The Rockstar game's Table Tennis 2 for Morpheus.
I would play that **** in a heartbeat!The Rockstar game's Table Tennis 2 for Morpheus.
Studio: Guerilla Cambridge (previously SCE Cambridge - now sister Studio of Guerilla Games)
History: MediEvil, Killzone Mercenary, Primal, Ghosthunter, LBP PSP, 24: The Game
Playstation 4 Projects
-GG Cambridge is working on an unnancouned Ps4 Project independent from Guerilla Games.
- According to job offers, they are working on a high profile multimillion selling franchise
After delivering with KZ:Mercenary. could they possibly take over the Killzone Franchise?
Cool. One other thing, don't forget that Pixelopus are a first party dev as well. Sure, they're small, but they should still be included on the list.
ok first little update on the list. (also in the op)
It does feel like it. No idea about Beyond, but there's a GOW event in March...perhaps there.
or maybe new resistance ?
or maybe new resistance ?
Is Resistance a high profile multimillion selling franchise? I think it's not.That's what i thought when i saw this Trademark Thread. Either Resistance or Killzone..
Silent hell could be the 3rd horror game
I dunno, probably not. So yeah. It's Killzone.Is Resistance a high profile multimillion selling franchise? I think it's not.
Is Resistance a high profile multimillion selling franchise? I think it's not.
Yeah, but there's also a chance it's going to be Multiplat. Maybe SCEJ is bringing back Siren?
My other guesses:
Warner: No clue. Really no idea.
Sega: Shenmue 3+Remaster Collection, duh.
Activision: CRASH!?
Rockstar: Probably Agent.
I dunno, probably not. So yeah. It's Killzone.which is amazing.
That's Bloodborne.Whatever happened to project beast, or whatever it was called?
I missed this. What the fuck i'm all in for this.Verendus said there will be a superman game, and its not a fighter.
so maybe Warner is working on Superman now after Batman
With how much Yoshida loves JRPGs like FF it will be shocking if they don't put together a mega opus JRPG like Wild Arms or Arc the Lad or Legend of Dragoon this gen.
I'm always down for some God of War, but I wouldn't be opposed to a new setting. Perhaps Valhalla/Asgard.
The biggest hurdle is that the mythology isn't as well known. Could you imagine playing as a Valkyrie and doing some of the brutal stuff Kratos would do lol.
Leaked concept art.
I can't wait to match my post to the 108 Stars of Destiny? It's fate Psycho.
1. New Suikoden game in the works now. This one is very far off though as it's a recent thing as far as I know. I'd think 2016 is the earliest we start hearing stuff about it.
2. Superman is looking to make his triumphant return to video games, in a non-fighting game this time.
3. New Virtua Fighter game to come.
4. Good news for some PC MGS fans, there are plans from the top to bring the HD collection to PC. Not that anyone isn't expecting that, I'm sure.
5. On the back of that, FFXII HD on current gen is basically confirmed at this point. As is one of the older Dragon Quest titles in HD (I've genuinely forgot which number though since it's been a while). In addition to that, there is a spin-off Final Fantasy title planned for consoles. Not big budget. Not FFX or FF7 in case people take it there. Not a traditional RPG either.
6. For you, thou shall bring a Xenosaga HD collection. I'm also looking forward to this as I've never played them. Took a whole lotta tryin' just to get up that hill. Now we're up in the big leagues, gettin' our turn at bat. As long as we live, it's you and me, baby.
7. You will start to hear about digital revivals of some old IPs in the next one to two years. Playstation and otherwise.
8. Another unnamed IP which is coming to Playstation exclusively from Sega should hopefully be announced next year. It's had teething issues which seems to be making it take longer than I thought, as have most other projects on current gen to be fair from the looks of it, but I'm happy to mention it again because it looks like we might finally get an announcement next year. I'm hoping at least. This one's not a fighting game.
9. Third Person IP which is big budget is coming and it's set in the Indian subcontinent. Mentioning this because I feel it's quite notable something big is going this route. I don't think I've ever seen a big title in this kind of setting. I find it very surprising, but also very exciting. Western developed.
10. Japanese new IP which is set in...Japan. Third person action adventure title with monsters and machines. Might have RPG elements, not too sure on that unfortunately. Futurisitic setting. Playstation exclusive.
Now for more something which is what you would say is a tease but actually makes perfect sense:
11. A new game which will be a pretty big deal, I'm sure.
12. An old game, which will be somewhat of a big deal I guess.
We should have news on all of the above over the coming 2 years I'd think. There's one or two "twists" here and there where one may not like what happens, but it's all true. I honestly think this is going to be an amazing generation.
You're somewhat along the right tracks.Gonna update earlier post.
I missed this. What the fuck i'm all in for this.
I want the next Wild Arms to be the Red Dead Redemption of.. JRPGs i guess?
2. Superman is looking to make his triumphant return to video games, in a non-fighting game this time.
I had some second thoughts about doing this, but what the hell? I don't think it will matter if it's like this. Sony has exclusive games coming from the following:
- Sega
- Capcom
- Level-5
- Namco Bandai
- Lockstarter (lol)
- Lazyeye (lol)
- Warner Bros.
- Koei
Some others too but will not say those just yet. This isn't including partnerships which wouldn't really be third party. It's okay though guys, Sony doesn't have any money. Poor people for a reason. Lockstarter? Who has even heard of them? Exactly.
Having said that, the larger focus is on improving their first party teams and taking things from there.
Edit -
Someone in the list who shouldn't be. Removed for now...
Leaked concept art.
Subscribed. Excellent OP.
All I can add is this; I always say Cory Balrog no matter how hard I try.
Dat Ps4 CashWhere got Sony all the money for these exclusive games
Awesome. Can't wait to see whats up with that.
Oh jesus. What the hell is going on in this crazy World of Videogames?Might as quote this as well since its relevant to the thread speculation![]()
Did you play Gr? It's pretty great. Also, Tokyo Jungle was amazing. Very addictive. Since Becker has been there, they've been cranking shit out
You're somewhat along the right tracks.
The Koei game referred to was Dragon Quest Heroes though, not what you've listed there. The Namco Bandai exclusives in the particular post you're pulling from are about PS4 Tales, Gundam (I actually know what this is), and one unannounced title. Most of the titles you've listed, I don't know. Except Godzilla since everyone loves him. The JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven game is also not part of that. I didn't learn of that one until early last year. I also don't think I will have spoke of that at any time except for whatever post The God managed to catch. I only remember it because I used to really like Power Stone, and I remember the crushing feeling of disappointment I felt. Although, the crushing part may be an exaggeration.
The Sega mention is about two projects, and one is in the latter list. That one's out of left field so I don't think anyone will catch it.
Capcom is spot on.
The rest I'm not going to comment on.
so what is insomniac games considered by the way?
they were making games eclusively for the playstation since the ps1 days (i always thought they were 1st party even), then all of a sudden switched to xbox exclusives. whats the deal with them?
so what is insomniac games considered by the way?
they were making games eclusively for the playstation since the ps1 days (i always thought they were 1st party even), then all of a sudden switched to xbox exclusives. whats the deal with them?
FFXII HD... my goodness. Oh wow.
Only other thing I really want to know now is if there really is a Level5 collaboration in the works.
I dunno, probably not. So yeah. It's Killzone.which is amazing.
Leaked concept art.
L5 are going to reveal their PS4 game at E3 so it could very well be the case.