Xaero Gravity
If I don't get Sephiroth tonight, I'm turning GAF into Volcano High and saying goodbye

If I don't get Sephiroth tonight, I'm turning GAF into Volcano High and saying goodbye
Easy mode
Maybe the Switch Pro was the friends we made along the way (but could not chat with due to Nintendo restrictions.)Apparently Nintendo are saying they are focusing on the existing Switch, rather than looking at a Switch Pro..
Apparently Nintendo are saying they are focusing on the existing Switch, rather than looking at a Switch Pro..
Apparently Nintendo are saying they are focusing on the existing Switch, rather than looking at a Switch Pro..
It'll probably be on par with the base Xbox One..or hell the PS4...but I think that is as far as they will go..I don't know as much as you should always take Nintendo rumors as a grain of salt Nintendo's Jedi PR skills are next to none. I still remember someone point blank asking Miyamoto about a DS XL and he adamantly denied it existed and then for them to announce it less than a month later. Personally, I think it's real, but I really am interested in what they'll do to make it a step up from the current model. I'm definitely in if it has nice features, but just a nicer battery and screen or change in size won't do much for me.
Nintendo can still squeeze more life out of the system by unlocking more CPU/Memory profiles.
Edit: The Switch is still technically under-clocked, isn't it?
20 minutes. Honestly this seems like a really good addition.
As for Sephiroth, if you have challenger pass 8 or season pass 2, as of right now, an event is happening in smash that if you beat him on the hardest difficulty, you unlock him early, from the news feed!
TRIVIA TIMEIf I don't get Sephiroth tonight, I'm turning GAF into Volcano High and saying goodbye
Word is they’re gonna show his dick
Imagine showing a theme park advertisement in 2020.Imagine Nintendo showing game content in 2020.
Imagine showing a theme park advertisement in 2020.
Nintendo is reckless and irresponsible for opening their parks during an international crisis such as this. Literally killing tourists.Et tu,DunDunDunpachi ?
Imagine showing a theme park advertisement in 2020.
Happy Christmas NintendoGAF! Did any of you get an NES for Christmas back in the 80s (or 90s even)? Some nice footage as usual from MyRetroLife:
The kid seemed more interested in the other toys than the NES! I got Mousetrap one Christmas too, so that hit me in the nostalgia feels.
Very different from my childhood Christmas. In the video the parents seemed more excited than the kid. My brother and I were always the first to wake up, and the had to sit by the tree guessing what goodies were wrapped up, until our parents to finally got up. I think not wrapping up the NES was pretty unforgivable. The unwrapping was one of the most exciting things about the whole experience for me.
Deadly Premonition is $29.56 on Amazon:
Is it worth it? I hear this game is almost like so good it’s bad.
Is it worth it? I hear this game is almost like so good it’s bad.
I beat it recently. It is definitely memorable. I enjoyed it but you have to have a pretty strong stomach for jank of all varieties.
What is with the no wrapping?
Maybe I’m better off getting it for cheap on the eshop despite my disdain for digital games.