Oh OK.Currently there are only 11 obtainable HE cars.
So drifting around the Goliath Circuit with a skill boost HE car is definitely the way to go if you want easy xp. 45 mins for 3 laps and this for xp:

Oh OK.Currently there are only 11 obtainable HE cars.
The 340R and Renegade are loads of fun in their respective classes, and although it took 'em long enough, with the BC the Huayra finally has the ridiculously OTT turbo chatter it should.
Also, why is the Vulcan classed with mere hypercars instead of the 'extreme track toys?' That's quite literally its raison d'être.
drivers are scaled to your PI, although I'd say doing all the upgrade work yourself can allow you to balance HP to handling easierSo I'm not too far in. This is my first Horizon game and I'm having a blast, but I'm a little confused. Should I just auto upgrade cars? When I do that, does the game scale the other drivers to my specs for the races I enter, or can I fuck myself over under tweaking?
pretty sure night races are PI scaled too but use all cars, while theThe opponent's are usually scaled to your car (except for night races maybe?).
The opponent's are usually scaled to your car (except for night races maybe?). If you auto-upgrade, it will boost opponents vehicles to match. Really the best thing to do is get a setup you're comfortable with, or download a highly rated community tune until you do, and complete races however you want to. In my experience, races with faster cars are harder to win because the AI is much better at throttle control/cornering than the average player.So I'm not too far in. This is my first Horizon game and I'm having a blast, but I'm a little confused. Should I just auto upgrade cars? When I do that, does the game scale the other drivers to my specs for the races I enter, or can I fuck myself over under tweaking?
So I just played the Showcase event whereand it occurred to me how brilliant this game is and how Playground are just on another level. That was the widest a game has made me smile in ages. And I'm only %10 done with the game! Holy shit!you race alongside the speedboats
So what are the horizon edition cars? Just better versions that you win on the wheelspin?
They have a perk associated with them. XP boost, credit boost, etc. You can buy them in the auction house too but a lot of people are trying to as well.
Is there no way to sell a car to the CPU / autoshow?
Nice, congrats! Can't wait for my first one.yaaasss got my first HE
great to drive in the bay
Correct. AH only.
Oh OK.
So drifting around the Goliath Circuit with a skill boost HE car is definitely the way to go if you want easy xp. 45 mins for 3 laps and this for xp:
You overestimate my ability to pull off drift taps but I'm listeningNot the best way anymore. I got a little under 850k xp in 28min doing the drift tap method with the M3 HE.
I just got fucked in this game.
I had my Lamborghini Huracan Horizon Edition car (gives skill boosts) and a Skill Song played on the radio. I found a groove and then ended up building a skill chain that was 40.8k times 10.0 multiplier.
Then I lost connection to the Internet at home and the game crashed. I own the digital version (not the disc). And the Xbox I was using wasn't designated as my home Xbox (my brother's Xbox 5 mins away from where I live is designated as my home Xbox).
Dammit!!!! It makes sense what happened but I'm still bitter.
Not the best way anymore. I got a little under 850k xp in 28min doing the drift tap method with the M3 HE.
That's not the best anymore eitherNot the best way anymore. I got a little under 850k xp in 28min doing the drift tap method with the M3 HE.
finished my lapd livery
time to pull some dudes over lol
finished my lapd livery
time to pull some dudes over lol
I hope they add some Aussie cop cars (if not already?).
Anyone know where to disable these notifications in Win10? Super annoying
("xy has beaten your best time" etc)
Fucking hell. I had a car that was worth 10 million. I made some upgrades and now it is worth less that 100K. Am I fucked?
Is it a HE car ?
They have nerfed their value, it's now the same as it was on console.
EDIT: You could spam wheelspin and make a 5.5M profit each time you rolled a HE car you already had.
Well that sucks. From 10mil to 100k. Should have sold it.
You can still put it on the AH, it will sell for nearly 1M I think.
Game starts like
But ends like
Game starts like
But ends like