Look I don't have any marching orders like some of the people online but Indy will sell tons more copies now and literally PS players helping fund future Xbox projects
Personally I am glad PS only players get to play it but honestly Indy looks mid at best and I hate that being an older guy who watched all the Indy movies
Still playing it day one on my PC though
I'm not so sure, The business logic behind selling more copies is to release day and date as a multiplat, as user review scores and missing the first offering damage sales, as probably every set of figures shows, which is how broken games have been pushed out on both platforms in the past, because platforms would rather let a game release broken than miss their chance for a big share of the first wave release/
Unless you get a repeat of the Tomb Raider problem of time exclusiveness, it is expected that the biggest sales happen on first wave release, but because this is day and date on gamepass the major buying platform will be absent, and between December and Spring user feedback and it no longer being the new release is a possibility to damage Spring sales on PS5. Meaning that the desire to sell Gamepass subs must be worth more than a potential X number of sales - say 15M - versus Y damaged sales - say 5M between Xbox+PC+late PS5 sales.
As you say the game looks mid (AA) which is a further risk of losing belated PS5 sales, so I actually think the priority with this game is still to use it to retain and sell gamepass subs.
I guess the other angle is that if the game is considered a banger by the time it comes to PS5, it is in a lul for software hardware after Xmas and will actually be helping sell more PS5 at a weaker yearly period.