Petaya Berry
Just because I dislike north-american indies, this doesn't mean that I like AAA. I think that the last AAA that I played was Fifa 18.I don't know about formulaic, sure lots of games that releases on the e-shop are shovelware and not worth playing, but there are loads of games that are really good and brings something fresh to the table. A couple of examples of great indie games that I like or look forward too are Blasphemous, Dead Cells, Hades, Hollow Knight, Hotline Miami, Hyper Light Drifter, Disco Elysium, Baldo, Morbid, Shakedown Hawaii, The Touryst, Bloodstained, Broken Sword 5. I can go on and on and on.
If you gonna talk formulaic, then the AAA side of games are as equally guilty of that, even more so I'd say since there are not a lot of risks taken due to rising costs. We often see the true and tried formula being recycled over and over again. It just seems you have a prejudice about indies.
I only play Nintendo games and AA japanese games though, and the eventual eurojank and very few north-american ones.
Half the games that you listed are roguelites with nothing new in the mechanics though, some of them are even sequels...