Resurrection counts towards the 100k.
Oh wow awesome. Good to know. Thanks =D
Resurrection counts towards the 100k.
Hey. I was a kid. He was the Macho Man. It didn't have to make sense to me. It was the 80s, man. Lotta stuff got a pass....
anyway, i'll redeem myself when i unlock coop online soon. My dwarf shall channel the Slim Jim once again.
I love the game, but a few things confuse me.
1) when you die playing and you come back with life points (how do you obtain those?)
2) I cant grasp the appraise versus sell feature, and when is the best time to upgrade.
3) the narrator can get a bit long winded, and I think its because he tells the story from this dungeons and dragons viewpoint instead of characters talking to each other.
4)skills??? I am putting points everywhere, and I know I am not doing it right..
any pointers? Thanks for any help!
I love the game, but a few things confuse me.
2) I cant grasp the appraise versus sell feature, and when is the best time to upgrade.
any pointers? Thanks for any help!
This is a pretty heavy loot game, and aso far it doesnt seem that money will end up being an issue (correct me if I am wrong). So, I have tended to appraise all items B, A and S. Most of the lower rank stuff I tend to just sell.
Funny story, last night I had an S rank necklace. I saw it had about 5 rows of question marks (indicating a lot of effects). I accidentally hit triangle and sold it instead of appraising it. :/
how do you even cook?Even at Lv40 I'm leveling up really fast. The prayers + score bonus during cooking are +++
Even at Lv40 I'm leveling up really fast. The prayers + score bonus during cooking are +++
yeah, for a loot game to not have the option to buyback really hurts
50 for Vita, 70 for PS3 to preorder from Amazon Germany. Yikes. Marketplace peeps sell the US PS3 version for 50 plus 5 for shipping.
I want this game, preferably both versions, but not for more then I spend on the last douen Steam games I bought ;_;
LVL 17 Amazon now (Vita version) and I'm loving it as much as ever. I was worried I'd get tired of repeating the levels, but the side-quests are interesting and varied enough that its staying fresh. I just love playing it, really.
Started a couple new characters, but was bummed to see the tutorial is mandatory for them. Wasn't quite in the mood yet, so I went back to Amazon. She's really kicking ass with all her crazy air-combos. I can't wait to impress my friend who insisted on playing Sorceress. He says he really likes her, but he hasn't played with anyone yet so he has no idea what a good Amazon player will look like. I think he's going to be impressed with how much it looks like Marvel vs Capcom. LOL
I think Elf is calling my name after Amazon. I did make a Dwarf named "Backrubs" and all his quotes are about him forcing himself on the enemy, but as hilarious as that is, the combo madness of the Amazon has whet my appetite beyond curiosity for the Elf. Gotta get into that cancel-fest!
Just got home and currently installing this game. The Artbook is waaay higher quality than I expected - I thought i'd flip through it once and trash it, but this might just be worthy of a drawer underneath the bed.
Being able to slide away easily while charging is great
50 for Vita, 70 for PS3 to preorder from Amazon Germany. Yikes. Marketplace peeps sell the US PS3 version for 50 plus 5 for shipping.
I want this game, preferably both versions, but not for more then I spend on the last douen Steam games I bought ;_;
how do you even cook?
I mean, I spam L1 or X to drag the ingredients but I have to click on it 10 times in order to pick it. not sure if it's a problem of lag, of the game or I'm just doing it wrong.
Is there a guide to cooking? I'm getting pretty good bonuses, +12% overall or so, but it'd be nice to know specifically what different types of food do and which spices/sauces add bonuses for certain things.
I'd definitely like to go for Score Bonuses when cooking.
Any way to respec? Is there a level cap?
Is there a guide to cooking? I'm getting pretty good bonuses, +12% overall or so, but it'd be nice to know specifically what different types of food do and which spices/sauces add bonuses for certain things.
I'd definitely like to go for Score Bonuses when cooking.
Just a curiosity, how are the trophies? Are they hard? Are there multiplayer trophies? Are they grindy?
Are you kidding? Jesus man.
Always cook until it can't be cooked no more. Add spices for higher score.
I play solo so I cook 3 things simultaneously, I consistently get about +300-400 Hp, +20-30% for the rest. I once broke the 50K score for cooking and got the trophy as well, but I have no idea what I did that round.
Thanks, it seems that there are no multiplayer trophies! Good news...
I'm still waiting for my copy to arrivei wonder how hard and grindy are those trophies.
They don't seem really hard at all, just time consuming.
Sorry to keep loot spamming I'm sure no one cares but...
We don't.
We play soon, yeah?
50 for Vita, 70 for PS3 to preorder from Amazon Germany. Yikes. Marketplace peeps sell the US PS3 version for 50 plus 5 for shipping.
I want this game, preferably both versions, but not for more then I spend on the last douen Steam games I bought ;_;
I'm about 3 hours in and so far I haven't seen anything suggesting character specific storylines. Was that whole 6 characters x 20 hour campaigns = 120 total hours thing just marketing babble?
Game owns otherwise, and 20 hours for a single playthrough is more than enough for me, to be honest.
YesDoes the Vita version let you play with your friends over the Internet (on their Vita)?