The first 20 hrs of the story promises potential, but nosedives fairly quick imo. It also loses the mature tone and gets more lighthearted as it progresses, with comic relief characters. Also lots of padding filler about to come in the main quest.I have been progressing in the story more and more, about 25hrs in, and I must say that storywise FFXVI is easily a Top 3 in the whole series --Tactics and Remake included.
In my book, because of its maturity, it's a serious candidate for the best story in the franchise, my Top 1. I just hope they didn't get so inspired in Games of Thrones that they'll screw it up in the end.
Far as I can tell.Do all new quest get visual identified on the map?
Do you know what a fullstop is friend?So played another 5 hour or so yesterday did a mix of MSQ and side quest plus some other small things.
Small things about jill: i noticed that noise that everyone keeps hearing when jill is in the party is from jill her dress or what she wears has a chain mail belt, 2 bows on her shirt part, her rapier along with 2 other belts and everything else causes that grinding noise I guess it's bugged or not but going by reddit post its not her character teleporting around its from the SWX tied to her dress if you crank up the volume more even clive has a issue were it sounds hes sliding on rubber when he wears his armor outfit before he gets his main one really weird design choice and I have no idea how this got past QA. Also jills idel animation is ripped straight from 2B from Nier and tifa from FF7R there is almost no difference if I can find a video of it ill link it im surprised they did that but this game also rips other stuff and just shoves it in here as well. NO idea why jill cant be played or commanded especailly just going off of what iv seen of her movelist so far to make her a playable character wouldnt be hard I imagine once this comes to PC there will be a playable mod before the week is out.
Side quest/crafting/Game play changes: These quests are terrible im not going to spoil much but even story wise/world building wise they make no sense these quest give you nothing that is worth while so far just more junk that you can sell I almost cant believe they spent 0 budget on the side quest in this game FF15 had a whole crazy side boss section as a side quest that gives you some pretty crazy stuff and even on the lesser side or budget jrpgs the Trails of games almost always give you stuff that is worth while when you help out other people they even straight up ripped a side quest from FF14 ARR the only difference is that the combat encounter can be ended in 2 mins instead of 5-6 and then you have to spawn back to town. At this point the crafting makes no sense from just doing the MSQ I got Purple Rare level stuff that is leagues above what I can craft even with rare items? I did craft a sword that was from the garuda boss but the game doesn't have an active inventory chest so the sword got deleted some how. DT or devil trigger in this game is super generous compared to literally any other character action game even in GOWR and 2018 you have to literally pump stats into Rage mode to be able to use it as frequently as you like im surprised that it even works like this its pretty much like a EX gauge in a fighting game and constantly recharges without you doing anything.
Discarding 'subjective' elements like story , every rpg that has come out in the past 10 years. The looting, progression, combat systems, story choices, exploration, side quest quality, etc that are the staples of every rpg are vastly deeper in other games like witcher 3, takes of arise, persona 5, xenoblade 3, divinity os etc etc. Ff16 isn't an rpg, by any stretch of the imagination. Even god of war has it beat.I’ll bite, what RPG does it better?
Discarding 'subjective' elements like story , every rpg that has come out in the past 10 years. The looting, progression, combat systems, story choices, exploration, side quest quality, etc that are the staples of every rpg are vastly deeper in other games like witcher 3, takes of arise, persona 5, xenoblade 3, divinity os etc etc. Ff16 isn't an rpg, by any stretch of the imagination. Even god of war has it beat.
Shit happened to me just today. That stupid eyeball with wings out in the marsh kept running off right before I'd finish it, then be back at full health. Happened several times and then it one-hit kills me with doom. So fucking annoying.Anyone get a weird bug where enemies health resets and they run away in open areas? Seems like when they get too far from their usual roaming area. Seems like a weird oversight that should have been fixed in play testing
Yeah, it's fairly pointless and a bit frustrating sometimes I'd want to jump to lower areas of a zone but couldn't except in some cases.Why even let Clive jump in the game? He can barely jump over a piece of paper lol. There genuinely wasn’t one time where being able to jump was useful.
Yeah, I really hate that status effects and elemental affinity are just.... Gone.Finally finished this last night, and mopped up the remaining hunts this morning.
I really disliked it overall. It's missing so much of what makes FF interesting: party members, robust gear/items/character building, status ailments, real exploration, endgame content, and the list goes on. In its place, we get an average character action game with 15 hours of real content spread out across triple that runtime, padded out with mandatory MMO fetch quests in between each major plot beat. The Eikon fights that everyone is raving about are just spongy QTE fests. The world, characters, and visual design want to be grimdark generic fantasy, and the storytelling was some of the driest in the series. Exploration was a real low point, because the game pretends to let you explore, but its zones are completely absent of any interesting activities to do or loot to find.
It has good graphics and the combat can feel good when it's firing on all cylinders. I enjoyed a few of the boss fights, including the final boss, who I thought was a genuinely great battle. Most of the game's over-the-top spectacle felt hollow to me, but I can understand why people enjoy it.
Overall, I think I'd put it below XV and XIII. While XV was a famously unfinished mess, it was at least an INTERESTING mess. What's even weirder is, FF just had a character action game last year with Stranger of Paradise, and that had significantly deeper RPG systems on top of what I'd argue is better character action than what XVI offers. It didn't have the budget that XVI had, but as far as "character action game with Final Fantasy trappings" goes, I enjoyed that one a lot more.
Swing and a miss for me, but oh well, it's FF and not every entry is for everyone. Hopefully I can scratch my itch with FFVII Rebirth before too long.
There are messages that pop up during combat when you use an elemental eikon attack about "effective elemental damage" or something to that regard, but its really negligible and might as well not be in because it doesn't really affect the damage and the enemies don't resist any elements anyway. Would have been cool to be forced to switch around your playstyle and equipped eikon abilities in order to face different enemies but alas. I never got around to using a few skills and two eikons I didnt use altogether.Yeah, I really hate that status effects and elemental affinity are just.... Gone.
Sadly pretty much. My only guess is they felt this would complicate things too much and they wanted everyone to access all eikons all the time without any real restrictions generally speaking, but that seems absurd. What other argument can be had for removing elemental functionality much less status effects?There are messages that pop up during combat when you use an elemental eikon attack about "effective elemental damage" or something to that regard, but its really negligible and might as well not be in because it doesn't really affect the damage and the enemies don't resist any elements anyway. Would have been cool to be forced to switch around your playstyle and equipped eikon abilities in order to face different enemies but alas. I never got around to using a few skills and two eikons I didnt use altogether.
Sadly pretty much. My only guess is they felt this would complicate things too much and they wanted everyone to access all eikons all the time without any real restrictions generally speaking, but that seems absurd. What other argument can be had for removing elemental functionality much less status effects?
Pretty much bingo towards the end of what you said.It's crazy because you only have spaces for 6 eikonic abilities in the first place anyway so your build options are super limited, why not use all the face buttons for skills after hitting R2? that way you could equip 4 per slot, hell you couldve added an extra skills for triangle button and assigned the shitty magic blast somewhere else but I digress.
If all skills inflict their base damage on all enemies it actually will make you more limited in the builds you make because it's easy to say "I like this set of skills" and just use them for the full game (sort of what I did). Adding elemental resistances and status effects to combat would have deepened it a lot more, sure you could take your fire skills to fight a lava monster and have a rough time you can CHOOSE to do that, or you can optimize. It would have also helped with gear and its importance because they could have implemented fire resistance gear, earth resistance, water resistance to charms and other pieces of gear. Even could've made crafting interesting by allowing you to craft slots for gems and what not inside your current gear.
The game copies got a bit much. There's inspiration, then there is this.I checked out...can't play this shit anymore. Bought the Collectors Edition (I really like the statue) but I honestly feel like selling the game at this point. Somewhere, someone said it best: "It wants so badly to be Game of Thrones".
I just can't stand the empty ass story, dialogue, characters, morality/meaning, atmosphere etc. The world (story) is built on a combination of hackneyed western tropes mixed with hackneyed anime tropes.
I love FFXIV so I had faith in YoshiP, but this feels like sacrilege. Funnily enough this is the first FF where they actually DESTROY the crystals? I haven't gotten too far in the story so pardon me if that changes, but so far it's incredibly symbolic of the desecration that this game is to the series.
This game is also plagued with immature 'maturity'. Maturity is not curse words, sex, violence, lighting up a damn smoke every cutscene and chugging piss from a flagon. This game was meaningless drivel and I just couldn't sit through any more empty character dialogue that I do not connect with or am convinced of in any way. So far I like Joshua, his aide and Tarja, and that's it. I liked Jill up until the Drakes Breath section (shortly after this is when I stopped playing).
The 'exploration' is drab and dull. I miss secrets. I miss minigames. I miss hidden locations. I miss secret NPC's and sidequests. I miss beautiful pre-rendered backgrounds. I miss the magic and convincing otherworldliness that was once Final Fantasy...
thank you. was this ever mentioned in any reviews?...I really disliked it overall. It's missing so much of what makes FF interesting: party members, robust gear/items/character building, status ailments, real exploration, endgame content, and the list goes on. In its place, we get an average character action game with 15 hours of real content spread out across triple that runtime, padded out with mandatory MMO fetch quests in between each major plot beat. The Eikon fights that everyone is raving about are just spongy QTE fests. The world, characters, and visual design want to be grimdark generic fantasy, and the storytelling was some of the driest in the series. Exploration was a real low point, because the game pretends to let you explore, but its zones are completely absent of any interesting activities to do or loot to find...
This is the most level headed take. It relies all too much on you liking the visual spectacle and combat. If you are not feeling the story, or if you want character development or more strategic, methodical combat, you are left out entirely with nothing to redeem it.The game really seems to live or die by it's Story and Combat. If you don't like at least one of these things, it can significantly impair your enjoyment of the game. I know you can argue that's most games, but because FFXVI hyper focuses on it's combat and storytelling, and not much else, it's particularly true for this game. Plenty of people do seem to love it, and it's got it's 88 on Metacritic with 118 reviews, so for the most part it was a hit with critics. But it definitely seems like another divisive entry among the fandom, which is very par for the course with this franchise at this point.
I 100% completed the game about a couple hours ago. Having experienced the game to it's fullest, I can see why some fans think it's a 6-7/10 game, but I definitely can see why some think it's a 9-10/10. It has some of the highest highs of the series, but also some serious lows.
Not that I recall, except for maybe SkillUp. I mostly tried to go in blind, though.thank you. was this ever mentioned in any reviews?...
So 90 percent super easy, trash sidequests and midway through the game you got bored but it's still an 8? Someone needs to recalibrate his scale.Finished the game and its a 8/10 for me
Combat is fun, Boss battle are just amazing, the world was cool, but did lack content ( dungeons, big ass monsters into the wild, exploration ), the hunting board is cool ( it would be nice to have a huntboard for map ) but 90% is super easy, story is good but the pacing between bosses are bad, sidequests are the worst part 90% is just boring trash, almost XV bad.
It was a good game, but after the titan lost i started to get bored really fast.
Hopefully FF17 ll build upon 16 goods and adds a more explorable world.
So I just beat the final fantasy difficulty, skipping dialogues and side quests. 7 hours to complete, sheeesh!
Gameplay: 10So 90 percent super easy, trash sidequests and midway through the game you got bored but it's still an 8? Someone needs to recalibrate his scale.
This is the most level headed take. It relies all too much on you liking the visual spectacle and combat. If you are not feeling the story, or if you want character development or more strategic, methodical combat, you are left out entirely with nothing to redeem it.
No I like it. Makes it less tedious to do the same shit again. I don’t need another dark souls.Does anyone else hate it when the game starts the boss off with less health after a game over? Makes the victory that much less enjoyable imo.
I only had one game over the whole time but would have been surprised to see that if I hadn't read about it here. Boss lower HP, potions reset, etc .. just kind of meh. I guess the thinking was that some encounters are very long so maybe they didn't want players having to do x or y again in the event they didn't make it through.Does anyone else hate it when the game starts the boss off with less health after a game over? Makes the victory that much less enjoyable imo.
No, these long-ass fights would be much more annoying without checkpoints. Like it's not affecting me personally because i died only a couple of times during boss fights, but there are plenty of less "skilled" players and I can imagine how infuriating it could be for them.Does anyone else hate it when the game starts the boss off with less health after a game over? Makes the victory that much less enjoyable imo.
No, these long-ass fights would be much more annoying without checkpoints. Like it's not affecting me personally because i died only a couple of times during boss fights, but there are plenty of less "skilled" players and I can imagine how infuriating it could be for them.
I don't need it to be a Dark Souls experience either. I've only had 3 game overs when I was just short of defeating them.No I like it. Makes it less tedious to do the same shit again. I don’t need another dark souls.
Thankfully there is no autosaves in boss fights, so you can quite to menu and just reload the autosave to start from the beginning.Does anyone else hate it when the game starts the boss off with less health after a game over? Makes the victory that much less enjoyable imo.
So apparently you don’t have enough AP to upgrade everything? What did everyone focus on? Or did you just keep respecing?
I had sort of the opposite feeling about this battle.(Spoiler Free)
My thoughts are still marinating on the Final Boss fight of FFXVI. It may be my favorite fight in the entire franchise. It ain't recency bias because I thought the final boss fights in XII, XIII and XV were incredibly forgettable as soon as I finished those games. For now I think I would rank my personal favorite final boss fights as follows:
4. FFX
3. FFXIV: Endwalker
For me FFXVI's final boss fight is GOAT because of how fucking good the music, the spectacle, and the storytelling within fight is. Also it doesn't hurt that I love the combat.
That said:
The villain is nowhere near as interesting as the likes of Sephiroth, Emet Selch, Jecht, etc. That's the only shortcoming. But if he were a great villain, this final boss fight would be the fucking undisputed.
I don't think you are meant to get anywhere near max everything on first playthrough. I think it would be a real grind slog if you tried. I just focused on what I thought was useful to me and I generally had plenty.So apparently you don’t have enough AP to upgrade everything? What did everyone focus on? Or did you just keep respecing?
I have some nitpicks though.Half way through the game and it keeps on giving. On top of the amazing story, great characters (Clive is such a great main character) and insane combat, I appreciate a lot of the quality of life features. No waiting to jump over things, opening boxes is very quick, items pick up automatically. There is basically no dead time, compare this with GoW Ragnarok with super slow animations to open a box, rowing a boat all day long and having to solve annoying puzzles. I much prefer the story CGI driven approach that fills the gap rather than doing a boring puzzle.
Same, I beat him at level 39 but I only level up once. It was nice fight, one of his moves set remind me of Malzeno in MHRise Sunbreak.Just beat an S Rank Hunt (Svarog) 11 levels higher than me, and got two level ups as a reward lol
DLC possibility is apparently high: