Final scum team is most likely Sorian/Sawneeks + Karkador/Xbro OR Natiko/Nomadic.
Fucking hats off to Natiko if he is actually the scum after all of this.
Final scum team is most likely Sorian/Sawneeks + Karkador/Xbro OR Natiko/Nomadic.
gg, sorry for playing so crappy.
Sorry for sucking everyone, back to retirement I go![]()
Spent too much time posting, should've just taken a page from you and Kark's book of not doing anything. Probably would've let my teammates figure things out without my noise lolNah man. You were the real MVP
So the shippers had come to the conclusion... Sophia and CrimsonFist must die!
Someone has informed the two of you that evil forces of Love are going to destroy the world of shippers! Now this just won't do, right? The two of you have decided to join the battle against the wretched warriors of love!
You are paired with CrimsonFist/Sophia, and you two are shipping Wakka and Yuna from Final Fantasy X!
You are Aligned with Shippers of Nonsensicality (That means TOWN).
The two of you are An Ordinary Pair of Shippers. This means, that neither of you have any special powers. But you people can vote!
Also, as you are a Pair, you will get a private Shippers Chat in the Outer Gafia to use for communication to each other. Remember, that if one of you dies, your pair will die with you.
The Game thread is here:
You will win, if everyone, who are against your faction, are defeated!
"Yay! Wait... they weren't scum?", Natiko said. Although nobody could hear him properly, as he had been building a longest tunnel inside his ship for the past three days, without making holes on his ship. That's impressive! But now it was all over... as the forces of love threw a stick of dynamite to his ship at the same moment as Sophia and Crimson had been killed. The dynamite exploded, and took Natiko and Nomadic Sparks to shipper heaven.
Someone has informed the two of you that evil forces of Love are going to destroy the world of shippers! Now this just won't do, right? The two of you have decided to join the battle against the wretched warriors of love!
You are paired with Natiko/Nomadic Sparks, and you two are shipping Hillary Clinton and George. W. Bush from Real Life!
You are Aligned with Shippers of Nonsensicality (That means TOWN).
The two of you are An Ordinary Pair of Shippers. This means, that neither of you have any special powers. But you people can vote!
Also, as you are a Pair, you will get a private Shippers Chat in the Outer Gafia to use for communication to each other. Remember, that if one of you dies, your pair will die with you.
The Game thread is here:
You will win, if everyone, who are against your faction, are defeated!
hey_monkey was walking along the boulevard when a beautiful, Amish-looking man in a miniskirt walked up to her.
”Hey girl, my name is Sorian," he said, ”you wanna have a good time?"
hey_monkey initially grimaced, but was soon entranced by his full beard and the thought of him churning butter. ”I...I don't know, how do I know you're the good kind of hooker?"
Sorian smiled, and asked sweetly, ”Whatever do you mean?"
hey_monkey fidgeted with her potted plant that she carried with her wherever she went and muttered, ”You know...'Town.'"
”Oh, there's no need to worry about that." Sorian reached into his miniskirt and produced a card that he handed to hey_monkey.
Suddenly, Royal_Flush called hey_monkey's cellphone (there seemed to be a signal now). She picked up and explained the situation to him.
”Uh, yeah, duh. He sounds totally legit. What kind of evil hooker would have a card like that? Bring him over."
Sorian followed the pair back to their tiny home, with Sawneeks following along, hiding in the shadows, clutching a wad of cash, counting it fitfully. As they walked inside, hey_monkey felt something underneath her foot, a piece of paper, but she shrugged it off and made her way to the bedroom where Flush was waiting.
As the group was starting to get into a varied states of undress, Sorian and Sawneeks took out big pink knives, and stabbed both hey_monkey and Royal_Flush.
”Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!", said Monkey.
”You were supposed to be Town Hookers!", screamed Royal.
”Ah, but you see...", Sorian said, ”you forgot one little detail!"
But it was too late now. The time to make that realisation had come and gone.
Someone has informed the two of you that evil forces of Love are going to destroy the world of shippers! Now this just won't do, right? The two of you have decided to join the battle against the wretched warriors of love!
You are paired with hey_monkey/Royal_Flush, and you two are shipping Cersei Lannister and Robb Stark from The Song of Ice and Fire!
You are Aligned with Shippers of Nonsensicality (That means TOWN).
The two of you are A Pair of Silencers. You have a 2-shot power to silence a pair of your choosing. This silencing can be done with a night phase command SILENCE: that can be either sent on your Shippers Chat, or as a role PM to me. If you hit a town pair, their chat will be locked for the next day and night phase. But if you hit scum, the scum chat will be locked for the next day phase, but not night phase. You can target one pair only once, so you can't use both shots on same target.
Also, as you are a Pair, you will get a private Shippers Chat in the Outer Gafia to use for communication to each other. Remember, that if one of you dies, your pair will die with you.
Your chat is here: [THE WINTER HAS COME, AND SO HAVE I]
The Game thread is here:
You will win, if everyone, who are against your faction, are defeated!
As Sorian walked out of the bedroom, wiping his hands clean, he noticed the piece of paper on the floor that hey_monkey had stepped on. He picked it up and smiled.
Who cares what the dead think? This was a victory for Love after all.
The Bear of Love has invited you and your dear lover to a new quest... quest to destroy all shippers! They are simply so foul, so awful, that they simply have to be killed...
You have other couples to help you as well on this quest, so surely you will be all victorious!
You are paired with Sorian/Sawneeks, and you two are the lovers Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher from Uncharted!
You are Aligned with The Warriors of Love (That means SCUM).
The two of you are A Pair of Scum Hookers. During night phase, you can roleblock another pair with command SEX SESSION: The target will be so occupied with the four-some, so that they are not able to do their night action (don't worry, they won't remember anything about it).
Any Scum Pair can also do the Factional Night Kill with the night phase command KILL:.
The Other Champions of Love are Xbro, Karkador, Kitsunelaine and flatearthpandas
All of the Scum have a joint-scum chat in Outer Gafia. Remember that as a pair, if one dies, the other dies with you.
The Game Thread is here:
You win, once the Champions of Love consist of 50% or more of the living players.
Sorian and Sawneeks walked out of hey_monkey's & Royal_Flush's ship, and jumped back to their own. Soon enough they watched, as rest of town ships sank to the bottom of the ocean in silence. Joining them outside the Bear of Love was only Karkador and Xbro, the other couple fighting for the sake of love.
”Finally, the battle is over. Shippers have been utterly defeated."
The Bear of Love has invited you and your dear lover to a new quest... quest to destroy all shippers! They are simply so foul, so awful, that they simply have to be killed...
You have other couples to help you as well on this quest, so surely you will be all victorious!
You are paired with Karkador/Xbro, and you two are the lovers Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark from the Hunger Games!
You are Aligned with The Warriors of Love (That means SCUM).
The two of you are A Pair of Scum Ninjas. During night phase, you can do a ninja kill with the command NINJA:, that replaces your factional night kill. This kill cannot be traced by any means. This power is only 2-shot, though.
Any Scum Pair can also do the Factional Night Kill with the night phase command KILL:. If you use this command, you cannot do the Ninja command during the same night.
The Other Champions of Love are Sawneeks, Sorian, kitsunelaine and flatearthpandas
All of the Scum have a joint-scum chat in Outer Gafia. Remember that as a pair, if one dies, the other dies with you.
The Game Thread is here:
You win, once the Champions of Love consist of 50% or more of the living players.
It was a very beautiful sight to behold. Nothing but ships sinking into the ocean, while the sun was setting in.
Only thing to disrupt that was the sound of Karkador's ringtone. They must have gotten close enough to the mainland for their phones to finally receive a signal.
”Oh... oh dear..."
Karkador's happiness vanished from his face the moment he looked at his phone. ”It's... Zippedpinhead..."
”Who?" Xbro asked, as Karkador quickly went to the other side of their boat. ”Who is that?"
”Oh, Zipped is Karkador's ex lover. I think they have been through some stuff before."
It sounded like the conversation Karkador was having in the phone was getting very heated very fast.
”Xbro? Oh he is... uhh... a friend! Yeah, forget about it! No, I'm not lying!"
But even though Xbro was interested in hearing more about this mysterious Zipped person, the Bear of Love just shook his head instead.
”Don't mind him! Let's watch some ads together instead."
So they did. And the rest of their little voyage together was very lovely indeed.
But why? Why on earth did Sawrian claim when they did. I just looked back over the D1 votes and I think even if we lynched Xkark I would have gone after Crimsonphia afterwards... gg, I guess.
I hope all players who didn't play in Love Boat 1 can comment on how they felt about the lovers mechanic. LB1 veterans can answer too, even if this was their second rodeo.
Scum was given all tools to fabricate a town team being silenced claim. I wanted to evade lb1 situation at all costs. But the silencing did help on D2 lynch for sure.
Not bad, but you seemed to struggle feigning interest and reading people. I have the same issue as scum. You have to kinda force reads out of stuff and make a vault of fake reads. A hard part is changing those over time. It's very easy to fake super consistent reads, but townies change their mind and are uncertain.So how do *you* guys think I did, anyway? Kinda curious. Also sorry fep for not conversing with you much. We probably could have done some serious scheming. orz
The fact that you did not give us full information about this (although you hinted at it but only after I directly asked) remains a questionable design/modding choice, imo. I feel like in a non-bastard games the players should know exactly what their roles do. Same goes for the fact that Sawrian's role PM did not mention the possibility of deactivating a possible virgin. You wouldn't even have to write that it exists, you could purposefully write it like a red herring but it should be there, imo.Scum was given all tools to fabricate a town team being silenced claim. I wanted to evade lb1 situation at all costs. But the silencing did help on D2 lynch for sure.
Pretty sure I told your chat once asked that if a pr is silenced, the command is submitted by the first player listed in the pair?