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ITT, we post pictures of our cats.


Unconfirmed Member
Alucrid said:


My family gets shitty cats.
Those look almost exactly like my two cats. :lol

I mean, the second one has the same coloring and expression though their faces don't quite match up. I'm pretty sure I have a picture of my other cat looking EXACTLY like that first one, though.
Tavi, aka Serious Cat:



He was a feral kitten that we found living underneath a dumpster in our apartment complex when he was about a month old. He was scared of people at first, but now he's really affectionate.


Chatin said:

:lol :lol :lol

[QUOTE=Monroeski]Those look almost exactly like my two cats. :lol

I mean, the second one has the same coloring and expression though their faces don't quite match up. I'm pretty sure I have a picture of my other cat looking EXACTLY like that first one, though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think he was giving me that "piss off" face. :lol
Hootie said:
[I MG]http://i49.tinypic.com/2akeqer.jpg[/I MG]

Someone on GAF posted this pic of Guapo awhile ago...whose is it? This is seriously the most awesome cat in the world.

Oh, Guapo is mine. I'll get some pics up soon. :D

Mr Jared

This is Chief. He was born in a Shelby engine and has thumbs. As far as cats go he's pretty weird and is bff's with our dog, Momo.




And as a bonus, a shot of his mutant paws. His front paws have a bunch of extra pads all over them.

This thread is too much cuteness.

I think I'm ready for a new cat after my feline companion/kitty of my childhood died end of 2008.
Was a terrible day in a terrible month of a terrible year.


I should post some pics of our cat Zoey.

- She's dark grayish with a white underbelly
- Chatters at birds in the window
- Growls at strangers see shes through the window (It's the funniest growl ever, it's kind a low gut inhale kind of noise)
- Growls when she hears the doorbell ringing, growls when the same sound happens on TV (She'll go all alert and run to the floor when either happens and look up with a O_O expression)
- Likes to wiggle into tiny spaces and sleep on strange things such as backpacks
- Really likes the smell of shoes and will rub her head and roll all over them
- Will run around the house and start "crying" when multiple people leave the house to do errands (probably lonely)

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This is Tom Bombadil.
He disappeared over the summer. :\




Here is mine when she was a kitten, taken around July (she was born in may).


Here she is a bit older, taken in november.

He disappeared over the summer. :\

Noo! :( So sorry to hear that.

My old cat "ran away" for 2 days many years ago. We were all so worried, couldn't do a thing without knowing what happened to him. Turns out since he had epilepsy that he probably had a seizure while outside and got confused where he was and wondered away. Luckily he had only ventured a small distance and one of the families living there had seen our missing sign and called us. He had been staying at that house because he couldn't find his way back, and he refused to leave.

When we got him back everyone cried of joy.. and you could tell he was happy to be home, not wanting to stay alone and he only went outside to due his toilet duties, then he came straight back inside. He didn't live long after that, cancer in the liver. :'(


Venerable Member
A lot of Black and White mixed cats in this thread.

Here is my black and white girl Moo that I posted earlier, but as a kitten....she was a cutie......




My oldest, Chloe, doing what she does best.


I love this one. The unintentional ones are always the best.


Chloe with our youngest, Zephii. Apparently she's trying to crawl into her big sister's butt.


Zephii when she was only a few months old.


One more just for the hell of it.


Jtwo said:
This is Tom Bombadil.
He disappeared over the summer. :\
Holy crap your cat looks a lot like my cat, white socks and all


Mine had an accident sometime last winter (summer your time) :/
Rest in peace little guy


Let's see if these will post correctly

This is Pepper, 6month old we adopted right before christmas





my gf loves taking pictures of her :lol


Daawwwwwwww they are all soooo adorable :3
If everyone would just get kittens instead of ugly human babies we'd solve world population and world war simultaneously :3


The Cryptarch's Bane

Bhima the Wise, son of Anouk, brother of Hector.


Refrigerator cat would like you to know that your food has achieved optimal cooling and your icemaker is operating at 100% efficiency.

We call her Z, her full name is "The Legend of Zelda."
Yeah, they're from the same litter. A couple found them in a box on the side of the road in Upstate NYC. Since they don't have non-kill shelters up there, the couple brought them to our neighborhood, where we saw a sign they posted for adopting them.

They're a pain in the ass sometimes, but they also bring our apartment a lot of warmth :)
Somebody in the Metro Detroit area please adopt this little cutie! I was at Petsmart today picking up some stuff for my cuties/weirdos at home and saw this 4-month-old in the adoption area, they said he was adopted but returned for being "too affectionate"! He instantly came up to me and starting playing and sticking his paws out at my legs, it was heartbreaking to leave and hear him crying but I already have three at home :( All of the other cats there were black, the employee said that's not unusual because people are prejudiced against black cats :(


I will post pictures of my three little weirdos at home later :) They are the best cats in the world.


Black one is Bella, who is still tiny. Orange is edward. He has thumbs like someone else's cat. Can't see them in either of these though.





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