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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.


Fixed1979 said:
Nice, it's the Maine Coon I was seeing, congrats they're awesome. I've always steered away from the long hairs due to shedding(hence my Devon Rex), any idea how bad these guys get?
They're not *that* long haired, but they do gain a ton of extra fur during the winter - which ofcourse has to come off ... However, it's required to brush them at least once a week. They're medium-haired, but they still have a ton of it ... :)
Best example is their mother. That's pretty much how furry they'll get ... Can't wait :)


Every time this thread is bumped, I feel the need to go take pictures of my cats.

BONUS! They were both next to each other! (rarity)



And for the first time (maybe), Mia:

... I wish I could turn off the flash on my phone, then you could see their eyes. Now all you get is their ^_^ or -_- faces, or nap time faces.

ocarest said:
I can't unsee it.
Leaf... but I guess so.


Neo Member
Apologies in advance for a long-winded, rambling post, crappy cellphone pictures and pictures of cats that are technically not mine. Anyhoo:

I'm quite jealous of most everyone in this thread; I love cats, but I'm deathly allergic to them and I have asthma. In addition to that, my allergy seems to have gotten worse over the years, so I can't be in the same room with a cat(or be in a room that a cat has been in) for more than a few minutes. As a young kid, I actually grew up with a couple of cats, but the older I got, the worse my allergies got, so we had to give them away.

Anyhoo, I recently had a run in with some local stray kittens at a vending machine. One, actually, this guy:

He came out as I was buying stuff from the vending machine and was surprisingly friendly. I've had strays sort of beg for food and stuff before, but this one came right up too me and started rubbing on my legs and what not. He had it in his head that I was buying him stuff from the vending machine, but cats don't drink coffee so I didn't have anything to give him. I petted him a bit and left, but he followed me all the way home. It's not terribly far for me on foot, but for a kitten, I'm sure it's a ways.

I wanted to adopt him, but given my severe allergy, I knew there was no way I could. I didn't want to just leave him outside my apartment, though, so I tossed him in my car and drove to a near-by 7/11 so I could buy him some food. I let him eat some wet food in the car and I bought some dry food to leave out for him now and then.

When I got him back to the vending machine, and I heard a meow off in the distance. "It must be the mother.", I thought, but suddenly kittens started coming out of the woodwork. There were 5 different types, so I left them some food and went on my way.

A few days later, I went back to leave them a bit more food and take some pictures.





^ Please try to find a shelter/rescue that will take them in or at least do a TNR...

Edit: my bf just pointed out you're in Japan... they probably don't do that there :lol;


Neo Member
Unfortunately, most shelters are packed full due to the recent pet boom and it's rapid decline. As for TNR, I don't really have the means, financial or otherwise, to get it done.


0405 said:
Unfortunately, most shelters are packed full due to the recent pet boom and it's rapid decline. As for TNR, I don't really have the means, financial or otherwise, to get it done.

Well I didn't mean for you to do it personally, but there usually are groups that will do it.

(but once again, I'm not sure about Japan)


Neo Member
Zoe said:
Well I didn't mean for you to do it personally, but there usually are groups that will do it.

(but once again, I'm not sure about Japan)

That's the problem, basically. I did a bit of looking after you first mentioned it and the only groups I could find were very small operations who assist individuals who want to do it themselves. Sending them traps, helping them find inexpensive clinics, etc.
0405 said:
Apologies in advance for a long-winded, rambling post, crappy cellphone pictures and pictures of cats that are technically not mine. Anyhoo:

I'm quite jealous of most everyone in this thread; I love cats, but I'm deathly allergic to them and I have asthma. In addition to that, my allergy seems to have gotten worse over the years, so I can't be in the same room with a cat(or be in a room that a cat has been in) for more than a few minutes. As a young kid, I actually grew up with a couple of cats, but the older I got, the worse my allergies got, so we had to give them away.

Anyhoo, I recently had a run in with some local stray kittens at a vending machine. One, actually, this guy:

He came out as I was buying stuff from the vending machine and was surprisingly friendly. I've had strays sort of beg for food and stuff before, but this one came right up too me and started rubbing on my legs and what not. He had it in his head that I was buying him stuff from the vending machine, but cats don't drink coffee so I didn't have anything to give him. I petted him a bit and left, but he followed me all the way home. It's not terribly far for me on foot, but for a kitten, I'm sure it's a ways.

I wanted to adopt him, but given my severe allergy, I knew there was no way I could. I didn't want to just leave him outside my apartment, though, so I tossed him in my car and drove to a near-by 7/11 so I could buy him some food. I let him eat some wet food in the car and I bought some dry food to leave out for him now and then.

When I got him back to the vending machine, and I heard a meow off in the distance. "It must be the mother.", I thought, but suddenly kittens started coming out of the woodwork. There were 5 different types, so I left them some food and went on my way.

A few days later, I went back to leave them a bit more food and take some pictures.



They may not live in your home, but they are your kitties now.

And let me say they are beautiful pussies.

Cats decide who gets their affection. They saw either a nice person or someone they could easily manipulate. You are a part of the pride now.

These are my two little cuties!!! Just recently adopted. This picture was taken at the Vet. I don't keep them in a cage. They have free roam of the apartment!
Jugendstil said:
This little guy is my boyfriend's cat, Alfie:

He is a total sweetheart and a head butting maniac. Seriously, he head butts everything when he is excited or happy to see you. The other weekend I was watching him while my bf was out of town, and I took a nap at his apartment. Alfie curled up next to me and stared at me and purred for the whole hour. He sounded like a little jet engine. It was too cute.

Wow you just descibed one of my cats exactly right down to the loud purring (my nickname for him is Snort). He's the sweetest cat in the world.


What's really amazing is his name is Alfie as well :lol


These will be the last pics of our kittens before we get them.

12 weeks old:





They are both going to the vet for desexing on Wednesday and if all goes well, they will be on a short (~2 hours) plane ride to our local airport on Friday next week :D


The breed is Bengal. They originated from breeding an Asian leopard cat with a domestic short hair, after 4 generations of breeding they acquire the Bengal name.


Hatredcopter said:
Look at those claws :O

Are you going to de-claw them? I imagine they could tear your furniture apart.

No way...that is cruel.

We will be spending the coming weekend trying to kitten proof our house. For our couches, we have a couple of couch covers for while we are away and will be discouraging them from playing up when we are home, probably by squirting them with a water bottle. The problem with water though is that bengals unlike most cats typically like it :lol
Say hello to Nanook!


We just got this guy, he's 2 months old. He just ate fish for the first time and went completely nuts!
It's Mandy time!





Everytime this cat attempts to look like a cat, all alert and shit, looks just as threatening as a muffin.

But she's so cute <3
Holy crap, how did I miss this awesome thread! D:

Arcipello said:

This picture made me smile pretty damn hard. What a cute kitten. And his face... aha, that expression. I miss my cat's kitten days now. =[

Here's my cat, Austin:




He always follows me into the bathroom, jumping up on the sink to play with the water

He's two now. Recently spent his second birthday napping all day on a pillow.

Ezenzer said:
Heh, scrolling through this thread is a good antidote for a bad mood. :D
Exactly. I'm confronted by the fact this thread always makes me smile. Even "ugly" cats are still beautiful animals. And I'm not particularly more fond of kittens than adult cats. Kittens are really cute, but older cats are more beautiful and often just as cute.

I think this is 4th post in this thread that boils down to "YAY KITTIES!!!".


OptionN, ShiftN
I must have got the one fucking cat that isn't adorable. What a twat, he doen't even let me caress him >:[


There's really nothing like browsing through this thread to get you through a rough day at work or something ... so many amazing cats posted here that it's just mindblowing :p

Just a few more days untill our kittens come home (next Tuesday, same day as Halo Reach :lol )

The complete litter (we got the two red ones, the tabby is just incredible too though)

Ofelia (her 'official' name at least, might end up changing that ... but always found it impossible to name a cat without having it hop around for at least a week)



Kibs said:
Awe, so cute. And I love the long-haired all black kitty. Black cats seem to know the douchebags of the world think they're unlucky, and they compensate by having the best personalities. I've never met a black cat I didn't like. I want to post pics of mine, but she's hard to photograph.

J. M. Romeo, keep racking up the posts! I always look forward to seeing your cats mugs.


My attempt to take a picture of the cat in the box:


Rare glimpse of them next to each other. I take a pic almost every time it happens. They're not really buddies.

I think if I had a real camera, all I'd take pictures of is my cats. So... yea, it might be worth it.
rataven said:
Awe, so cute. And I love the long-haired all black kitty. Black cats seem to know the douchebags of the world think they're unlucky, and they compensate by having the best personalities. I've never met a black cat I didn't like. I want to post pics of mine, but she's hard to photograph.

J. M. Romeo, keep racking up the posts! I always look forward to seeing your cats mugs.

LabouredSubterfuge said:

Between this and jojo being the monorail cat, he's edging this thread in the comedy stakes.

Will do! They are happy to have fans around the world.


My cat Onyx - He's just over 1 year old now. He was a super runt and had the kitty flu but he turned out just fine :lol



Kibs said:
There's really nothing like browsing through this thread to get you through a rough day at work or something ... so many amazing cats posted here that it's just mindblowing :p

Just a few more days untill our kittens come home (next Tuesday, same day as Halo Reach :lol )

They are really cute, congratulations! What kind of breed are they?

Edit: Oh i just read they're Norwegian Forest Cats, northern breeds are truly beautiful.


This is Blackie - we've had her the longest of our cats (since 2000)

Churchill - We've had him since he was a baby. (looks like I lost his baby pic, will edit if I find it.)

Houdini - Our oldest cat very lovable.
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