I haven't double checked exactly how it went down yet, but why didn't you use this on day 3?I dunno what happened on night one. Night redirects do little to day commands.
x-shot doublevote.
I haven't double checked exactly how it went down yet, but why didn't you use this on day 3?I dunno what happened on night one. Night redirects do little to day commands.
x-shot doublevote.
Note that scum wins with majority.
why didn't you use it on the days where i could've been lynched?
Willing to demonstrate my ability should I somehow become the lynch candidate (though at that point I imagine it'd do fuck all). Obviously, I'd pick the time for the demonstration to avoid da hammer.
If Kyan were a scum double voter we'd be already dead, right?
I haven't double checked exactly how it went down yet, but why didn't you use this on day 3?
you actually could have turbo'd me with it on D6. I self voted along with Blarg and Splinter.
im so confused, was there not a point where both blarg and splinter were on me yesterday along with my own vote?
even so, how can you say your doublevote making 4 and making it likely you were town wouldn't have swayed Splinter, nae anyone to go for me?
I do not see how an additional vote would've swayed anyone, if the case against you wasn't already enough to do it.
OHHH wait, maybe I'm slow but doesn't CCS's (claimed) N1 action clear Kyan completely? CCS claimed that even if he targeted a non-killing mafia, there would be two kills.
I've been unsure of you all game Kyan, but this was a post by Swamped that always stuck in my head.
Your role is traditionally Town, though the scum wincon is written to ignore it, which could work either way alignment wise.
In summary: ?????????
Could've swayed Blarg in D3 not to unvote I bet.
fuck sake, two PR claims and neither make me feel any better.
Yeah. I hammer a townie I die. I push a townie lynch successfully I might die. I know the optics.
You seem pretty sure you're gonna kill townies.
Reaching. I merely said I know the downside of my role is that misuse is punished.
everything has a downside, and you ignore defending yourself completely.
wat, do explain
oh and fuck cops
Downside to leaving this ninja doublevote to lylo for instance?
You have more power than all of town right now, and we can lose the game here.
you're talking about optics, but so what you hammer / lynch a townie.
We've mostly been doing that all game, why does that fear you?
I don't need anything more, I'll wait for melon to respond with regards of you proving it.
Kalor, Zipped.
You're up.
Maybe Splinter will go full claim too.
I think I was pretty clearly willing to vote cab on D3 if only I knew it mattered.D1 doublevote lulz.
D2 neutral doublevote lulz.
D3 rum.
D4 Ri was achieved without additional votes.
D5 doublevote alone not enough to lynch Flame.
D6 doublevote alone not enough to lynch cabot.
The chance was never there for anything but "hey everyone I really believe in this case".
Upon my reading, town doesn't seem particularly strong. A few public alignment roles, my role is defensive and not much else.
1-shot doublevote is extremely weak as Town.
WatHmm. I need to bend the rules a bit to prove myself. That is, the second use of the command is technically illegal but I imagine this'd be an exception.
I'm glad all these other town superheroes with their town superpowers are keeping me company then.
You can't unvote?
Oh, I don't care about the 1 shot claim, only the double matters.Doublevote.
Vote record shows two votes.
Vote record shows no vote / a single vote.
That was the idea I had.
OK now it sounds like you're reading the PM wrong.
you can only do the act of double vote once in the entire game?
Well the jury's out on if you know how to vote.
Yeah, that turns a really weak role into a lol wtf role.
And I'd rather people didn't break rules when they expect to get away with it, in general.
i thought you were mr shitpost.
Underwhelming retort.