Neo Member
Aye. With all the "new console" stuff from the last month... you drop those three things at TGA... and the buzz is on Nintendo again. That, with ANY kind of Smash reveal... and it'd be tough to say anyone else "wins" at the event. Though most of the time... there isn't even a contest, because the "big news" typically doesn't happen there. '18 type events don't happen that much... Joker in Smash... a new MUA game... new Mortal Kombat... etc... I think that was where MK11 got announced. And even those would pale in comparison to that level of Metroid news. Especially with a MPT shadow drop.MPT available right now is how half my neighborhood gets woken up with uncontrollable fangirling.
I always have to take these with a grain of salt, even if I want them to be true, but that would be amazing.
For Jooxed new IP... I get the feeling, but we have had a couple over the last two gens... we did get both Splatoon and ARMS out of those generations. Heck... make a new Fatal Frame as a Nintendo exclusive... or make something akin to a Bendy or a FNAF... but maybe that's not "real horror" enough. New IPs are always exciting. Why it was nice to see Labo and Ring Fit, as different as those were.