Then you need to make new friends like my Friend who is a Nintendo Fanboy, who can turn negatives into positives.
When asked about the Joycon drifting issue and the numerous lawsuits against Nintendo, he laughed and said "Collecting all the different coloured joycons has been a joy to me. Seeing all the beautiful colours just brightens up my day and my kids love them so much. I have countless joycons that drifted but I see that as an opportunity by Nintendo to collect and display them. Without the drift (notice he didn't use the word issue because Joycon drift isn't an issue to him), I wouldn't have thought of the idea of collecting them." That said, he looked at his joycon collection lovingly and beamed like a proud parent.
These are just some of my friend's Joycons (with custom shells).
When asked about the lack of first party games in 2020, he said that Nintendo values polish and making complete games very much, unlike PlayStation games. Good things come to those who wait, but Nintendo games aren't good things. They are GREAT things, so be patient and wait a little longer. He predicts Switch Pro (that will beat the shit out of PS5), BOTW 2, a Zelda Collection akin to Super Mario 3D All Stars, and a surprise game by Nintendo in 2021. When asked about what's that surprise game by Nintendo, he smiled and said "It's a surprise. Nintendo always gives surprises."
And to all who complain about BOTW (I'm looking at you Corgi 1985, you must be a bitch), my friend says that the game invented open world games, and you can climb mountains in that game unlike Horizon Zero Dawn, and that weapon breaking feature? Well, it's to let you try out different weapons. Korok seeds are a joy to collect and again to those cunts who complain about the shrines being samey and short? They are made easy and short on purpose so that people new to gaming won't feel intimidated by long boring dungeons.
My friend would also remind you that Pokemon Sword and Shield has sold around 20 million and counting. So if one person thinks it sucks, remember that there are 19,999,999 people out there who loves them.
To those who complain about the low resolution and low framerate on Switch, he says it's to remind you of the simple days of gaming in the past. Where fun and gameplay mattered above all else. You didn't mind gaming on sub 480p resolutions and less than 60 fps in the past didn't you? You simply enjoyed gaming because it was so pure and so fun. That's what Nintendo games are all about. And being able to take your Switch wherever with you and game on the go is such a joy.
Lastly, (I've posted this before), to those who question why Nintendo games never drop in price, he laughed and said "Do you ever see the price of Gold fall? No, right? Instead, their price rise over time. Nintendo games are like treasure, so why would you expect the price of their games to fall? They should rise in value because they are so great. You should be lucky Nintendo doesn't raise their price so why should anyone demand that Nintendo give discounts on their games?
If any of you ever waver and question your love of Nintendo, close your eyes and remember my friend's wise words.
, I know you're not keen on the Vaccine, but my friend is getting it soon so he can go to Japan asap with his family to visit Super Nintendo World and also Nintendo HQ in Kyoto. I'll let you know if the vaccine has any side effects, like turning my friend from a Nintendo Fanboy who hates Sony into a (gasp!) Sony Fanboy who hates Nintendo.
Lionel Richie