In a dungeon, you can use left/right on your iventory (dpad or left stick depending on which one is movement) and you can equip the other weapon by scrolling to it and pressing a button, not sure which one.
I'm at the first mission involving runes. How far away am I from accessing on-line co-op?
Having fun so far. Rocking the Sorceress, though I feel like I might be wasting Skill Points. I probably should have had a plan in mind going into it.
You can double tap for dash. Of course this would be awkward if you're using stick for movement but I'm using dpad
Doing the Beastmaster Quest.
Can someone remind me how to ride mounts?
Defeat it at that specific dungeon, then it will allow you to ride by simply pressing triangle.
Thats what I thought, but when the sabertooth looking guy comes and I defeat him, he just lies there and then disappears. No opportunity to ride.
Thats what I thought, but when the sabertooth looking guy comes and I defeat him, he just lies there and then disappears. No opportunity to ride.
I find it weird too, sometimes it happens to me. I think you'll get another shot further in the dungeon maybe in one of the rooms. This time riding the dino.
The wizard seems restrained compared to the other members on my team. Almost like he doesn't want to get his hands dirty.
Thats what I thought, but when the sabertooth looking guy comes and I defeat him, he just lies there and then disappears. No opportunity to ride.
I want a bigger TV for this game. I'm on a 32" 720p Samsung LCD
You might want to check this website out if you haven't noticed. Eventually, skills can easily scaled to requiring 4-5 skill points for the next level.
Needlessly to say, I have a build for my Amazon in mind.
55" 1080P Samsung LED
It's godly.
Double tapping to dash is incredibly spotty with the analog, I tried it for like 5 min straight and assumed it simply wasn't a feature, but occasionally it would work while I was fighting.
You might want to check this website out if you haven't noticed. Eventually, skills can easily scaled to requiring 4-5 skill points for the next level.
Needlessly to say, I have a build for my Amazon in mind.
can I come over? ;_;
is there an english version of that site?
tryin to get my elf on
so if I join up with a friend, the host is the one in charge of what quests and what areas we go to? If I complete a side quest with him that I have yet to do on my game, do I get credit on my file as well or just mere spoils and xp?
Can't you just hold down square to dash? That's what I was doing last night.
Can't you just hold down square to dash? That's what I was doing last night.
Anyone got any tips for the?Hellhounds side quest
Should I go at it solo and? I'm trying to do the side quests before advancing to the next dungeon, haha. Reached level 18 last night. ^^;;not activate the Golem
Yes, but that gets annoying as it always ends in an attack (unless you recenter the stick before releasing square...ugh.), and as others have mentioned, square is already overloaded.
I'm going to ask this again because it got buried earlier - how can I delete characters I've revived at the temple? I want to solo but everybody I've revived always comes to dungeons with me, whether I add them to my party or not. I tried leaving them dead in a dungeon but they are always in my party list at the tavern.
What do the button indicators on my equipment mean?
go to the tavern and highlight them from your pool as if you are adding them to the party, but there's a button you can press to part ways instead. The top right of the screen tells you which button it is, I can't remember off the top of my head
I did activated the thing. I ran front and back to be the first to reach these creatures, repeatedly. I actually have a party with me and the Wiz/Sorc are annoying with their long range spells killing them almost instantly.
I find it weird too, sometimes it happens to me. I think you'll get another shot further in the dungeon maybe in one of the rooms. This time riding the dino.
What do the button indicators on my equipment mean?
go to the tavern and highlight them from your pool as if you are adding them to the party, but there's a button you can press to part ways instead. The top right of the screen tells you which button it is, I can't remember off the top of my head
so if I join up with a friend, the host is the one in charge of what quests and what areas we go to? If I complete a side quest with him that I have yet to do on my game, do I get credit on my file as well or just mere spoils and xp?
you have those designated as hotkeys (up on your non-movement input plus the assigned face button). You can change this by pressing left/right. I prefer to set mine to items rather than equipment
Howdy DC playas~
Just asking but when i do quests from the guild and I complete them, must i venture to the end or can I just quit the level? Usually, I finish to the end so I dont loose all the precious spoils.