Monster Hunter Wilds | OT | There goes 2000 hours of your life!

How many hours are you investing in Monster Hunter Wilds

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I’m HR161 and I think I’ve basically exhausted the games content , including artian weapons.

It’s a lot of Ark and Gore, over and over.

And people complained that World was just fighting tempered Elders, at least there were more then 2 relevant hunts to do. SMH.

I was working on finishing my guild card, but I don’t know if I will even bother.

Right now I’m waiting for Rise to go on sale again on PSN. I have the base game on switch, but the switch version is absolute garbage, and when the PC version dropped I picked that and sunbreak up and made started over on steam. But I really don’t like playing on my laptop with the shitty Xbox controller, so because i still have a MH itch, I will triple dip and play rise again on PS5 lol. And I’ll play that in between title updates for Wilds.

It’s too bad, I figured after the breakout success of World that Capcom would throw everything and the kitchen sink at Wilds, bring back most of the old roster and just add to it, but no. Instead they wanted to reinvent the wheel.
Asset re-use was one of the reasons the older games were able to achieve such high monster counts. I think people would have been more than happy with Wilds if it was World 2 (more or less) and looked more or less the same but had double the starting roster. Could you imagine 60 monsters? What a huge missed opportunity.
Why don't you just connect your Dualsense to your laptop? That's how I play the PC version of Wilds, Dualsense connected using a USB cable. Random note: This game actually does support the Dualsense haptic triggers on PC. However since I play Weebsword the only thing I get out of it is the 2-stage map zoom in/out. I'm assuming if I played one of the ranged weapons, I would get more trigger effects

I was trying to farm a Jin Dahaad Icegem today and the fucker just wouldn't give me one I'm getting tired of his fat ass TBH. I discovered that if you're inside his hitbox when he decides to walk away and climb up something, he can insta-cart you because you're trapped in his hitbox and his walking does damage so you just die thanks Capcpom

I need a Rey Dau Boltgem too, that's also an annoying one sigh
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The game is way to easy, you dont have to have a build, you dont have to factor in a monsters weakness, nothing to explore, no need to do anything extra at all. Just jump in and farm ark over and over. im playing way less now, maybe 1 hour each other day or so. 80 hours total HR 148 or some useless shit, nothing to do. So dissapointed that they had to make this game casual and for everyone, there is never a need for that anywhere.

And just to point one thing out, im not good at MH games, i just want the "hardcore" and the grind. The grind also has to mean something.
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Gold Member
The game is way to easy, you dont have to have a build, you dont have to factor in a monsters weakness, nothing to explore, no need to do anything extra at all. Just jump in and farm ark over and over. im playing way less now, maybe 1 hour each other day or so. 80 hours total HR 148 or some useless shit, nothing to do. So dissapointed that they had to make this game casual and for everyone, there is never a need for that anywhere.
Yup. I’ve done everything worth a damn in maybe 1/4 of the time of the last few entries in the series. Easily the worst MH in recent memory.
So dissapointed that they had to make this game casual and for everyone, there is never a need for that anywhere.
You would prefer that nobody plays it and the franchise dies? Making a game for everyone means everyone will play it so the franchise will get new entries

It wasn't that long ago that you basically needed to speak Japanese to even play it

Dr. Suchong

Finally getting some free time to play this, I'm around level 21/2(?)
and I'm concerned about the lack of content thus far.
World is still my favourite, hell, even Rise/Sunbreak is a much richer experience imo.
I am still really enjoying myself, approaching endgame, but it’s clear the game was unfinished and rushed out the door. Hopefully the exclusions will be corrected in the next couple of TUs and difficulty will come back in the MR expansion.


After going back to World this past weekend, I now think that perhaps this is exactly how older MH fans felt when World released.
The game got TOO streamlined, TOO accessible.
I am having way more fun roaming around the map and tracking monsters in World, then hopping from an object to objective in Wilds.

I even ordered a copy of MHGU, because I still have an itch for more MH, but Wilds is not doing it for me.

I'll certainly get back once the xpac drops, but I cannot see myself grinding the game in its current state.


You would prefer that nobody plays it and the franchise dies? Making a game for everyone means everyone will play it so the franchise will get new entries

It wasn't that long ago that you basically needed to speak Japanese to even play it
Tbh the way they made Wilds is exactly why I bought it, because I would've ignored it if it was designed like World.

World at the time already felt archaic in design, with a very limited sense of exploration and it was just a string of boss rush missions. Even the 'hunting' part was just needless padding to check a box.

I think the record sales and the completion rate for the story (~70% on PS5 iirc going by trophies) shows that they probably hit a sweet spot.

Complaints like challenges and variety can easily be addressed through post-launch support.

The core of the game as it is seems very solid, imo.


Gold Member

Starting a new character, which weapon fits her better ?
Heavy dickgun.

Lokaum D+

Why don't you just connect your Dualsense to your laptop? That's how I play the PC version of Wilds, Dualsense connected using a USB cable. Random note: This game actually does support the Dualsense haptic triggers on PC. However since I play Weebsword the only thing I get out of it is the 2-stage map zoom in/out. I'm assuming if I played one of the ranged weapons, I would get more trigger effects

I was trying to farm a Jin Dahaad Icegem today and the fucker just wouldn't give me one I'm getting tired of his fat ass TBH. I discovered that if you're inside his hitbox when he decides to walk away and climb up something, he can insta-cart you because you're trapped in his hitbox and his walking does damage so you just die thanks Capcpom

I need a Rey Dau Boltgem too, that's also an annoying one sigh
Just do SOS investigations and look for the reward, you ll find one that ll 100% reward a gem, there is absolutily no need to be grinding this on Wilds.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
You would prefer that nobody plays it and the franchise dies? Making a game for everyone means everyone will play it so the franchise will get new entries

It wasn't that long ago that you basically needed to speak Japanese to even play it
MH is Capcom's Pokemon. It'll never die. "Wasn't that long ago" is a bunch of nonsense. The first one released in 2004 and many in my experience started with either Freedom Unite in 2008 or Tri in 2009. It's 2025 now.

World was an interesting direction however they doubled down on streamlining in Wilds.

The fact you can clear the game with no build is crazy. Wilds feels like a mobile game right down to LOG IN REWARDS.

If you go back to World or Rise it may as well be a different game.

Lokaum D+

MH is Capcom's Pokemon. It'll never die. "Wasn't that long ago" is a bunch of nonsense. The first one released in 2004 and many in my experience started with either Freedom Unite in 2008 or Tri in 2009. It's 2025 now.

World was an interesting direction however they doubled down on streamlining in Wilds.

The fact you can clear the game with no build is crazy. Wilds feels like a mobile game right down to LOG IN REWARDS.

If you go back to World or Rise it may as well be a different game.
This, imo World has hit the sweet spot in term of difficult and exploration, Capcom almost erased both in Wilds, no need for builds, no need for thinking, just select your Hunt, get on your Seikret, runs on a straight line to the Monsters and repeat, even the sense of exploration is gone, the large Monsters field book in completed just after one hunt, in Worlds you have the feeling of studying them since you aways have to report to the research team to level up your Monsters knowledge, all sense of discovery is gone imo.
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Gold Member
I've gotten kind of addicted to playing around with different hero designs, which is a shame as Capcom has put this behind a paywall. Anyways, are there any good sources for character codes besides the usual Reddit and gaming site recommendations? I can only find two or three dozen codes across all these sites, but I need more!
Just do SOS investigations and look for the reward, you ll find one that ll 100% reward a gem, there is absolutily no need to be grinding this on Wilds.
Damn lol thanks for this tip, I was doing it wrong the whole time

The SOS investigations with guaranteed gems fill up instantly lol, gotta click fast. I guess everyone else has been doing this method wew

Lokaum D+

Damn lol thanks for this tip, I was doing it wrong the whole time

The SOS investigations with guaranteed gems fill up instantly lol, gotta click fast. I guess everyone else has been doing this method wew
Yeah, no need for grinding in Wilds, here everything is streamlined for a "better" experience :messenger_winking:

I have at least 15 gem of Arkveld and Gore doing this, gone are the days that i had to be bless by the rng gods to get a gem drop.

Also, you can rest to reset Monsters in the maps, aways look for the ones that have gem and save them as investigations, If there is no gem Monsters, rest again and take another look, any investigation you save is at least 3 gem guaranteed, 4 If you do the field survey after saving the Quest.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Yeah, no need for grinding in Wilds, here everything is streamlined for a "better" experience :messenger_winking:
Remember when you had to capture a monster, cut tail or suffer for that 3% drop rate...instead of a 30% drop rate and or just playing a quest that'll just give it to you as a quest reward...having nothing to do with the hunt in any shape or form?

Lokaum D+

Remember when you had to capture a monster, cut tail or suffer for that 3% drop rate...instead of a 30% drop rate and or just playing a quest that'll just give it to you as a quest reward...having nothing to do with the hunt in any shape or form?
i have more than 600 hours in World, i farmed Teostra i dont know how many times, my best time is 3 minutes with a HBG, never got a attack jewel 4


Sad Anthony Anderson GIF

Edit: i was confuse when i first killed a Rathian in Wilds using a HH and got 3 tails rewards XD
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
i was confuse when i first killed a Rathian in Wilds using a HH and got 3 tails rewards XD
Sad day that hunting for this stuff is so trivial and upgrading gear is more for fashion then for effectiveness.

Artian Weapons also feels like farming MMO raids for a good part drop so you can make a weapon that is only slightly better then a monster part weapon you can craft in a fraction of the time. It's so whatever.

Edit: It's kinda like the endgame(lol) in DD2 where the best gear you just buy at vendor. Upgrade everything in Dwarven and you are done. Very boring.
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Lokaum D+

Sad day that hunting for this stuff is so trivial and upgrading gear is more for fashion then for effectiveness.

Artian Weapons also feels like farming MMO raids for a good part drop so you can make a weapon that is only slightly better then a monster part weapon you can craft in a fraction of the time. It's so whatever.
even Artian Weapon grind is almost non-existent since the amount of loot you get in this game is way to high and tbh Artian weapon alone without the reinforcement are already too OP, there is 0 reason to go after a perfect stat other then pure minmax, there is no Monster that requires that kind of DPS check.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
even Artian Weapon grind is almost non-existent since the amount of loot you get in this game is way to high and tbh Artian weapon alone without the reinforcement are already too OP, there is 0 reason to go after a perfect stat other then pure minmax, there is no Monster that requires that kind of DPS check.
Sad part is when they release new updates or release the DLC the Artian Weapons are already obsolete by newly added weapons.

Lokaum D+

This is the difference about World grind and Wilds "grind"

World: you go almost blind, as a grind should be, pop a voucher, pray for RNGesus and start the quest

Wilds: you already know everything you are gonna get, 5 Artian pieces rarity 8 and one gem, you can do this quest 4 times, so is 20 weapons pieces rarity 8 ant 4 arkveld gem, this isn't grinding.
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Why don't you just connect your Dualsense to your laptop? That's how I play the PC version of Wilds, Dualsense connected using a USB cable. Random note: This game actually does support the Dualsense haptic triggers on PC. However since I play Weebsword the only thing I get out of it is the 2-stage map zoom in/out. I'm assuming if I played one of the ranged weapons, I would get more trigger effects

I was trying to farm a Jin Dahaad Icegem today and the fucker just wouldn't give me one I'm getting tired of his fat ass TBH. I discovered that if you're inside his hitbox when he decides to walk away and climb up something, he can insta-cart you because you're trapped in his hitbox and his walking does damage so you just die thanks Capcpom

I need a Rey Dau Boltgem too, that's also an annoying one sigh

I’ve had issues over the years with steam input, Bluetooth connections being unstable, and I also don’t like playing on a 17 inch screen lol. I’ve tried using hdmi to a tv but there’s this ever so slight input delay and it drives me crazy.
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I know everyone's saying the game is easy, and I'm sure it is compared to World/Rise (I haven't played since 3U), but I just had my first wipe on Jin Dahaad from that damn 1 shot nova thrice. Guess I gotta hide behind shards pulled down from the ceiling?

Game has felt easy at times to me though. The wound system is a little overpowered for dishing out damage easily.
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I know everyone's saying the game is easy, and I'm sure it is compared to World/Rise (I haven't played since 3U), but I just had my first wipe on Jin Dahaad from that damn 1 shot nova thrice. Guess I gotta hide behind shards pulled down from the ceiling?

Game has felt easy at times to me though. The wound system is a little overpowered for dishing out damage easily.
My first cart in the game was to Jin, then I realized what you’re supposed to do and never died again lol, absolutely gigantic windup on that move so you have plenty of time to pull a rock down.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
My first cart in the game was to Jin, then I realized what you’re supposed to do and never died again lol, absolutely gigantic windup on that move so you have plenty of time to pull a rock down.
20 seconds to make the Tank check. It's either hide behind rock. High Ice Resist paired with Guard and Constitution and Divine Blessing. Or small barrel bomb get knocked down and abuse iFrames.

Ice Nova is Jin's only trick to worry about. I don't even think he has a DEF DOWN attack to use on you.
I think Gore is really the only one that makes you consider wanting to keep moving.
Gore is hands down the best fight in the game rn.

Better than Arkveld, imo. Much more agile and aggressive too.

This isn’t directed at you specifically but I hear a lot of people saying this, that Gore is the best hunt in the game.

And while I do agree that he looks cool, I think hunting him is a nightmare sometimes, not because he’s hard, but because it so damn hard to see anything that’s going on. His wings covering his body constantly get in the way and block the view of anything thats happening.

I’m surprised more people aren’t complaining about it. Does it make him harder? Sure, but it’s not the kind of hard anyone really wants to deal with.

Lokaum D+

This isn’t directed at you specifically but I hear a lot of people saying this, that Gore is the best hunt in the game.

And while I do agree that he looks cool, I think hunting him is a nightmare sometimes, not because he’s hard, but because it so damn hard to see anything that’s going on. His wings covering his body constantly get in the way and block the view of anything thats happening.

I’m surprised more people aren’t complaining about it. Does it make him harder? Sure, but it’s not the kind of hard anyone really wants to deal with.
50% of the difficult of gore is fighting him at the tiny corridors of Iceshards Cliffs, the ppl that approved this fight should receive a award.
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The nicest person on this forum
I personally didn't have much issue with Gore fight in Iceshards Cliffs, it very fun fight but his 5 red star tempered version hits hard.
This isn’t directed at you specifically but I hear a lot of people saying this, that Gore is the best hunt in the game.

And while I do agree that he looks cool, I think hunting him is a nightmare sometimes, not because he’s hard, but because it so damn hard to see anything that’s going on. His wings covering his body constantly get in the way and block the view of anything thats happening.

I’m surprised more people aren’t complaining about it. Does it make him harder? Sure, but it’s not the kind of hard anyone really wants to deal with.

The locale and areas we fight him are also not good. Come to think of it, none of the locale and areas are as good as they were in World.
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I’ve had issues over the years with steam input, Bluetooth connections being unstable, and I also don’t like playing on a 17 inch screen lol. I’ve tried using hdmi to a tv but there’s this ever so slight input delay and it drives me crazy.
Most games these days have native controller support like Wilds so Steam Input isn't used, you need to connect the Dualsense to the PC using a USB cable for Wilds, and you should enable Game Mode on your TV

I've been a comfy couch PC gamer for many years now and I've seen all the stuff you're talking about haha


Gold Member
This isn’t directed at you specifically but I hear a lot of people saying this, that Gore is the best hunt in the game.

And while I do agree that he looks cool, I think hunting him is a nightmare sometimes, not because he’s hard, but because it so damn hard to see anything that’s going on. His wings covering his body constantly get in the way and block the view of anything thats happening.

I’m surprised more people aren’t complaining about it. Does it make him harder? Sure, but it’s not the kind of hard anyone really wants to deal with.
Yeah, arkveld is easy and gore is just confusing.
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LMAO you can see how laggy your session is which is probably what caused it.

Greatsword player was teleporting.
On his end he got this one that previously happened to me while playing solo.

So on my end, do to lag, he was stuck in the arena instead so I could still damage him while he could only watch. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Gold Member
Man. I pissed off this guy on the Penny Arcade forums because I said the Freedom games are upgraded versions of Monster Hunter 1 an 2.

Heh heh. Nerd.
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I'm starting to appreciate Jin's traversal bug. It's not a good thing, but it's fucking hilarious.

He's buggy as shit, I've reached the point where I've decided continuing to hit him when my Palico yells he's looking weak is the wrong decision, just put the shock trap down and capture him ASAP

Otherwise he'll do some retarded shit and insta-cart you in his weak phase

Boss Man

When I eat a 60 min meal and start getting hungry 20-30 mins in, do I just eat steak or a ration for the missing stamina? That doesn’t reset my meal benefits?
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