Just picked up my copy today. I was kind of disappointed with it until I got to the
Damn. Shit just got real.
People complain about the cauldrons?![]()
Wow theweapon is a game changer. Was finally able to take down a Thunderjaw and Stormbird after hours and hours of failureropecaster
Yeah-- tie the glinthawk down, two hardened arrows to the chest.. success.It works on those pesky Glinthawks that everyone hates too.
Edit: how DO you get the powercells for that sidequest?
I have a ton of nitpicks about the game and Cauldrons are one of the few parts in it that's great. I wish there were more.
I'm also not finding a need for the trip caster. Relatively small amount of damage considering the pain it is to kite enemies into it. The hunter bow, sharp shooter bow, and rope caster are now essentially permanently equipped. I bought the blast sling and that shot gun thing really late and almost never use them as a result. Don't see the point in an elemental sling since I can move mods around any time to really soak something in elemental damage with just the hunter and war bows.
Theyre at random, usually hidden, places throughout the map (most can be picked up during main quests which is easier then getting them later on). Theres no way I wouldve found all of them on my own so I youtubed it. Also - I think 2 or 3 of them cant be picked up until you reach a certain point in the main storyIt works on those pesky Glinthawks that everyone hates too.
Edit: how DO you get the powercells for that sidequest?
I thought cauldrons were one of the few weak elements that Horizon had. They would've been more compelling if they featured bosses, or more precisely, machines that were exclusive to them and that you didn't encounter anywhere else in the game. What are the other few things you felt like Horizon got right?
Even the story? I thought it was really interesting and kept me going, I had that "i need to know what happens next asap" feel, 1st time in a a long time. only a few open world game can pull that off like GTAV, Arkham series, and MGSVCombat with medium->large machines, and graphics. Other than that I feel most things are mediocre.
I liked the cauldron's because they each were unique compared to the rest of the world, as well as it forced you to fight stuff in a confined quarters so you couldn't cheese the encounter.
Even the story? I thought it was really interesting and kept me going, I had that "i need to know what happens next asap" feel, 1st time in a while, only a few open world game can pull that off like GTAV, Arkham series, and MGSV
I liked the cauldron's because they each were unique compared to the rest of the world. They also forced you to fight stuff in a confined quarters so you couldn't cheese the encounter.
I couldn't agree more. I hit 70 hours and haven't been able to play for 3 days thanks to having to work 12's at work covering for somebody out sick. I only have the last 5 story missions left, my wife watched all the story stuff and won't let me finish until she can watch too but I was just going around the other day lighting all the camp fires and fighting just to have something to do and still loving every miniute of it lol. Cannot get enough of the world. I sure hope we get some DLC!!!88hrs now....Boredom/Fatigue.....STILL no where in sight 8)
Meh. Cauldron design so far(have been to 2) is really conservative in terms of encounters. It looks great, but it's really basic stuff. The boss rooms at the end are pure frustration on highest difficulty. How could we make this really stupid? I know, flat ground with no way to break line of sight, not even some grass, that will fucking show them. And let's spawn in some more random machines if they're overlevelled.
Well like I said i'm still playing, but so far the story doesn't interest me too much. The main story is alright, nothing great and the side stories are complete crap. None of the characters interest me at all except maybe Aloy and Rost. They're going to have to throw some huge curveball for me to change my mind.
It works on those pesky Glinthawks that everyone hates too.
Edit: how DO you get the powercells for that sidequest?
This game is doing collectibles right, well at least most of them.
First, there aren't too many and it isn't too hard to find vantage points, metall flowers etc. It is doable and doesn't feel like grinding, at least not for me
Second, and actually even more important: Collectibles reward you with deeper story inside and help in world/setting building. The vantage point substory was already sad enough but now that I know a lot more about what actually happened... man this is such a sad game.
And while I'm praising:
It really feels like GG created this game to tell a certain story and not vice versa and in before 'other games also tell great stories': Yes, absolutely but they (mostly) tell a story in a certain, established world while this world was created with the purpose to tell this one story. And I respect and appreciate the game even more because of this.
(Granted I'm not done yet, but I already know what went down and I think I know how this is going to end.)
This game is also very sad and it is so frustrating to deal with NPCs once you realize what is/was going on. You want to shake them, scream at them and make them realize how wrong and stupid they are.
Just bought the Rattler for the sake of it. What were they thinking? Atrocious weapon.
Decided to take on a Stormbird with arrows only... goddamn. Took everything I had but he's a pile of scrap now.
I honestly can't think of anything in another game that comes close to how amazing the Stormbirds are and how satisfying it is to take one down.
Gonna take on a few Thunderjaws tonight.
copy to usb drive. everything else compresses the image.
Right, new to owning a PS4 and still getting to grips with the OS. Is there any way to upload/view videos/screenshots without linking my PSN ID to youtube, facebook, twitter etc?
I've got more than a couple of complaints about the game but fucking hell it looks absolutely incredible at times. Photomode has been getting a bit of a workout and I'd like to be able to download/share my captures.
I fought one with only my Spear. By the end of it, he was afraid of the whooping.
Easily the coolest machine in the game.
I agree with all of this. I think the fantasic game play also make the collectibles not feel grindy. Hell like I said earlier I went around the whole world making sure I lit all the campfires just to have something more to do lol. I've never just begged for more to do in an open world game than this one.
I love how clueless the NPC's really are about the world. It's great. My wife and I have really enjoyed her conversations with them and how almost sarcastic she becomes about it. Just great stuff!!
This, so much this. I recently completed the Vantages and Bashar's tale adds so much depth to the game's story.This game is doing collectibles right, well at least most of them.
First, there aren't too many and it isn't too hard to find vantage points, metall flowers etc. It is doable and doesn't feel like grinding, at least not for me
Second, and actually even more important: Collectibles reward you with deeper story inside and help in world/setting building. The vantage point substory was already sad enough but now that I know a lot more about what actually happened... man this is such a sad game.
And while I'm praising:
It really feels like GG created this game to tell a certain story and not vice versa and in before 'other games also tell great stories': Yes, absolutely but they (mostly) tell a story in a certain, established world while this world was created with the purpose to tell this one story. And I respect and appreciate the game even more because of this.
(Granted I'm not done yet, but I already know what went down and I think I know how this is going to end.)
This game is also very sad and it is so frustrating to deal with NPCs once you realize what is/was going on. You want to shake them, scream at them and make them realize how wrong and stupid they are.
This game also must have been a hard sell:
"Well, we would like to make a post-post apocalyptic game with robo dinosaurs, but without a season pass, microtransactions and multiplayer. The story will also be sad and this is a new IP and we have never done an open world game before."
Sony and GG took a great risk with this game.
I love the combat but also how your 'relationship' with the robots grows as you progress. My first encounters with the bigger ones is mostly me shitting myself, running around in circles madly sliding and dashing owing arrows randomly at it. When I eventually beat one it's a massive rush.
Then a little later on I notice that I'm entering encounters with the same robot differently - with a much more measured approach as that initial fear is gone, replaced with respect and hopefully patience. Later, as I learn more about how they behave the interactions can become almost transactional - I want resources from you, or I just fancy a fight
Haha yeah, remember when we were all scared of a sawtooth?
This, so much this. I recently completed the Vantages and Bashar's tale adds so much depth to the game's story.
it really was a good story arc. It also lets you in on where exactly in the world the game is taking place (it's a videogame, so it's a shrunken version of a really large place)
I've got a bunch of the vantages and finally read the more detailed descriptions (thanks whoever told me about them). I think I only have 3-4 left uncover d but have no idea where it's set - its mostly personal stuff.
Also I have like 90% of the audio and written logs still to find. Worried I'm missing them somehow but I'm not rushing at all.
Started playing yesterday. So far I've beaten the first Sawtooth and completed two follow-the-trail side quests. Those did not click with me. Switched the HUD off, but annoyed at the plant markers which can't be removed. After BoW the first area felt like a playground, couldn't find my way at all. And I wish you could adjust your aim with the gyro.
Should I keep playing or is this just not for me?
Started playing yesterday. So far I've beaten the first Sawtooth and completed two follow-the-trail side quests. Those did not click with me. Switched the HUD off, but annoyed at the plant markers which can't be removed. After BoW the first area felt like a playground, couldn't find my way at all. And I wish you could adjust your aim with the gyro.
Should I keep playing or is this just not for me?
HZD is (as already said) all about telling a very sad but awesome story. The whole game was build to do just that.
Started playing yesterday. So far I've beaten the first Sawtooth and completed two follow-the-trail side quests. Those did not click with me. Switched the HUD off, but annoyed at the plant markers which can't be removed. After BoW the first area felt like a playground, couldn't find my way at all. And I wish you could adjust your aim with the gyro.
Should I keep playing or is this just not for me?
The world was built to do that, then populated with a lot of other crap that just gets in the way of that story. I'm enjoying the vantage points that I've found so far and I'm optimistic about those resulting in a good story but a lot of the other stuff? Game would be better off without it, you've got a gorgeous game with really interesting combat but they shoved it into a Dragon Age Inquisition style world.
Even some of the dialog refers to real life locations.the data set log, the titles for each entries, are actual real world locations (well, most are)