Sort of story spoilers:Does killingor not make a difference?Nil___
If you don't kill him then he appears later on in the main story line in a small role.
Sort of story spoilers:Does killingor not make a difference?Nil___
So you came from the future with gifs of Death Stranding, I see.
Is it me or that I don't find the game interesting at all? I find myself rushing through just to beat it. Sure, the graphics look good and all, but I am not having fun...Games like the witcher 3 got me immersed and I actually loved playing it, enjoyed taking everything in, but this game does not do that for me. I am trying to like this game.
Aye, the Lodge Warbow is godly for the freeze arrows with coils. Triple notched arrows that I can fire farther and faster than the sling and more ammo to boot.I like it for freeze arrow but that's about it
Aye, the Lodge Warbow is godly for the freeze arrows with coils. Triple notched arrows that I can fire farther and faster than the sling and more ammo to boot.
So i'm not the only one who crouched and used my focus the whole time while walking through the ruins right?
Why would you do that? Scared of the wilds?
So i'm not the only one who crouched and used my focus the whole time while walking through the ruins right?
How do you use the double and triple arrow skill?
I just got the double and all its been doing is just single arrow.
The rockbreakers are seriously the worst designed monsters I've fought in a long time.
Anyway, beat the two corrupted bastards on very hard without cheat armor.
Whenquotes the Happy Birthday Isaac line lolSylen
They are really OP and annoying. It took me a lot of deaths and tripwire to beat that corrupted land at level 48, v hard, stealth armor.
Why would you do that? Scared of the wilds?
Only part of the map that creeps me out is that deeper forest map that has stalkers. I fuckin hate the stalkers.
How do you use the double and triple arrow skill?
I just got the double and all its been doing is just single arrow.
Aim and press R1
You can also switch to other weapons on your weapon wheel and pre-nock arrows for them. So you can walk around with 3 hardpoint on your Hunter and 3 frost on your Warbow.specifically aim and press R1 for 2 arrows, press R1 again for 3 arrows (if you have both skills). The thing is, you can do this "out of combat", youll notice that the arrow indicator on the bottom of the screen will go from 1/18 or whatever or 2/18 or 3/18. You can walk around with 3 arrows ready for your next shot.
specifically aim and press R1 for 2 arrows, press R1 again for 3 arrows (if you have both skills). The thing is, you can do this "out of combat", youll notice that the arrow indicator on the bottom of the screen will go from 1/18 or whatever or 2/18 or 3/18. You can walk around with 3 arrows ready for your next shot.
Thanks for that tip!
You can also switch to other weapons on your weapon wheel and pre-nock arrows for them. So you can walk around with 3 hardpoint on your Hunter and 3 frost on your Warbow.
That's a bummer that you didn't like it, but not all games are for everyone. Myself personally I couldn't get into metal gear solid 5 even though everyone tells me I'm wrong lol.
Yeah I beat it, but took a bit. Didn't help on my part that I forgot to scan for all the weak points. I kind of expected the 20 fucking trip wires I threw on the ground to do the job...I was wrong.When you don't use the disc launcher the Thunderjaws battles are pretty amazing. (I don't know how easy to kill is with the disc launcher, I actually never used it but people says it's op).
You're not wrong though. ;P
Horizon Zero Dawn does a lot of what MGSV does, does it better, and looks a million times better while doing it, and also has a compelling story with a main character who actually, you know, speaks and thinks for herself. Oh and the story has an ending.
What would y'all recommend mod wise for the Shadow Rattler? I didn't know whether to go to town with purple damage mods, or purple ice/shock mods. I know I can change and specialize as needed, but I was curious what other people defaulted to.
I cheered out loud when I finally got another fox skin for the Shadow Rattler. I can't remember what I wasted the other ones on, d'oh.
You're not wrong though. ;P
Horizon Zero Dawn does a lot of what MGSV does, does it better, and looks a million times better while doing it, and also has a compelling story with a main character who actually, you know, speaks and thinks for herself. Oh and the story has an ending.
I like to take a stroll through the forest at night.
I like to take a stroll through the forest at night.
I'd probably go for damage and handling mods and use it as my go to for killing humans. I think for elemental stuff, there are better alternative weapons available to use.
Something fishy about that over bright moon...
Apparently not, for trophy purposes.Does killingor not make a difference?Nil___
for the trophy "7 types of machine overridden"
do I need to override every machine? I've done all the cauldrons and according to you only have to complete the cauldrons unless I am not understanding correctly.
Something fishy about that over bright moon...
You need to sneak up on a machine or tie them down/stun them then override them. You only need to do it on 7 of the 26 machines. I picked all the easy ones.
You can override them if they are tied down? I thought you couldnt do it if they were aleted to your presence?
Thats a gamechanger if true.
You can override them if they are tied down? I thought you couldnt do it if they were aleted to your presence?
Thats a gamechanger if true.
We need a cool weaponized jetpack in Horizon 2, kinda like the one from Killzone 3. Also Aloy's climbing skills are underrated.
Yeah, once that thing is on you it's a pain, spent half my time spin dashing away from it.Broooooo, Thunderjaw is fucking huge up close holy moly.