Do we have any idea if that "final fantasy killer" RPG Verendus mentioned is still happening? Don't get me wrong, I want to believe it is, but that post is over a year and a half old at this point.
Making a AAA JRPG takes like 3-5 years to make. Who knows when they started exactly but you cant expect regular updates on a game that has not even been announced
Sony/Capcom is now out with Street Fighter. The unannounced TPS is done with Jaffe's new game.
This year, you'll likely be able to remove the RPGs from there too since the unannounced three will probably be out in the open, and that includes the two JRPGs I mentioned long ago. Although one of them is pretty much "plans subject to change" so please don't send me a dozen PMs insulting me if you don't see everything. It's great to be passionate, but still weird. Also, you all should stop calling the second one a FF killer. It's just kind of wrong really. How would you feel if I said that about you? And as we know, games and pieces of plastic have feelings.
Most of that list will likely end up trimmed this year to be honest.
That post links to a huge thread so I'm not sure what post you're referencing, but if I mentioned something Power Stone being announced soon, it's to do with the CyberConnect2 exclusive that should have been announced in December for PS3/PS4. It's a cartoon game which most people probably don't even know of, and would probably find underwhelming. I don't actually remember the name either. To be fair, I'm not even sure if it's been announced now.