Do we have any idea if that "final fantasy killer" RPG Verendus mentioned is still happening? Don't get me wrong, I want to believe it is, but that post is over a year and a half old at this point.
Do we have any idea if that "final fantasy killer" RPG Verendus mentioned is still happening? Don't get me wrong, I want to believe it is, but that post is over a year and a half old at this point.
Why do people still do this? The same is said before EVERY Sony event and they always end up disappointed. At this point it should be incredibly obvious that Sony spread their game announcements out between E3, Gamescom, TGS and (now) PSX. Expecting them to announce everything at E3 is madness.
Do we have any idea if that "final fantasy killer" RPG Verendus mentioned is still happening? Don't get me wrong, I want to believe it is, but that post is over a year and a half old at this point.
I never saw that post. What did he say exactly?
- 'Unannounced JRPG 2' will be SCE's second attempt at a big game emulating FF. If this comes to fruition, and is successful, then there is a franchise opportunity which can be exploited. Probably the most experimental project as if it bombs, then they'll never touch anything like it again. I don't think it will though. With the advent of FF15, KH3, and the announcement of FF16 sometime between 2014-2015, Japan gamers will be ready for this. The big question mark is whether they can translate some of that success to the West which will obviously be an aim.
Sadly, Sanzaru begs to differ:
I really hope they're bluffing.
On another note, I'd really like to see FuturLab's new IP and know if Queasy Games (Everyday Shooter, Sound Shapes) is working on something.
Someone else mentioned that Level 5's E3 game could be Ni no Kuni 2 since the first game sold better in the west.
If we are going by the rumours there is a not so surprising lack of big Morpheus titles. Sony is going to send the thing to die and hoping indies and small titles will carry the thing.
A Ni No Kuni sequel doesn't sound like something so radical that they wouldn't do anything like it again if it bombs though. Plus, wasn't the first one developed by Level-5, not Studio Japan?
I doubt the Morpheus will be commercially available until late 2016. So I can understand the lack of games for the device. As it is not ready, there will not be many studios working on it.If we are going by the rumours there is a not so surprising lack of big Morpheus titles. Sony is going to send the thing to die and hoping indies and small titles will carry the thing.
Yes, but someone suggested another possibility of what their E3 game could be.
Personally, I think that rumor might be true.
If we are going by the rumours there is a not so surprising lack of big Morpheus titles. Sony is going to send the thing to die and hoping indies and small titles will carry the thing.
Before that announcement I was 100% sure they were actively developing it. The game did well in all respects and with the movie coming, I thought another game was pretty much guaranteed. That post was a heartbreaker. I can only really imagine two possibilities:Sadly, Sanzaru begs to differ:
I really hope they're bluffing.
I mean, they're third party, but they're basically best pals with SCEE. They work in a university with Sony in a PlayStation development classroom. They publish mostly PlayStation exclusive games. Their fans are on PlayStation. Whatever game they're making will almost certainly be exclusive.FuturLab is third party, so doesn't really have much to do with Sony.
Would be nice if Verendus could chime in about the JRPG's status. The post is quite old, who knows if it's still happening.
Would be nice if Verendus could chime in about the JRPG's status. The post is quite old, who knows if it's still happening.
Big unknown Yes. There is also some SEGA project he talked about - not sure if that game has been announced or not.
FuturLab is third party, so doesn't really have much to do with Sony.
I mean, they're third party, but they're basically best pals with SCEE. They work in a university with Sony in a PlayStation development classroom. They publish mostly PlayStation exclusive games. Their fans are on PlayStation. Whatever game they're making will almost certainly be exclusive.
They are independent, and own their IP, but they did sign an unspecified deal with Sony to develop for the Vita. Saying a quality third party studio like FuturLab doesn't have much to do with Sony is like saying Insomniac is also negligible. Without those two developers I may have never owned a few of my Sony consoles.
Sony/Capcom is now out with Street Fighter. The unannounced TPS is done with Jaffe's new game.I think this Verendus post is relevant's nothing like those, they're all Sega productions (I don't even know what Miku is, first I'm hearing of it).
If I break down what I know of certain upcoming titles in terms of genres:
4 RPGs (this includes the announced Bloodborne)
3 TPS (this includes The Order and Uncharted 4)
3 Horror (this includes Until Dawn)
3 Action/Adventure (all unannounced, one will be the GOW shake-up)
3 Platformers (includes LBP3 and Tearaway)
1 Arcade racer (unannounced)
1 Stealth (unannounced)
1 Brawler (unannounced - think like that old PS1 game Fighting Force)
1 Fighter (unannounced)
The Sony/Capcom and Sony/Sega projects fit into those. I would personally put Bloodborne into Action/Adventure but GAF has always referred to Demon's Souls and Dark Souls as RPGs (I wouldn't really know since I never played them), so I've been following suit pretty much whenever I talk about it. Someone will also probably be begging Konami to get something off the ground, but we'll have to see about that since they're about to shit out 3 Metal Gear games in the next 6 years.
That post links to a huge thread so I'm not sure what post you're referencing, but if I mentioned something Power Stone being announced soon, it's to do with the CyberConnect2 exclusive that should have been announced in December for PS3/PS4. It's a cartoon game which most people probably don't even know of, and would probably find underwhelming. I don't actually remember the name either. To be fair, I'm not even sure if it's been announced now.iirc Verendus hinted that the fighter was akin to something like Power Stone.
ok then. Will include them separately
Here is another List with from Verendus about third party exclusive games
its obvious that Lockstarter = Rockstar
and Lazyeye = Activision
Most of that list will likely end up trimmed this year to be honest.
Trimmed as in they'll be announced.What do you mean trimmed? Are they going to announce most of it (or something opposite)?
And what category do games like Wild fall under?
You know, ever since the whole "project beast" thing your hints have kind of dried off. I would love for some more of your cryptic messages. It is always fun to realize what your clues mean after the game is finally announced.
isnt it time polyphony made something other than gran turismo already?
also, who are second party studios exactly? quantic dream, ready at dawn, and who else?
Housemarque?isnt it time polyphony made something other than gran turismo already?
also, who are second party studios exactly? quantic dream, ready at dawn, and who else?
isnt it time polyphony made something other than gran turismo already?
Sony/Capcom is now out with Street Fighter. The unannounced TPS is done with Jaffe's new game.
This year, you'll likely be able to remove the RPGs from there too since the unannounced three will probably be out in the open, and that includes the two JRPGs I mentioned long ago. Although one of them is pretty much "plans subject to change" so please don't send me a dozen PMs insulting me if you don't see everything. It's great to be passionate, but still weird. Also, you all should stop calling the second one a FF killer. It's just kind of wrong really. How would you feel if I said that about you? And as we know, games and pieces of plastic have feelings.
So we are down to:
3 RPG's unannounced. (1 from Studio Japan (JRPG w/ western appeal), 1 from Level 5 prob, Guerilla's RPG)
2 Horror unannounced (Sony Bend open-world horror and an unknown)
3 Action/Adventure (all unannounced, one will be the GOW shake-up)
1 Platformer (Ratcher and Clack Reboot? or Sly 5? or none of those two)
1 Arcade racer (unannounced - gotta be Wipeout - San Diego is too busy with Killstrain to handle a mod-nation racers - too early for Evo to announce another racer)
1 Stealth (unannounced - no idea)
1 Brawler (unannounced - think like that old PS1 game Fighting Force)
1 Fighter (unannounced - PS All Stars 2?)
TLG does not fit any of thoseIt could fit action/adventure but it's more of a puzzle platformer from the original videos.
Is Silent Hills considered known?
That's a good point. But it's mostly a pretty deliberate list. You could eliminate pretty much all of it if you've seen other posts of mine since I've referenced these titles in one way or another in the past two years. I'm pretty sure I remember saying Street Fighter on next gen was in development back in 2013 or something, and that there's a Capcom exclusive. Add it up and you get your Sony/Capcom project which is the fighting game in that list for example.The problem with Verendus's list is well... It's not exhaustive. So when Wattam gets announced, unless he tells us it's not part of his list, then we're left guessing.
isnt it time polyphony made something other than gran turismo already?
also, who are second party studios exactly? quantic dream, ready at dawn, and who else?
Second party is a made-up term, so the definition differs from person to person but if we're saying that they're simply third parties who are working on first party IPs, right now Sony's second parties would include:
Arrowhead Game Studios (Helldivers)
The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency (Drawn to Death)
The Chinese Room (Everybody's Gone to the Rapture)
Clap Hanz (Everybody's Golf/Hot Shots Golf)
FROM Software (Bloodborne)
Fun Bits Interactive (Fat Princess Adventures)
Funomena (Wattam)
Giant Sparrow (What Remains of Edith Finch)
Heavy Spectrum (Shadow of the Beast)
Housemarque (Alienation, Super Stardust Ultra)
Insomniac Games (Ratchet & Clank)
On The Metal (BigFest)
Q-Games (The Tomorrow Children)
Quantic Dream (???)
Queasy Games (???)
Ready at Dawn (The Order: 1886)
Supermassive Games (Until Dawn)
Tarsier Studios (Hunger)
Tequila Works (Rime)
Valkyrie Entertainment (Guns Up!)
Wild Sheep (WiLD)
I'm sure there are a few others who have signed deals with Sony but haven't announced anything yet though.
The remaining titles on that list are all retail, and notable titles. So you don't need to look at digital titles or small titles. Jaffe's game was the smallest one in there also.