Right - but last year they had CoD revenue from game sales on Xbox and PC - a huge game as you say. This year they lost a lot of that sales revenue but are still marginally up overall meaning subs more than compensated from losing a huge chunk of PC and Xbox CoD sales.
I think you might be making the same mistake I made a moment ago; i.e conflating the content & services number with "just" Game Pass. They have WOW subs, ESO subs, Bethesda Softworks subs, whatever paid stuff is there for Battle.NET (don't think there's any, but not sure), and IIRC Fallout '76 has an optional paid subscription?
WOW's been gradually growing over the year, thanks to WOW Classic. ESO is probably at least steady, same with those other ones. Only Game Pass saw a giant price spike middle of last year so it's the only one out of those with reason for suspected major subscriber drop-off.
Which is what I feel happened, and COD going to Game Pass Day 1 (but only for the higher-tier subs) wasn't enough to offset the churn & drop-off. Hence the meager 2% growth.
See my posts above, but this figure tells us nothing about user numbers. Content and services contains way more than Gamepass.
Yeah, I saw that post and noted that was true. So I had to reconsider my initial post and look at the context of non-GP subs too.
Still though, my main point was GP subs in particular probably took a hard hit, and there's good enough circumstantial evidence to support it.
Also what do you mean by "margin of error" in this context?
It's margin-of-error in that it's within 1-3%, and an amount that can easily go away next quarter due to churn alone. 2% doesn't afford a comfortable cushion in case there's a drop later on, though in context to MS I'll admit that would take several things having notable declines, not just Game Pass.
It's just not services though. Its also first party software, third party software, DLC, MTX etc. etc. Sub
So it could be something like Gamepass is up 17% but third party software sales are down 25%.
Likewise if people got COD through Gamepass instead of buying it, or bought on PS5 instead of Xbox, then first part software revenue could also be down.
I strongly doubt Game Pass was up 17% , but since you mention DLC & MTX, I can see MTX for COD in particular being high. IIRC, they even alluded to that a bit after COD's release last year. I can also buy 3P software sales being down because in general, that's been trending downward anyway. Plus we already know COD sold most on non-Xbox platforms, and aside from COD MS had no major new releases last year sales-wise.
Something else tho, this is kind of an aside, but the way MS presents their data is just very annoying and messy. It's so intentionally obfuscated and confusing unless you've been tracking the data since years and years back, or even since they last gave hard numbers. Which to a degree is why I respect
's info even if I feel they were overestimating Xbox's sales many times in the past.
I much prefer how SIE, Sony Corp, and Nintendo provide their results. Just feels more organized, more transparent, less cross-wired.