Sony should revive Jak
I think Sony should invest in the Yakuza series as well.
I think Sony should invest in the Yakuza series as well.
Warhawk was pretty flawless as well. Played for a year almost. My favorite online game of last gen.
I'm agreed with these listShouldnt we judge on Yoshida after all First Party Studios released their first Ps4 Projects & Games?
There are currently 6-9 Teams still working on their first Ps4 Project, releasing them in the next 1-3 years
Polyphoni Digital - Gran Turismo
Naughty Dog - Uncharted
Santa Monica - God of War
Guerilla Cambridge - Ps4 Project
Media Molecule - Ps4 Project
Sony Bend - Open World Horrogame
Team ICO (Sony Japan) - The Last Guardian
Team Siren (Sony Japan) - Gravity Rush 2?
Team ??? (Sony Japan) - Big Budget JRPG
Then we also have Guerilla Games who are working for a long time now on their Ps4 RPG Game....I dont think we can really blame them for bringing out an weak Killzone Game, only to have a launch game for the Ps4 (were they really inspired on this project as usual?)
If that Sony Japan and GG RPG Games turn out to be great will People still shit on Yoshida? What about Sony Bend making an Comeback this generation ?
Despite the weak start, i still think this Generation could be the strongest in the History of Sonys First Party Studios
Well they are bringing over Yakuza 5. Lets see how it will do, could be the series last chance in the west.Sony should revive Jak
I think Sony should invest in the Yakuza series as well.
Wow there, Uncharted 3 (top 5 of the tps of last gen), Infamous 2 and Puppeteer are not garbage. I haven't played Knack or Driveclub but I totally agree with you with Shadowfall, I played it for 45min before putting it down.
Uncharted 3 sucks and Sony and ND are well aware of it. Hence why the team was removed from Uncharted 4 and left the company and the more capable team behind Uncharted 2 and The Last Of Us were put on to right the ship. You are fooling yourself If you think otherwise
Hyperbole at it's finest. Uncharted 3 at it's worst, was a great game. It had some pacing issues, sure, but really "sucks" and "garbage" oooohkay.
Uncharted 3 sucks and Sony and ND are well aware of it. Hence why the team was removed from Uncharted 4 and left the company and the more capable team behind Uncharted 2 and The Last Of Us were put on to right the ship. You are fooling yourself If you think otherwise
Atleast guerrilla isnt working on it anymore. now we get robo dinos and fantasy land
There is a dramatic drop in quality from UC 1 & 2 to UC 3. This is a widely held belief and as I said Naughty Dog themselves took corrective action so this isn't some radical notion,
Uncharted 3 sucks and Sony and ND are well aware of it. Hence why the team was removed from Uncharted 4 and left the company and the more capable team behind Uncharted 2 and The Last Of Us were put on to right the ship. You are fooling yourself If you think otherwise
Shouldnt we judge on Yoshida after all First Party Studios released their first Ps4 Projects & Games?
There are currently 6-9 Teams still working on their first Ps4 Project, releasing them in the next 1-3 years
Polyphoni Digital - Gran Turismo
Naughty Dog - Uncharted
Santa Monica - God of War
Guerilla Cambridge - Ps4 Project
Media Molecule - Ps4 Project
Sony Bend - Open World Horrogame
Team ICO (Sony Japan) - The Last Guardian
Team Siren (Sony Japan) - Gravity Rush 2?
Team ??? (Sony Japan) - Big Budget JRPG
There is a dramatic drop in quality from UC 1 & 2 to UC 3. This is a widely held belief and as I said Naughty Dog themselves took corrective action so this isn't some radical notion,
There is a dramatic drop in quality from UC 1 & 2 to UC 3. This is a widely held belief and as I said Naughty Dog themselves took corrective action so this isn't some radical notion,
Sony takes risks, but they often take the wrong risks. Instead of investing in concepts that are dead ends, they desperately just need to bring back fan-requested ips with updated gameplay and features.
Uncharted 3 sucks and Sony and ND are well aware of it. Hence why the team was removed from Uncharted 4 and left the company and the more capable team behind Uncharted 2 and The Last Of Us were put on to right the ship. You are fooling yourself If you think otherwise
Does anyone else think Gravity Rush 2 might be a Morpheus game?
Does anyone else think Gravity Rush 2 might be a Morpheus game?
That would be the dumbest thing they could do IMO. They most likely moved it from the Vita because they didn't think it would sell well. So putting it behind a 800$ price entry would be completely stupid.
Have they given a price on Morpheus?
Warhawk was pretty flawless as well. Played for a year almost. My favorite online game of last gen.
No, I just picked a not so unbelievable figure.
That would be the dumbest thing they could do IMO. They most likely moved it from the Vita because they didn't think it would sell well. So putting it behind a 800$ price entry would be completely stupid.
Looks like RAD is already starting the work on the next project.
Here comes the Order 1887....
This time with the finished Engine, i wonder how many years their project will take. 2018?
Looks like RAD is already starting the work on the next project.
Here comes the Order 1887....
This time with the finished Engine, i wonder how many years their project will take. 2018?
I doubt that GR2 is a Morpheus game, but even if it is, it wouldn't be unplayable without it. It's not going to be any different than 3D supported game, which means that it'll be an optional feature for some games.
Does anyone else think Gravity Rush 2 might be a Morpheus game?
It would have to be PS4 first.
With the improved time to triangle on PS4, it could be as soon as '17.
Looks like RAD is already starting the work on the next project.
Here comes the Order 1887....
This time with the finished Engine, i wonder how many years their project will take. 2018?
Does this mean The Order 1886 sold well? Good to see they are so eager to start working on their next PS4 title.
Great news
Hopefully this time it has more gameplay, longer campaign, more wacky weapons that get more utilized, less QTE and stealth sections. And most importantly multiplayer modes that rival Uncahrted and Gears series. The IP has a lot of potential, they already got the setting, characters, lore and engine sorted, there is no reason to waste all that.
Does this mean The Order 1886 sold well? Good to see they are so eager to start working on their next PS4 title.
I just realised, this fall, both Guerrilla and Japan Studio will both have released games two years prior.
Japan Studio specifically, has got to be gearing up to reveal something at E3. Obviously, we kind of expect Guerrilla's game to be there. I hope it's third person, rather than first person.
Does anyone else think Gravity Rush 2 might be a Morpheus game?
We don't know if it's a PS4 title though or did I missed something?
What else would it be a PS Vita title? Get with the program.
Does this mean The Order 1886 sold well? Good to see they are so eager to start working on their next PS4 title.
At this point they probably haven't gotten to the point of deciding if the game sold well enough to keep the series/studio alive
They're not owned by Sony so they could work with anyone.
I thought it's a Vita-exclusive? There are not so many other Vita-games by Sony.
They're not owned by Sony so they could work with anyone.
Well realistically speaking they could make a PC game because other than that I don't know anything else that could withstand the engine that they set up.
Not if they want to continue working on The Order