I really wanna buy a vita just to have a portable version of this but I can't a decent deal on a unit -_- $250? LOL
Wait a week and get a Vita new for $200 at Target.
I really wanna buy a vita just to have a portable version of this but I can't a decent deal on a unit -_- $250? LOL
Played the game at a friend's house.
Game "interface" is INSANELY complicated in local co-op, SPECIALY if you play with 4 players.
Need to enter a place to use skill points and only one person can do this at time ? BOOOOOOOORRRING
It would have been incredibly easy to divide the screen in 4 and let everyone up their skills at the same time, specialy if you let this screen appear right after you level up =P
Also the game don't explain ANYTHING about how the spellbooks (or anything that takes item slots) works and it took some precious time to figure it out.
The actual GAME parts (the beat em up) is awesome ! =D
Loved the "adventure" mouse thing with secrets and stuffs like that.
10/10 for the beat em up parts
3/10 for the "prepare" parts
Ha! Understood, I am from VTIf I still lived in NYC I'd use craigslist in a heart beat but I'm in Ohio atm and these rednecks barely know how to use a computer to check their email![]()
is it better to bury bones or to resurrect people?
Also, what does praying do?
Beat 3 floors of the labyrinth. It's an item so you can use it across all your characters. You can only get it once per 3 floors per character though, so it's limited in that sense.Speaking of respecs, what exactly is the process to gain Amnesia Potions and are they limited in any chosen story?
Okay, I finished Normal at 34. I noticed the lowest lvl boss is 40. Should I grind it up on normal or move to hard anyway?
I need to know how many points it takes to max all the skills D:
Here's a mini guide to throwing:
Damage doesn't happen when they hit the side of the screen and bounce back, only when they hit another object/enemy/the ground.
To throw straight: press square while walking forward, down, or stick is in neutral
To throw upward: press square while walking up (or holding up) on stick
Aerial down shot: press square while holding forward, down, or stick is in neutral
Aerial straight shot: press square while holding up in the air on stick
You can grab airborne/flying/wall bouncing enemies by jump > up + square. Your animation will be different (you'll be rolling with them while falling). Doesn't seem to do extra damage, but if you have power shot, it will make a shockwave on the ground for more damage.
You can infinite combo an enemy by throw > jump grab > aerial straight throw > jump grab > repeat, but no damage is inflicted until they hit the ground or another enemy. Kinda funny.
Ah. Did you get a black eye too? Gotta keep a safe distance from those things. (irony: your name + this subject matter)Man, this game is so sexist. Have you guys ever attacked the townspeople?
The starting health potions you get always reset, so technically they are better than the store bought ones which only restock so much.is there any reason not to get rid of or "sell" the starting items you get that sell for 0 gold? I'm assuming just dump them but I don't want to deal with some they secretly are used for some crap later on situation
For those who have beaten hard or above, how much did you prioritize Vitality Boost/Nutritionist/Health from Coin. Do they matter much less in higher level play?
Ah. Did you get a black eye too? Gotta keep a safe distance from those things. (irony: your name + this subject matter)
My amazon is in infernal. 2 in vitality boost, 2 in nutritionist, 1 in health from coin. I've had this since normal mode.
It runs perfectly for me, never had lag or a disconnect. But I'm playing with friends and not randoms. Maybe the host was just torrenting a 3D printable gun at the time.Idk if this is just me, but the online play in this is pretty laggy and jank. I understand this was probably at the bottom of the priority list for this game, is it like this for everyone?
I still can't believe there isn't voice chat online, this is 2013 ffs.
Well, she has to be extra tough to keep the goods from spilling. Oh, and the item too.I think he's talking about the fact that apple man can get knocked down silly, but lady with item on head is a Super Saiyan!
They don't level, and you can't fix their gear when it breaks. But, bones you revive of player characters usually have several bags, so if one bag of gear breaks, you can switch to bag #2, etc. Also, there are times when you want a full party for sure, and times where you want to be solo, for sure. Full party = quests that require you to beat the boss in under 2 mins. Solo = quests that want you to beat the boss solo, or go for an objective that the NPCs could screw up for you.Do companions level with you or are they static? Is there any advantage to not bring companions along or should you always go out with a full party (aside from self-imposed difficulty)?
It's been mostly smooth for me, but for one or two games. It's usually someone's crappy network settings that messes up the whole room (was the same for DnD:CoM). For PS3, it's someone on a NAT3 connection I suspect.Idk if this is just me, but the online play in this is pretty laggy and jank. I understand this was probably at the bottom of the priority list for this game, is it like this for everyone?
Yeah that's been a big gripe, and it wouldn't be half as bad if the PS3 had independent chat support like the 360. If it did, I wouldn't mind at all.I still can't believe there isn't voice chat online, this is 2013 ffs.
This game has no voice chat? I was wondering why I couldn't hear people talk on the Vita version, you are speaking of the Vita version, right?
I quite enjoyed the Amazon's animations...
This is a small game company. It's their first time even making a game with action-based online gameplay. Cut them some slack.I still can't believe there isn't voice chat online, this is 2013 ffs.
This game has no voice chat? I was wondering why I couldn't hear people talk on the Vita version, you are speaking of the Vita version, right?
I think they're scaled down in power, but the number of uses for usable skills remained the same. So I have no idea what they did.
Just beat it on normal about 15 minutes ago.The "Thank you for playing" right at the end felt great. Really miss the whole "and you!" stuff.
I hate the lightning staff. I hate it to no end.
While the fire staff is extremely awesome, it really sucks when you're in the labyrinth and you get theas the boss.kraken
Aside from the high MP cost, what's wrong with the lightning staff?
Are you kidding me? It's the only staff that can hit clear to the other side of the screen, and that jump attack's DPS is off the charts compared to the other staffs and most of the melee characters even (unless my Amazon has Beserk up, my Wizard buddy w/ Lighting Staff and jump-attack Cyclopes hands to death faster than I can for example).
I have been doubting Ice recently. I just feel like I'm not doing enough damage to support the team, and the freezing effect only lasts a second or so when it procs. I feel like my Wizard kills much faster with Fire, and he's also safer. I'm going to try going back to Lightning, I think. Does anyone know the proc rate on stuns?The high mp costs always mess me up. I'm playing more by intuition rather than watching the mana gauge, so I end up overestimating the number of attacks I have left. Also I'm a very big fan of ice and fire's up attack, which lasts a long time.
No.do the costs for prayers go up each time?
not sure if I wanna start using them