Personally speaking, I don't want Sony making anymore platformers or fighting games.
They already have LBP, if they make another one I would assume it would be PS4 only and hopefully they change up the style a bit, even though I am enjoying 3. Don't make it backwards compatible because you pigeon the game back into the same design. Beyond that there are a lot of platformers from Nintendo, don't need anymore frankly.
Fighting games aren't my bag and they already have SFV and why compete with the other big dogs when they have such an established core (VF, SF and Tekken date back 2 decades). It would take 3-4 games before your game is up to the competition at least. Plus I don't think it would sell. They would be better off making a game in the vein of Power stone than a a traditional fighter but that wouldn't sell either.
JRPGs in the traditional sense are hard to make. They cost a butt load and expectations are through the roof. Its a genre that is in an unfortunate position because of its 2d lineage. Gamers expect 100 hour epics with hundreds of locations and HD towns. Yeah, no one is making them (on next gen consoles) so its unfair to expect Sony to. Although I would love it, I don't expect it to happen.
I want more games like TLOU, maybe a Syphon Filter reboot. Concentrate on AI and mechanics. If you do go the SF route, come up with some awesome gadgets and weapons, sort of like the Order meets James Bond and that could be its hook. Sandboxy gameplay with a ton of stuff at your arsenal. It would be more action oriented than Splinter cell. Basically a James Bond game.
Regarding Sony as a whole, they've had a sort of rough transition this gen which is disappointing but most of the games they've made are solid. KZ is way better than what GAF tells you, Drive Club is one of the best racers in years (probably their best next gen game), and then they have a lot of good games that could have been better but are worth playing none the less. Games like LBP and Infamous SS. Knack was a missed opportunity and same with The Order but The Order is a game I would recommend anyone try out because of its sheer visual brilliance, its an engrossing game and a memorable one at that.
Its still too early to classify the state of their first party this gen and with Bloodborne coming up and Uncharted 4 being a sure hit, they are in a good position going forward. Hopefully they continue last gens trend of creating new IPs and bold projects.
I don't want to compare them to other First Parties because that opens a can of worms but I still think they make the most "exciting" games out of the three. They really had their mojo going between 2009-2013 and I hope they can reclaim that magic.