Random thought: Switch ports are a bit dumbly maligned to me.
I don’t play everything, no matter how good it is. There’s simply too many releases to keep up with, especially if you’re even a half-functioning person with other things to do in their life. Sometimes I outright miss less publicized stuff. Sometimes things become a cult hit years after release.
So, a frequent sentiment you’ll see in spaces that are a little more circlejerk and console warrior is, ‘Why do you want to play old games?’, before heaping praise on Demon’s Souls and Gears of War 5 with SX upgrade.
Well. I don’t necessarily. I’m sitting here experiencing Ori as a brand new release, because of the latter reason, and that Xbox One was a cluster f until One X. It’s seemingly a wonderful game. I’m considering Crysis because I never played it before, not being a PC gamer, and it looks like a really cool game, especially to have as a portable thing.
Then, sometimes I do want to play an old game. Something as simple as revisiting Bioshock’s timeless setting on very different hardware, after 12 years, can be quite fun. I rented Burnout Paradise when it came out, but all these years later, yeah, I wouldn’t mind a taste of that again.
In the end, Nintendo’s exclusives power this console, and I’d certainly like to see more brand-new games from non-indies, but this constant flow of content is at worst, ignorable, and at best, a really positive, overall addition to the platform. Especially for a console designer that’s been having third party issues for four consoles and 24 years.