How? I’m using control scheme B.
Attacks are R1
Magic Bursts are R2
Charging attacks is either hold down R1/R2 which doesn’t work if you start magic bursting your attacks since both R1 and R2 are occupied?
Or if someone isn’t a fan of something, they’re just bitter.Ah, yes, the classic witch hunt.
He’s right about 7R and XVI.
Honestly, Cid is doing the heavy lifting when it comes to the party because it’s always good to have an outgoing personality to play off the brooding lead. Jill is just… there. So whenCid is the big highlight for me, since he's a break from the otherwise self-serious and dour cast. Benedikta is fun too, but it's a stretch that so many of the male characters are into her when she's a cackling psychopath--suppose it's the times they live in though! Clive's VA seems to be channeling Geralt but he gets emotional and breathless about...everything, basically, due to how the scenarios are written. Not a big fan of Jill--she's so wooden that she literally stands around expressionless when her comrades are in mortal danger most of the time.
Some of the recurring side characters and relationships are a nice touch thanks to the passage of time.
Honestly, Cid was doing the heavy lifting when it comes to the party because it’s always good to have an outgoing personality to play off the brooding lead. Jill is just… there. So when
.Cid goes bye bye the mood of the game takes a huge downturn since the moments of levity are barely there in a miserable world. Clive and Jill cannot carry the narrative on their own. I’m less interested in the story than I was because the most interesting party member right now is a dog.
Reminds me a bit of Grandia III, all the fun banter disappeared when the lead character’s mother departs and the rest of the game was worse for it.
Still a lot left to play though so hoping the dialogue gets more interesting soon.
It does get better as you go. With 4 icons you have a lot you can do. Still unconvinced about the combat outside of the major boss fights, but you can better keep yourself occupied with the different systems compared to early game when you’re waiting for cooldowns to refresh.Something has happened, similar to what happened with the witcher 3 for me. After about 20 hours or so , either i have Stockholm syndrome or he cringe has either somehow dissipated after but the side quests are actually tolerable now, and its feeling alot more open and RPG - ish. Plus the combat just keeps stacking systems / abilities in a way thats making it very addictive.
I do miss him big time, was my fav char. Spoiler tag seems broken though. Never mind looks fixed.Honestly, Cid is doing the heavy lifting when it comes to the party because it’s always good to have an outgoing personality to play off the brooding lead. Jill is just… there. So when
Cid goes bye bye the mood of the game takes a huge downturn since the moments of levity are barely there in a miserable world. Clive and Jill cannot carry the narrative on their own. I’m less interested in the story than I was because the most interesting party member right now is a dog.
Reminds me a bit of Grandia III, all the fun banter disappeared when the lead character’s mother departs and the rest of the game was worse for it.
Still a lot left to play though so hoping the dialogue gets more interesting soon.
Damn, Will 'O The Wykes ability is super strong, should have experimented with it sooner.
Map area where the Veil is located (being mindful of spoilers unlike some mfs) is absolutely breathtaking. I've been doing every single side quest, listening in on every NPC conversation, talking to every single person with the speech bubble icon, the world-building is fantastic, the more you put in the more you get. If you're rushing headlong in a desperate sprint to beat it because reasons and miss half the game in the process then that's on you.
I've come to like the majority of them, they seem to just be getting better overall. So I do 100% that become available.I just got to the Veil and saw my map pop up with a massive amount of side quests. I enjoy some of the lore, but they are boring me with their tasks and rewards up to this point.
Should I do every single side quest or just go after the main story? I haven't seen a side quest with a + sign in a long time
I just got to the Veil and saw my map pop up with a massive amount of side quests. I enjoy some of the lore, but they are boring me with their tasks and rewards up to this point.
Should I do every single side quest or just go after the main story? I haven't seen a side quest with a + sign in a long time
Can anyone who has finished tell me how far I am?
I'm on, but have not cleared, the Ifrit vs Typhon battle.
Like it feels like I'm pretty far in yet I still only have two Eikons.
I would say do them all. Many quests in the Veil region are great for story telling. Plus it will all pay off later on in the game.
I did an optional side quest last night similar to any of the other fetch quests but it had a 500 ability point reward. Might not want to skip.I just got to the Veil and saw my map pop up with a massive amount of side quests. I enjoy some of the lore, but they are boring me with their tasks and rewards up to this point.
Should I do every single side quest or just go after the main story? I haven't seen a side quest with a + sign in a long time
I did an optional side quest last night similar to any of the other fetch quests but it had a 500 ability point reward. Might not want to skip.
You're still in early game. Maybe around 1/5Can anyone who has finished tell me how far I am?
I'm on, but have not cleared, the Ifrit vs Typhon battle.
Like it feels like I'm pretty far in yet I still only have two Eikons.
I just try to save manually before I get that feel that a boss fight is coming that way I can just reload that but I do wish that upon death they have an option to go to load I think that was a misstep.I have now played through the part where you transform into Ifrit and kill Garuda and holy shit is this game awesome when it needs to count the most. I haven't felt this way about a Final Fantasy game since X.
I'm playing in Performance Mode because the combat in 60 fps is really nice. I wish they would implement a Hybrid Mode where it switches between Quality Mode when exploring and Performance Mode when in combat because the combat is just really satisfying at a high framerate and more than justifies the resolution drop because you're not sitting there counting pixels anyways during this game's fast paced fighting.
I'm a bit annoyed that the game doesn't offer you any options when losing a boss fight other than quit and be fucked because it doesn't autosave for you before a boss fight, or be forced to continue and the game refills all your potions even if you don't want them refilled and puts you at the boss phase you died at. For extremely long fights like Benedikta (Human) being able to restart at the phase you died is a time saver but it's also dumb that it gives you all your potions again. The game is basically cheating for you, I was on the last phase of the fight and then died, and when I restarted I had full health and a full potion inventory. Great, way to make me feel like a bitch, I don't want the fucking potions, I was on the last fucking phase, at least give me a chance to do it on my own!
I get it, if I want a challenge, I should fuck off to Dark Souls or something, but why make such an amazing combat system and then hold my hand and give me a bunch of potions when I would rather learn how to dodge and counter or die instead? At least let me choose if I want my potions refilled on restart or not.
In the end, my compromise was simply to not use a potion on restart, but I also know the loot I get from the boss fight is tied to how good I did, and also the game should really tell you how good you did with a rank if you're going to have loot tied to it. So even doing that, I know I'm going to be missing out on good loot because the game simply won't give me a chance to figure it out on my own.
I would say 15%? You are very early on still.
Thanks, they are quick enough to knock out so I might as well enjoy the "downtime" segments. Sometimes I'm a little too amped up to get to the next massive set piece rather than smell the roses, haha
I still wouldn't necessarily call this "wide linear", more like expanded hallway syndrome. But it's good, I like the way they're going with this some areas are connected enough to make it likeable.
I can see how another iteration or two down the road we could have a pretty seamless environment even though it wouldn't make sense or you wouldn't want to travel through the environment that way it would really enhance believability but I like I think they make huge strides for it here from 13, absolutely huge in my opinion.
To an extent you are correct I wouldn't quite want to compare it to the final fantasies before X and such a direct way because they were often less linear in the sense that you could go to other areas or optional areas in between main beats.Trust me, that region has some of the most interesting early-game side quest stories. Side Quests also become far more expanded in terms of narrative later on, with major character revelations. Definitely worth not skipping for now.
The zone design is taking directly from FFXIV and FFXII. Sure your end point from A to B is relatively linear, but exploring offers a chance to find chests which give you good to great accessories and sometimes powerful equipment, such as Mythril Armbands. This is the norm for FF since the first game.
The akashik minotaur and morbel wrecked me too because I used most potions on the minotaur I ended up dying to Morbel.Just by fighting Liquid Flame i cant tell that is a LOT of ppl using the evasion ring, that fight took me 30 minutes to "master" his phase 2, if this game didnt have potion replenishment on death ( like elden ring ) a lot of ppl would be crying a lot more, this game on hard ll be a real challange
It was so obvious and phoned it the second they never said it was an animal. Lol. Still A LOT better than "Give these three items to people."Some of these side quests are brutal…one little girl ask me to find her pet and thought it’s going to be same as I did in FFVIIR……..NOPE!
This world is almost as fucked up as as Yoko Taro games…..almost.
Bump please!
I have gotten pretty good at these with the default control scheme. It's satisfying to continue to pull them off.Well dunno what the other guy you quoted is referring to exactly, but the most damaging basic combos use charged attacks. Using control type B:
R1, R2(charge), R1, R1, R1, (release R2)
R1, R2(charge), R1, R1, R1(charge), (release R2), (release R1)
I found the best control type for these charge attacks is Type C.
Parry and block are diferent things. When you parry you interrupt and stun the enemy and enter a slowdown time that allows u to land some free hits. Block absorb all physical damage, unless is an unblockable attack, if its a precise block then you can counter with 3 especial hits. Precise blocking dosent stun or interrupt the enemy so if the enemy is doing a combo and u block his 1st attack, he still donna hit you with the other attacks if you dont block them again.Parry is in the game since minutes 1
Nope, I would really like a way to disable the hud all together while I play to be honest.So far the game has been great… However, is there a way to turn off the objective indicator? It is super annoying.
Not a single issue here. No bugs, no freezing, no shutdowns. Game is super polished.So the overheating is a lie?
What is the Neogaf experience?
You can see it in your save fileIs there any way to see your playtime? I’ve been looking but don’t seem to see it?
You are not Ifrit. I am.