Here is mine when she was a kitten, taken around July (she was born in may).
Here she is a bit older, taken in november.
He disappeared over the summer. :\

So sorry to hear that.
My old cat "ran away" for 2 days many years ago. We were all so worried, couldn't do a thing without knowing what happened to him. Turns out since he had epilepsy that he probably had a seizure while outside and got confused where he was and wondered away. Luckily he had only ventured a small distance and one of the families living there had seen our missing sign and called us. He had been staying at that house because he couldn't find his way back, and he refused to leave.
When we got him back everyone cried of joy.. and you could tell he was happy to be home, not wanting to stay alone and he only went outside to due his toilet duties, then he came straight back inside. He didn't live long after that, cancer in the liver. :'(