My 2 cents: After GoW Ascension, I feel like they should give the franchise some rest. Granted, that their series hasn't been driven to the ground by annualizing as a grotesque cash cow like CoD or AC but it would be a welcome change if SSM could be associated with a major project aside from GoW.
they were working on a completely new Ip since 2010 and it looks like it was a desaster? many people lost their job, Stig Asmusen left Sant Monica
So after that fiasco i dont think a new ip would be such a good idea. Right now they should stick to what theyre good at and get some confidence back
I am aware of that unfortunate turn of event. However, the result feels like such a cop out from SSM.
I am aware of that unfortunate turn of event. However, the result feels like such a cop out from SSM.
Is there any word on the R&C remake?
I am aware of that unfortunate turn of event. However, the result feels like such a cop out from SSM.
Insomniac says they never said RnC was coming Q1.
What's Foster City Studio and Pixelopus working on?
Pixelopus = Entwined
Foster City = Helping out other Studios with their games
Well Entwined came out like 8 months ago. It'll be interesting to see what their current game is.Pixelopus = Entwined
Foster City = Helping out other Studios with their games
?They're not.
Entwined came out last June. They should be working on a new project by now. Either that or Entwined sold so poorly that Sony quietly closed them down.
I REALLY would love to have a Heavenly Sword 2.
Same. I just hope they're done with that medioce writing of theirs.
We are getting Hellblade. I like that it's something brand new more.
They had two teams. 1 GoW 1 new IP. The latter folded. So not canning their prime IP is a cop out?
Seems like you are just grasping for an external angle that paints them negatively. Regrouping and sticking together really is the best thing to do. They are a great team that does a lot of internal support for SCEWS.
Well well I like what I'm reading. Consider me even more hyped.
its obvious that Lockstarter = Rockstar
and Lazyeye = Activision
I think lazyeye = UBI
Sony WWS in a nutshell.
We had a similar thread before and lost of studio is shrinking also rumored games.
Yes I am still salty about ssm scrapped project and closure of wipeout studio
They just released Shadowfall a little over a year ago.What's taking Guerilla so long to announce their next game? They are a big now now right ?
Stig's SSM project and Bend Studios project getting canned really hurt the PS4's 1st gen lineup. It's obvious Sony planned on having those announced and ready to come out this year. Thank god for second party devs like From and RAD.
Still waiting for an update on this mofo...
Where are these from??
And that is a damn fine OP.
Gravity Rush 2 teaser from TGS 2013. Back then it was clearly a Vita game, but rumor is it's for PS4 now.Where are these from??
And that is a damn fine OP.
E3 is my last hold out of hope for TLG ever coming out. If it's not there, I give up.
I know that Japan Studio is a huge studio, but I didn't think it was actually the biggest studios of Sony Worldwide Studios. Quite surprised about that tbhStudio Japan can be an ace in the hole this gen. They are really big, talented but without structure to put big things together like modern western developers.
I am more excited about what they can do this generation than about ND, SSM or Guerrila's output.
Studio Japan can be an ace in the hole this gen. They are really big, talented but without structure to put big things together like modern western developers.
God, I hope the fact that Japan Studio is now working on big budget blockbusters leads to something incredible.
I'd love if they went the (rumored) JRPG route, and I hope they go all out with the artsyle. More creative and fantastical like Gravity Rush and less grounded in reality like Freedom Wars.
I just want to see Naughty Dog not work on a cinematic third person shooter.
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 3
The Last of Us
Uncharted 4
I'm starting to get bored with their output.
I want to see them work on something out of the ordinary that can push forward solid gameplay.
I'd like to add that I will also die of old age before the Last Guardian is ever released.
I think we'll get quite a lot of announcements at E3, even some for late 2015.
Santa Monica(GodOfWar4)
Guerilla Games(Dino Game)
BEND(OpenWorld Horror)
Media Molecule(maybe some Morpheus stuff)
I could see them all at E3 this year.
I think this Verendus post is relevant
He also says Sly 5 is coming in the next two years.