It's deceptively fast with it's dash attack. Like really fast.Yeah, once that thing is on you it's a pain, spent half my time spin dashing away from it.
I don't think it's supposed to be a city akin to Novigrad. Humans are far more tribal in this world than in the Witcher. And Meridian does look impressive.Meridian isn't impressive at all, not sure why so many people found it amazing. It's not even close to something like Novigrad. It feels like a big settlement at best rather than an actual city.
For me, Meridian looks gorgeous from afar, but underwhelming from inside. Quite disappointed with it, tbh.
Not to mention those hydraulic jaws. I practically took off all of it's weapons before I fought it and it was still giving me problems, thing has so much health.It's deceptively fast with it's dash attack. Like really fast.
Yeah, that's basically how I felt as well. I assume beyond just computing reasons, creating a giant city would be difficult for gameplay reasons because if you aren't going to use that real estate, then you're just making players needlessly navigate a complicated city for no good reason.For me, Meridian looks gorgeous from afar, but underwhelming from inside. Quite disappointed with it, tbh.
I managed to to kill it faster by picking it disc launcher. I feel like facing this and the inevitable multiple enemy in a Cauldron will be hell.Not to mention those hydraulic jaws. I practically took off all of it's weapons before I fought it and it was still giving me problems, thing has so much health.
If I am lucky I'll set enough traps to kill the other shit and fight the Thunderjaw solo. That motherfucker is tanky as hell, it just walks through blast traps. It'll take off some parts, but that's it, the traps will not kill it.I managed to to kill it faster by picking it disc launcher. I feel like facing this and the inevitable multiple enemy in a Cauldron will be hell.
It seems that for Thunderjaws, tear is your best friend rather than explosives.If I am lucky I'll set enough traps to kill the other shit and fight the Thunderjaw solo. That motherfucker is tanky as hell, it just walks through blast traps. It'll take off some parts, but that's it, the traps will not kill it.
Have you explored the north eastern side of the map? there's a pure laje there where you can swim and lot's of ruins from the old ones. Also is infested of corrupted Snapmaw and if you reach the edge of the map it doesn't tell you that you're going off limit, it tells you that you can't access that location. Half the Snapmaw are way ahead the forbidden are and there are some graphical glitches that looks like tears of the past.
I can upload a video if necessary.
Welp Im a huge potatoe. All this time I thought Strong Melee attack was to hold R1, and light melee to tap it.
Just did the grazer statue trophy and found out that heavy melee is actually hold R2
It only took me 50hours to figure it out, no bigge
Whoever designed the Glinthawk hunter trial should be fired. Design an enemy with like zero hit box and surrounded the area with tramplers who keep rushing you and killing the Glinthawks for you. Like what were they thinking?
Stormbirds drop them too, as do the giant Eclipse robot things. It's just that Thunderjaws are so easy to kill.So do you guys farm purple outfit mods from a thunderjaw? Or do the other large machines have a higher droprate? I keep getting only purple weapon mods from thunderjaws
I RARELY get the prompt for critical strike. I'm literally running around and on top of them and no prompt ever appears, at least not before they free themselves and I lose them.Just go to the outer edge, Tramplers don't go there. And the hitbox is fine.
Yeah. The best you can do is have your mount come in to help you.So just to clear this up. There isnt actually a "tamed machines will randomly spawn to help you" mechanic like the giantbomb quicklook seemed to indicate right?
I assume that Jeff had just overrode that snapjaw nearby before the quicklook started and then it aggroed the mobs when he did?
Stormbirds drop them too, as do the giant Eclipse robot things. It's just that Thunderjaws are so easy to kill.
I RARELY get the prompt for critical strike. I'm literally running around and on top of them and no prompt ever appears, at least not before they free themselves and I lose them.
Like many games of this type, the economy is easily broken. Still plenty of game left and I'm swimming in shards and resources, with all the purple weapons and armour.
I don't scavenge unless there's a purple drop now, so I just tear through the machines like a badass and keep moving. Kinda fun this way, but I do miss the survival aspect of the early to mid game.
I'd love Guerilla to patch in a survivor difficulty like Ubisoft did with Far Cry Primal, especially if it came with some trophies too.
Also fuck me the corrupted zone with the two burrowing assholes was by far the most difficult thing I've done in the game so far. Took me many deaths before I figured out a strategy.
Meridian has agriculture and relatively advanced irrigation techniques. Compared to most of the other tribes, they're cutting edge.When they said "city" I was expecting something more modern.
If Novigrad is your personal baseline post-Witcher 3, prepare for a long string of disappointing open world cities. ¯\_(ツMeridian isn't impressive at all, not sure why so many people found it amazing. It's not even close to something like Novigrad. It feels like a big settlement at best rather than an actual city.
Yeah that quest was annoying.Whoever designed the Glinthawk hunter trial should be fired. Design an enemy with like zero hit box and surrounded the area with tramplers who keep rushing you and killing the Glinthawks for you. Like what were they thinking?
Anyway, I've really enjoyed the game and don't understand why some are already dismissing it from any GOTY conversations. Maybe I'm just not that jaded and cynical.
So do you guys farm purple outfit mods from a thunderjaw? Or do the other large machines have a higher droprate? I keep getting only purple weapon mods from thunderjaws
Took down my first Thunderjaw, Stormbird and Behemoth (Two of them at once!) tonight. Was pretty awesome and came away with a whole bunch of purple mods. Also wrapped up the Hunter's Lodge quest and it was pretty awesome, although I was hoping for a better reward.
Also, some random shit I came across in the wild...not really a spoiler but I'll tag it anyways.
I saw a campsite with two dead bodies in it and went in to check it out. Heard someone yell "Now!" and a damn ring of fire shot up around me and I started gettng pecked with bandit arrows. I was shocked, hadn't seen anything like that in the game thus far 28 hours in. No quest marker or anything, just a random thing.
Game is truly beautiful and I love the side quests and fighting machines. So glad I decided to wait on the Switch until the hype died down and play this instead.
Well it's pretty early to say, but it'll definitely be a part of my GOTY thoughts.
At the very least it's the most interesting game world I've experienced in ages. I'm not really into game-based novels or anything, but I'd totally be up for some extended fiction based on this.
It will get a ton of votes I am sure, will most likely win PS4 GOTY, if it can beat Persona 5, which I think it will. I just don't see anything touching the craze that is Zelda this year, especially on GAF which loves Nintendo.
Like many games of this type, the economy is easily broken. Still plenty of game left and I'm swimming in shards and resources, with all the purple weapons and armour.
I don't scavenge unless there's a purple drop now, so I just tear through the machines like a badass and keep moving. Kinda fun this way, but I do miss the survival aspect of the early to mid game.
I'd love Guerilla to patch in a survivor difficulty like Ubisoft did with Far Cry Primal, especially if it came with some trophies too.
Also fuck me the corrupted zone with the two burrowing assholes was by far the most difficult thing I've done in the game so far. Took me many deaths before I figured out a strategy.
I hope so. I mean Zelda will obviously be a popular choice, but it's RDR2 later this year that I'm keeping my eye on. Another technical showcase open world game, and also the sequel to the best game of last gen (imo obviously).
I've just been assuming RDR2 will get delayed until next year haha.
It's the sound. That hum followed by a whump is great.The armor breaking arrows in Horizon are badass.
Yeah, the populated areas were a disappointment. Witcher killed it with the townsfolk but in Horizon? Not so much.Meridian isn't impressive at all, not sure why so many people found it amazing. It's not even close to something like Novigrad. It feels like a big settlement at best rather than an actual city.
Yeah that quest was annoying.
Doesn't matter. I let them do pretty funny.Hammer and Steel questDo I bring the cables to Petra myself or let these two have it?
Shit, is there no way to get the power cell from the 'heart of the mountain' area after you've left? Trying to get that armor and but that area's blocked off.