I don't think the market has changed at all. The Xbone is just selling for a price now that's so low that even many people who would rather have a PS4 are going to find it hard to pass up.The market is changing and it appears a lot of 360 owners and parents waited until they got the price drop to officially upgrade their systems. Working in retail, it's been a pulpable change in the market the last month or so since the price drop started. I clearly expect MS to win Nov. and will be nausiated by their PR reeases, but congrats to MS on making the changes needed to be competitive in the marketplace. They definately have the better value proposition right now in the marketplace.
Some anecdotal sales info from BF:
I had someone return one of the BF Halo bundles so I could finally check the sales numbers from BF and it appears that the PS4 with standard ($50GC) and GTA bundle sold more during the BF week than the Halo and AC bundles did. We received a large shipment of the GTA bundles, and limited of the Halo bundles, so that would account for it.