Or maybe people should question why their opinion is always the outlier.
yea, just shut up guys. no need to question anything ever.
Opinions are varied and understandable. Bias is consistent and confounding.or maybe people should understand that opinions are sort of a thing and not get so worked up about this.
She criticized the game for being too difficult when literally nobody else has, including GAF members. Pardon me for questioning the validity of her assessment.Or maybe people should read the actual content of a review to determine if it is relevant to them (if you like hard games, and a person reviewing the game clearly hates them, take their review with a grain of salt, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to review games) rather than just focusing on numbers.
Because that's exactly what I said. If we want to question something, how about the fact that most of the complaining correlates to people with Luigi hat avatars? Oh but you guys are allowed to have bias, my bad. Continue trying to discredit review scores for a game that most of you haven't even played.
She criticized the game for being too difficult when literally nobody else has, including GAF members. Pardon me for questioning the validity of her assessment.
why would you go into a Luigi's Mansion board and question why someone would be interested in Luigi's Mansion
6.5 from Gamespot because the game is supposedly too hard/frustrating.
Okay wow... this is the person who gave a 9.5 to Dark Souls on PC?
Did I?
and Trine 2 on the Wii U a 6.5 despite being exactly the same game the site gave an 8.5
Also if the puzzles were too hard in this game, I'd love to watch her play Sticker Star for the first time to see her rage at some of those puzzles which can only fit into the "no idea how you are supposed to know this the first time you play the game" category.
Did any review mention the game's length yet? A game's length is kinda the deciding factor for a game for me. As long as the game isn't like 6hrs long or something, its good with me. I just want a game that's 8hrs+ that'll have me playing for a while.
EDIT: Nevermind, I saw in the OP and one of the reviews mentioned its 14hrs long. That's really goodWay longer then expected.
Actually: "One key combat sequence is a frustrating challenge, not a rewarding one."Don't mean to derail anything, but I've been playing Sticker Star recently and tbh the puzzles aren't that tricky to figure out without looking it up. The only times I've had trouble are for things that were plainly obvious and me just thinking too hard about what the answer to the puzzle is.
I haven't finished the game yet but I'm at like world 4 so unless the puzzles become substantially more difficult in like world 5 and 6, the hyperbole that surrounds SS' puzzle difficulty is ridiculous lol.
Back to Luigi's Mansion though!
I haven't watched/read that Gamespot review, but... seriously? She docked points because there wasn't a handholding checkpoint system? =\
And the fact that the puzzles actually *gasp* take some thought? God forbid you actually have to look around.
Dont care about reviews still buying it Sunday along with a XL also she (gamespot reviewer) looks like a guy.
She didn't do both reviews. Normally I do think it's bullshit if a site or reviewer gives a lower score to a game simply for coming out later (though value should be taken into account I guess) but in this case they are two completely different opinions.
Caro is transgendered... so... technically she is a guy.
Dont care about reviews still buying it Sunday along with a XL also she (gamespot reviewer) looks like a guy.
There are 2 reviews that are different from the rest.
6.5 from Gamespot because the game is supposedly too hard/frustrating.
I thought the Gamespot reviewer looked familiar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwNV5eQFi84
Carolyn Petit: "This is Choplifter HD. I've been talking about it in the office; the best we could figure out as to what 'HD' stands for is 'Helicopter Dudes.' Choplifter: Helicopter Dudes; but don't quote me on that cuz it's not official." "It's not high definition?" "Oooh, is that a thing?"
And the fact that the puzzles actually *gasp* take some thought? God forbid you actually have to look around.
Pretty sure they weren't being serious.
Who cares if Gamespot gave a lower than average review? Are you concerned about the Metacritic score of a game you haven't played yet? Do you own Nintendo stock or something? This is coming from a die-hard Nintendo fan BTW.
Dont care about reviews still buying it Sunday along with a XL also she (gamespot reviewer) looks like a guy.
god dammit noffles, lol
it's a review discussion thread. what do you want people to talk about other than reviews? people would obviously comment on the outliers, it always happens...
Pretty sure they weren't being serious.
Who cares if Gamespot gave a lower than average review? Are you concerned about the Metacritic score of a game you haven't played yet? Do you own Nintendo stock or something? This is coming from a die-hard Nintendo fan BTW.
IGN said:and though I sometimes wished that it would leave me alone to explore more at my own pace,
Fair enough, that makes sense. I've just always been frustrated by that sort of thing. I guess it's to be expected in a review thread!
This concerns me a bit. I was looking forward to the game because I thought it was going to turn me loose in a big haunted house to explore and solve puzzles in. I haven't played the original but that's the vibe I got from it. If it's a more hand-holdy game I'm not sure how much I like that.
Damn lol. Sounds like she sucked at the game and that frustration poured into the review.
This concerns me a bit. I was looking forward to the game because I thought it was going to turn me loose in a big haunted house to explore and solve puzzles in. I haven't played the original but that's the vibe I got from it. If it's a more hand-holdy game I'm not sure how much I like that.
Dont care about reviews still buying it Sunday along with a XL also she (gamespot reviewer) looks like a guy.
Are you for real?I thought the Gamespot reviewer looked familiar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwNV5eQFi84
Carolyn Petit: "This is Choplifter HD. I've been talking about it in the office; the best we could figure out as to what 'HD' stands for is 'Helicopter Dudes.' Choplifter: Helicopter Dudes; but don't quote me on that cuz it's not official." "It's not high definition?" "Oooh, is that a thing?"
search by the oldest comments. looks like Carolyn's saying everyone's wrong but her.
"I understand your reaction. The Metacritic score IS super-inflated for this game."
If you score below the metacritic average, wouldn't that be the natural assumption.search by the oldest comments. looks like Carolyn's saying everyone's wrong but her.
"I understand your reaction. The Metacritic score IS super-inflated for this game."
It definitely is a pooping game. Just check the GameSpot review score. ;-)Generally positive reviews. Should be a fun day when the game comes out, and like Kid Icarus, I probably will have a new pooping game, which is always great.
search by the oldest comments. looks like Carolyn's saying everyone's wrong but her.
"I understand your reaction. The Metacritic score IS super-inflated for this game."
Bryce: For Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, we'd been told to always keep beginners in mind as we made it. In the end, I think it turned out so both skilled gamers—of course—and beginners can enjoy it.
If you score below the metacritic average, wouldn't that be the natural assumption.
there's a picture